"Anping, what are you doing, I miss you~

"Don't make trouble, I'm busy picking up dragons~!"

"Do you want to die?!!

Zhu Yuan, Xiuzhiyuan Academy, Ding Duyu looked at Shen Anping's reply, and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Shen Anping, let me tell you, five minutes, if I can't see you in the classroom for five minutes, don't come to see me!"


After speaking, Ding Duyu hung up the phone and scolded Shen Aping in his heart for being improper.

Ding Duyu is naturally very clear about what Shen Anping said about picking up dragons, because yesterday the two of them snuggled together to watch "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family".

How can I not know this widely circulated meme among the majority of fans.

Those single fans who hold this kind of naïve fantasy can be regarded as "one-three-seven", you Shen Anping is a person who has a girlfriend, what kind of dragon do you pick up~

Do you also want to find a dragon maid~!

Ding Duyu sat alone in the classroom sulking, today was the first day of class at Xiuzhiyuan Academy, and she was still very looking forward to and happy.

As a result, because of Shen Anping's words, her good mood was completely gone!

It has been a few days since the establishment of Xiuzhiyuan Academy to the enrollment of students, and although the first batch of students recruited is not much, there are more than 2,000 students.

Most of the 2,000 people are young people, and 90% of them are young people who are about to graduate from college.

After all, except for the student groups facing employment, normal people in society will not take such a big risk to quit their jobs and come to receive training.

Although Founder has minimized their training expenses, it is almost no different from giving them for nothing.

But society is so realistic, no one likes to be a social animal, but in the face of the pressure of life, they can only give in helplessly.

In the same way, the reason why people did not come to sign up was because of the pressure of life.

After all, resignation means risk, and no one dares to guarantee that they can enter this industry and support themselves and the family behind them until they see the prospects of the two-dimensional industry.

The first batch of enrollment can have 2,000 people, which has exceeded Zhang Siyu's own expectations, and even far exceeded.

It has been a few days since the enrollment of students, and during this time, the students who came to Xiuzhiyuan Academy for training have also adapted to it, and the staff has also arranged everyone's living problems.

Hello, today is the day of the start of classes.

Twilight was looking forward to it, although she didn't know who was the first person to teach herself and others today, and she didn't know what kind of class she would teach.

But expectation, she longs to repay the people who once pulled her out of the abyss of despair after she finishes her studies.

On the other side, Shen Anping heard that Ding Duyu's tone on the phone was not quite right, and the whole person smiled bitterly for a while, looking at the employees of Company A queuing in front of him, Shen Anping tightened the pillow in his hand, and then ran quickly in the direction of the college.

Not long after, Shen Anping came to the classroom and found Ding Duyu, who was still angry.

"Twilight Rain~"

Shen Anping knew that Ding Duyu was angry because of his joke, and he also knew that the other party was not really angry, but just wanted to coax her.

This can be regarded as the daily life of a young couple.

"What is this?!"

Ding Duyu originally didn't plan to ignore Shen Anping, and was taking care of the other party after apologizing.

But when she saw the pillow in Shen Anping's arms out of the corner of her eye, the anger she had tried to pretend to before had long since disappeared.

"Hehe, this is the employee welfare pillow issued by Company A, it is said to be a character in the latest anime "The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family", I don't have the cheekiness to ask for one for others~"

Shen Anping put the pillow on the table and sat next to Ding Duyu.

Ding Duyu reported painting training, and he naturally became a major in order to accompany Ding Duyu.

And he is a migrant worker who dropped out of school early, if it wasn't for Fang Zheng giving them this opportunity, how could he have the opportunity to come to receive training.

So Shen Anping's positioning for himself is very clear, he knows that he can't learn, and the reason why she accompanied Ding Duyu over was actually to put herself in the position of Ding Duyu's assistant.

Ding Duyu will definitely enter the A company to work in the future, so he doesn't have any requirements, even if he goes to Fang Zheng's security guard, he can 0.........

"Wow~ so cute!"

Ding Duyu hugged the pillow in suspicion, and her pretty face kept rubbing on the pillow.

Seeing that his girlfriend was so happy, Shen Anping also had a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and it was in vain that he went there to line up for a long time.

It's not in vain that I was cheeky and asked someone for a pillow.

This pillow is an employee benefit for a regular employee of A, and he Shen Anping is not a regular employee.

Ding Duyu looked at Shen Anping, who was smirking on the side, and pinched the other party.

"I'll make it clear when I speak in the future, why are you saying it so misleading, do you just want to see me angry?!"

Knowing that Shen Anping was busy picking up dragons, he glanced at the other party angrily.

The two of them were tired of being together, and the students in the classroom came one after another, and everyone was sitting in their seats, waiting for the lecturer to come.

Everyone is young, and they all like the second dimension very much, and they discuss each other's works and their favorite characters.

Everyone is also very curious about today's lesson.

Including Ding Duyu, they all wanted to see how A's technical training was different from normal painting.

The style of painting is very different from the traditional painting technique, it seems very simple, and the lines are very simple, but you can only know the difficulty after you have painted it yourself.

2.3 The more difficult it is to get simple lines, Ding Duyu only learned this truth after imitating some characters in anime.

It seems to be a very simple painting technique, but it is no exaggeration to say that the painting is a little worse, and the characters drawn are thousands of miles away from the finished product imagined in my mind.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway, and he knows the difficulties only after he has depicted it himself, which is still the result of her copying the characters in the anime.

Think about Founder, characters with different styles are born under his pen, and each character perfectly highlights his own personality and personality, and the gap is not a little bit.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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