In just one episode of the anime, Thor showed the audience a completely different dragon maid, completely subverting everyone's perception and feelings about the maid.

Holding Kobayashi to the company at a gallop, and then waiting for Kobayashi to go home in the evening, Thor perfectly showed his basic talents as a maid under Kobayashi's instructions!

Laundry is basically by the mouth, cooking is basically by the tail, hospitality is like a bandit, as a maid, it is completely a donkey's lips and a horse's mouth!

"I'm so drunk, why do I feel like Thor has his own attributes~"

"Hahaha, it's a really imported washing machine!"

"And cooking, I bake myself?"

"Others don't know, I don't have any appetite at all when I see that big lump of dragon tails anyway~"

"Cut off your own tail to cook.,And then you can grow it after eating it yourself.,I see.,This is a horror fan!"

After watching the first episode of the anime, the audience has a simple understanding of the style of this anime, and the character design ~ is also very concise and clear.

Kobayashi, a social animal program ape, and a mother-fetal body to this day.

And Thor, a green dragon, but currently being pinched by Kobayashi, suspected, 100% suspected that Thor has very bad thoughts about Kobayashi.

"Brothers, I suddenly have a bold idea!"

"Upstairs, don't think about the bottle of two pots going uphill, that method won't work, I've tried!"

"That's not what people mean when they say bold ideas, are you really stupid or fake stupid?"

"Ahem, the old man, explain, find a way to marry Xiaolin, with a very Q-bomb dragon maid~"

"I'm Gan, is this the thinking of the big guy? Sure enough, mortals like us can't compare~"

At the end of the first episode of the anime, fans were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and they gathered in A-Theory to make some practical fantasies.

Anyone who brings wine up the mountain to squat is weak, and the brain melon seed is already smart about how to attack Xiaolin, a social animal program ape.

Buy one get one free, no matter how you look at this deal, you won't lose it~

And the most disgusting thing is that there are some perverts in the forum who ask Rilong whether he has committed a crime and how many years he will be sentenced.

This is the most speechless thing.

In addition, Kobayashi, a programmer ape with abnormal gender and hairline, has also been given the title of a dragon trainer by fans.

And Thor... What to say about this dragon maid who lacks common sense...

Fans don't care whether she has common sense or not, the three views follow the facial features, and they like it very much.

Whether the other party is an infatuated girl or uses magic to make the weather clear, in short, everyone's lively and cheerful dragon maid is simply in love.

,I want to come in today to see the audience's reaction.,So it's rare to sneak into the A forum quietly.。。 When I got out, I saw a group of people openly plotting their own buy-one-get-one-free plan.

Looking at this group of naïve fans and naïve speeches, Fang Zheng was speechless to the extreme.

Sighing helplessly, Fang Zheng slowly shook his head, and then closed the page of the forum, disdainful of the fans' thoughts in his heart.

Short-sighted, absolutely short-sighted!

Why can you only ask for buy one get one free, get it Xiaolin, then it's clear that it's a buy one get two free, you know?

There's also a little Lori who can discharge in the back~!

At the end of the first episode of the anime, this little Lori appeared, but maybe this group of fans were so fascinated by Thor that they didn't know the east, west, north and south, so they didn't notice it.

When this little Lori appears,You know what Q、What sex and the like.,It's vulnerable in the face of absolute cuteness!

Thinking of this little Lori, Fang Zheng was a little embarrassed.

It's obviously a spicy and cute girl paper, why did someone spray and black in her previous life?

Shaking his head, Fang Zheng threw out these messy thoughts, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and then logged on to his Weibo and posted a news.

"Now do you know why I'm encouraging you to work?"

As soon as the news was released, it instantly attracted a large number of fans.

Fans looked at Fangzheng's somewhat confusing Weibo dynamics, and they were all a little suspicious.

"Should I know anything?"

"What does it have to do with you whether we work or not?"

"Why am I so confused? What does this have to do with work, and what do you encourage us? "

Ask for flowers

"You're calling coaxing, not encouragement, using our workplace fantasies of "newgame" to coax us to work!"

"Phew! I believe you're a ghost, you're a very bad shrimp! "

Looking at the fans' messages, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly.

This also made him realize once again that there is a gap in this person's IQ, for example, he said such a clear truth, but this group of fans actually didn't understand.

Fangzheng felt helpless about the anxious IQ shown by the fans.

"Don't you envy the dragon maid? Do you know why Xiao Lin was able to pick up such a lively and bright dragon for nothing? "

"Because Xiaolin is a hard-working programmer!"

In desperation, Founder could only publish the answer, expecting fans to understand it for themselves.


What is Kobayashi's identity?

Social animals!

And it is also a representative program ape among social animals, doesn't this explain the problem?

How can you think of drinking to relieve your physical and mental exhaustion without going through high-intensity work?

How can you get drunk without drinking? How could you run to the mountains in the middle of the night?

When you're drunk, you'll walk deep into the mountains in a daze, and you'll find a wounded dragon lying there.

As the saying goes, wine is bold and courageous, if you don't get drunk, do you have the courage to talk to a dragon?

So in the final analysis, all of this is thanks to Kobayashi's identity as a social animal.

"Pipi Shrimp, it's really you, I'm speechless!"

"Xiaolin is equal to the program ape, the program ape is equal to the social animal, the social animal is equal to the work, the work will be tired, the tired will drink, the drink will go to the mountains, go to the mountains to meet the dragon maid... Rigorous logic. Admire, admire! "

"Nonsense, the old man is a program ape who has just joined the company, and he is still a single dog when he wakes up the next day after drinking!"

"Upstairs, that's because you didn't drink properly~"

"It's also possible that the place where you are is a plain, there is no city, and as we all know, the dragon maid is to be picked up in the deep mountains."

"Understood, I'll go to work in the mountains and bring a box of Erguotou."

PS: Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!! Force! _

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