The reporter's interview ended hastily, after all, after watching "newgame", the reporter's sister already has an accurate understanding of this bizarre resignation.

Sure enough, the next day, a report on "The Truth of the Resignation Incident Turned Out to Be Because of It" was widely disseminated.

When many people saw this report, when they knew that this outrageous entry, hasty resignation and other things, the real murderer behind it turned out to be an anime, and they were directly dumbfounded.

What kind of anime can cause such a big event? This energy is too much~!

"The influence of anime is too terrifying~"

"What does this make me say? Fang Da Niu's approval is over! "

"I don't know if it's not fried, but I don't know that there are so many invisible otaku bosses when it is fried~"

"This dramatic scene makes me unable to complain, just let the big guys be happy!"

"Do you say that those business owners who have been resigned, will they want to kill Fang Da to vent their anger!"

For this report, fans spontaneously got together to discuss, although everyone knew that there would always be a day when the truth would be revealed, and they were also prepared.

But when that day really came, they found that they still couldn't help but be shocked.

And behind this report, there is another controversial topic, that is, are otaku equal to local tyrants?

Through the reporter's investigation, it was found that many of the participants in this resignation turmoil have very solid family backgrounds, and they can bear the loss of resignation in the nature of this playfulness.

Therefore, many people on the Internet suddenly remembered the previous report about Qin Miaomiao's multimillion-dollar collection.

All of a sudden, the group of otaku has attracted a lot of attention, and some say that the otaku people are local tyrants, otherwise how can they not work?

It is also said that among the otaku family, there are not no local tyrants, but they are definitely a minority.

After all, rich people are only a minority after all, and most of them are just ordinary families and office workers.

A lot of fans who are not very rich, can you say that people don't like two-dimensional?

As a result, under the endless arguments between the two sides, the otaku clan was divided into 'house' and 'half-house'.

House, this is a real family of houses, and it is also the local tyrants that everyone speculates, after all, every day is just a simple house, and they don't go to work, and it is impossible to do this if you don't have a family background.

And the half-house family is even easier to understand, talking about most of the fans of the current two-dimensional circle.

These people like anime and otaku culture, but due to their own economic conditions, they can't stop working like the former.

The half-house family is similar to the existence of part-time work and study in the student group, and they like the house culture while working.

And the true portrayal of most of the fans in the two-dimensional circle at this time, the pure house is just a tiny minority.

For the initiator of this incident, Company A, although many companies are a little aggrieved, they can only break their teeth and swallow in their stomachs.

First of all, the A company simply launched an animation work "newgaame", although it has workplace factors, but the law does not say that you can't bring workplace elements~

Secondly, this incident is completely a spontaneous move by those local tyrants who were tempted by anime to experience life, in other words, even without "newgame", with the material conditions of others, it is impossible for them to give you a lifetime of work.

Finally, and most importantly, in the face of the huge volume of Company A, although many companies are aggrieved, they do not have the courage and courage to fight hard.

Look at the animation carnival held by others before, and look at the large land of Zhuyuan enjoyed by a company, what do you do to fight with others?

Take 10,000 steps back, those two-dimensional construction projects built by others are especially higher than the total assets of your company.

In the face of the giant A company, these companies can only stop it, and it is reasonable that they can't blame the A company.

As the resignation turmoil subsided, the popularity of these companies slowly decreased, and it was quickly suppressed.

As if for the sake of repeated bombing, Fang Zheng announced his latest plan in the gap between the end of this incident.

"Dear fans, you said that I lied to you before, lied to you to work, and lied to you to be social animals, because there is no "newgame"-style company in reality, so I'm not convinced, I'm completely for your good~"

As soon as Founder's Weibo news was released, it instantly attracted a large group of fans to watch.

You must know that although there has been a lot of uproar about the resignation time recently, the culprit of Founder has been very quiet, whether it is personal Weibo or official news, there is no action, no news at all.

Although these fans had a good time eating melons before, but... Sure enough, the days without the company of A are still a little boring~

Especially now that it's still summer vacation, fans are almost bored to square dance with their aunts and uncles.

So as soon as the Founder Weibo news was released, the fans who received the push quickly gathered to see if there was any good news about Fangzheng.

For example, bring your latest work or something?

After all, according to Founder's high-yield speed, calculating the time, it's almost time to launch the latest work~

However, after watching Founder's dynamics, fans exploded directly on the spot.

"You're a bad old man, you're bad!"

"The old man is a social animal, why doesn't the old man feel anything good?!"

"You still have the face to say, after watching "Newgame", every time I work, it's like eating a lemon, don't want it if it's sour!"

"I didn't feel anything before, but since I came into contact with Newgame, I can no longer feel the passion for work!"

"Why show me this! Why don't I have so many cute girls in my company!! "

Many fans complained below, they don't know whether Founder is good for them or not, but they only know that since watching "Newgame", they have always thought about quitting their jobs while working.

Even though they knew that the company where Cool Breeze Aoba was located was impossible in reality, they still couldn't help but have such thoughts.

All of this stems from this Pipi Shrimp, if it weren't for the sinful woman he created Cool Breeze Aoba, they wouldn't feel how unsatisfactory their work is!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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