The reporter's sister collapsed, looking at this strange answering session for joining the society, this person was messy.

What's the problem?,How do I know who's called Chelsea?,Does it have anything to do with me which anime she's from?!

There is also the tea time band after school, there are a few people, how did I not know that there was a band with this name?

Who do I mean by Gong Shi? Whoever you love is whoever you love, if you like self-harm, go to self-harm, ask me here what do you mean~

The reporter's sister was so confused by a bunch of questions that her head was about to explode, she has used so many websites, and she has never seen any one like this A society platform, so weird!

"233~ What do you guess the reporter is doing?"

"This Nima still needs to guess.,The mobile phone must be searching for 'newgame'.,If you find it, you will go to A company.,And then start the answering session that makes Meng Xin unwantable~"

"Nima, upstairs, are you a human or a ghost?!"

"Looking at the young lady's tangled expression, she looks bitter and hateful, like herself who answered questions in the past, this is definitely an entrance exam, and she didn't run!"

"You said that we should tell the other party the correct answer, or the other party will really collapse!"

The fans in the interview live broadcast room are all a little gloating, and they have a deep understanding of the entrance exam of Company A, after all, every user who registers an account of Company A must experience such a time.

No one can change this~

For those of them who have been mixed with the two-dimensional for a long time, those questions may not be difficult, but for people like Miss Reporter, who have never been in contact with it, it is a test at the level of the heavenly book.

The reporter's sister looked at her mobile phone and wanted to cry without tears, what the hell is this operation~

But fortunately, she didn't completely lose her mind, and went directly to search for the answers to these questions.

After half an hour, I finally became a glorious member of the A Society...

Ordinary users!

Full of excitement, the reporter's sister found the popular "newgame" on the website and clicked on it.

Although she is also curious about this other anime works, as a journalist, she feels that she must have a professional ethics and complete the work first.

When the reporter's sister finally found the "newgame" she wanted after a lot of hard work, she was so excited that she almost jumped up.

With an inexplicable sense of achievement, the reporter's young lady stretched out her finger and clicked play tremblingly.

"I'm sorry, this work is a member-only work, and you are not a member user at this time."

Puff cough cough~!

When the reporter's sister saw this, she was directly choked by her own saliva, and reached out and kept patting her chest.

"Poofhaha~ I knew it would be this result!"

"You thought you were done with the questions, sorry you still need a member!"

"233~ Do you guess if the young lady will want to kill that Pipi shrimp now!"

"Alas~ The old man also came here like this, and he finished answering the question with great effort, I thought I could enjoy the anime, but I found out that I still need a member!"

"The look on the face of the reporter's little sister who was spoiled is so interesting!"

A group of unscrupulous two-dimensional fans in the live broadcast room guessed this ending when they saw the reporter's sister searching for answers with her mobile phone.

One by one, they patiently lurked in the live broadcast room, waiting for this dramatic scene to come.

Sure enough, the reporter's sister did not disappoint them, and her loveless appearance simply poked their laughter all day.

"I... For the sake of the interview, I endure! "

The reporter's hand holding the mobile phone was trembling slightly, and if it weren't for work, she swore that she would never enter this site for the second time.

Not only will it not enter, but it will never be used again in this life!

Even, she will go to major platforms to give this website a big bad review!

This is simply too bullying~

The reporter's sister gritted her teeth and opened a membership, and the membership fee of more than a dozen yuan was her only comfort today.

Compared with other websites, this membership fee is already very low, and it is just a simple meal in the magic capital.

After purchasing a membership, Miss Reporter can finally watch "Newgame".

Click play!

The reporter's sister stared at her screen, for fear that this website was playing some tricks.

But fortunately, after she bought the membership, everything went very smoothly.

The reporter's sister stood on the side and watched the anime intently, while the audience in the live broadcast room watched the young lady watching the anime through the live camera.

One minute, two minutes... Ten minutes have passed, and the reporter's young lady is still bowing her head, and the expression on her face has changed from gritting her teeth at the beginning to being intoxicated and serious.

"I said, I'm here to see you investigate things, not to watch you to watch anime!"

"The law strictly prohibits matryoshka dolls, please stop matryoshka behavior!"

"It's not like I'm attracted to anime and forget what I'm going to interview~"

"Can't it, is anime so tempting?"

"I don't know if it's so tempting, anyway, I won't do anything else in the middle of watching anime by myself!"

"Then what if you drink too much water and are in a hurry?"

"Hold it, can a living person still be suffocated to death?!"

Seeing that there was no one next to the reporter's sister, watching the anime on the street, many fans hidden in the live broadcast room were happy.

Isn't this a true portrayal of when they first watched the anime?

The only difference is that they laugh with their aunt the whole time they watch anime, and they will be scared when the mobile phone screen goes black.

The reporter's sister is more reserved, although she also has a smile, but she is far less perverted.

After a long time, the companion in charge of carrying the camera was a little impatient, and finally couldn't help but step forward to remind the other party.

It's nice to be alone with your phone, but can you consider my feelings?

This camera is heavy, okay!

In order to ensure that the live broadcast camera does not shake, his shoulders have long been a little stiff and sore.

got a reminder from the photographer, and the reporter's sister suddenly reacted, and apologized to the live broadcast room quite embarrassed.

She herself is also a little feverish, and she said before that she would never use this website in her life, but now that she thinks about it...

Sure enough, no one can escape the law of true fragrance!

No, hurry up and finish work, and then go back and take a good look at this "newgame", and by the way, look at other works.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "136...00", thank you big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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