"Hello Xiaolin, is it convenient for me to come in and disturb?"

Thor looked at Kobayashi, who was standing dumbfounded at the door, and didn't notice anything unusual, but began to introduce himself, and the intention of taking the liberty of interrupting.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're a dragon, the strongest creature on the surface, don't you want to be so polite~"

"Look at Xiaolin, after thinking about it for a long time, I summarized a dream word, it's so real!"

"This dragon maid, I love it~!"

"Convenient! I'm handy! Please come to my house! "

Looking at this cute dragon maid, the audience was boiling, what kind of special women's clothing boss, this doesn't exist at all, okay?

Fang Dada still understands them, knows what they like, this is simply the scene that fans dream of.

"You said we met yesterday, and I said you could stay at my house?"

Dumping Thor into the room, Kobayashi still had some suspicions that he was dreaming.

"That's... Did I say that to Miss To? "

Xiao Lin couldn't remember what happened yesterday anymore, and she seriously doubted that she had said such a thing.

After all, anyone who sees a giant dragon can't talk to the other party no matter how it looks, but just turn around and run away, so Xiao Lin seriously doubts whether he said such a thing.


893 With Thor's hesitant answer, and the other party's big eyes full of expectation and enthusiasm, Xiao Lin was a little unsure.

"It's strange, if it's a dream, why hasn't this dream woken up?"

"Isn't it a dream?"

"No, no, how can there be a dragon in a normal way..."

Xiao Lin looked at Thor, who was sitting in a chair obediently across from him, and began to make up for himself.

"That's... Where have we met? "

Although he didn't know what was going on, Kobayashi decided to ask before making plans.

"On the mountain! We've seen it in the mountains! "

Hearing Thor's words, Xiao Lin suddenly remembered what stupid thing he had done yesterday.

He remembered that he had drunk, and then he ran drunk all the way to the mountains for some reason, and then...

Xiao Lin suddenly remembered that he had really seen a dragon yesterday night, and not only did he see it, but he also helped the other party draw a sword, and then he had a good time with the other party.

"Do you want to come to my house?"

I really said this by myself!!

Xiao Lin remembered, remembered everything, and indeed invited the other party to her house." I remember these heart-warming words! ".

Thor's words, Xiao Lin was stupid, and sure enough, she drank and made a mistake, she was actually drunk and talked to a dragon.

The most important thing is that the other party comes to their own home.

"Hahaha, fake wine is a lot of harm~"

"If you have a peanut, you won't get drunk like that~"

"Fake wine, huh? Mountain, right? I understand, I'll go and prepare! "

"So... How many drinks did you two drink in the middle of the day? "

"That's... My family is still big, the bed is very soft, and the family has a winery, why don't you come to my house and try it? "

understood the whole process of Kobayashi and Thor's encounter, and the fans laughed one by one.

This is especially the legendary fake wine that harms people, and it is also harmful, so in order not to hurt others, please let me do it for you!

"Then I'm a programmer ape, please give me a dragon too!"

"Ding, I'm sorry, you haven't completed the task of drinking fake wine up the mountain, and the reward can't be distributed."

"Hello housekeeping? I would like to inquire if you have a one-stop service? "

"Is industrial alcohol a fake? If so, I'll take it to the mountains to find the dragon! "

"The brothers who want to take the wine to the deep mountains and old forests wake up, before you have to think about whether you have the strength to pull out that sword~"

The fans are sour, this time it's really, completely sour.

Watching Xiao Lin drink a wine and pick up a dragon to come back, what kind of European emperor is this~

Thor looked at Kobayashi, his face full of longing and enthusiasm for the future, and said expectantly.

"Without further ado, please let me be your maid from today onwards and work for you!"

Fans are too lazy to complain about why they have to be a maid, looking at Thor's energetic appearance, they have no time to care about anything other than acid.

"It's not going to work... No, if you're a dragon or not, I have no intention of hiring someone..."

Xiao Lin was a little afraid to look at the cheerful and lively Thor, after all, although she invited the other party to her house in a drunken state before, but no matter what, she broke her promise first.

"Huh?" Hearing Kobayashi's words, Thor's face immediately changed, obviously frightened by the other party's words.

"I don't need to be paid!"

"Not the problem..."

"I'm going to be able to come in handy! I can turn this piece into a sea of fire, and I will curse and kill it~"

"No! Don't! "

Xiao Lin was obviously frightened by Thor's words, and it was terrifying when he heard that he was cursed or killed, okay~

"Why are you talking nonsense about being a maid~!"

"Because Kobayashi said that the maid is better~"

Xiao Lin touched her head, she seemed to have really said this, but she never did it, Thor actually took it seriously.

However, Kobayashi finally decided not to accept Thor, after all, this is a giant dragon.

"I'm sorry for making a promise to you that I can't keep, but I hope you can understand, if it doesn't work, it won't work!"

When Thor heard this, the expression on his face was a little sobbing, and he lowered his head and slowly got up and walked towards the door.

"Won't it work anyway?"

"Well, I'm sorry."

Thor raised his head, hid his loss with a smile, and looked at Xiao Lin with a smile.

"I should apologize for the sudden interruption."

With that, Thor slowly left the living room, and walked in the direction of the door.

Xiao Lin looked at the other party's back, looked at the crystal in the corner of the other party's eyes, and suddenly felt a sense of guilt and guilt in his heart.

The guilt can't go away, isn't it a dream... If it's a dream...

Xiao Lin was still intoxicated with the guilt of losing his trust to the dragon, and suddenly heard the clock in the living room ring.

Then I remembered that I seemed to be late for work.

"Going to be late, Thor, will you fly?!"

For a social animal, Xiao Lin's fear of being late for work successfully overcame his guilt, and finally accepted this initiative to come to the door to the dragon maid.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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