
"I'm the vice president of TT, and I'm worth enough for you to fight for ten lifetimes, do you think people like me come back here to eat and drink?"

Sun Qian sat on the sofa, angrily looking at the cleaner in front of him wearing a work suit and holding a mop, and his face was a little red with anger.

"Vice President, what do you have to be proud of when you are so old~!"

Hearing Sun Qian's words, Aunt Cleaning pursed her lips disdainfully, put down the tools in her hand, and then said without looking back while wiping the floor.

"Look at our Fang Dong, the chairman of such a big company with annual leave, compared with our Fang Dong, you are so old that you are simply living like a dog!"

The cleaner's words were very polite, because she knew that this person would definitely not deal with their Fang Dong.

As a member of A, even if it is a cleaner, it is a formal contract employee, not to mention six insurances and two housing funds, and other regular employees should have a lot of benefits.

So like other employees, the cleaner looked at Sun Gan's face very unhappy.


When Sun Qian heard this, he got up from the chair angrily, pointed at the cleaner, and couldn't say a word.

As the vice president of TT, he is not offered everywhere he goes, like the stars holding the moon, how did he get to A, even a cleaning aunt can be - sorry for him!

Is A's cleaning so arrogant?!

Sun Qian doesn't understand, and he doesn't understand, you are a cleaner, at best, you have a salary of 1,800 a month, where do you have the courage to mock me?

"What are you?!" Aunt Cleaning saw that Sun Qian was actually pointing and drawing to herself, and immediately came to the other party's side unceremoniously, holding the mop in her hand and glaring at the other party with fierce eyes.

Looking at the five big and three rough cleaning aunts, Sun Qian is a little lacking in confidence, although he is a man, but with his pot-bellied appearance, he is really a little weak in the face of cleaning who has been engaged in manual labor for a long time.

"Get out of the way, don't delay me mopping the floor!"

Seeing the fear in Sun Gan's eyes, the cleaner sneered disdainfully, and then the mop in his hand was unceremoniously smashed towards the other party's feet.

As if the other party's pair of valuable Goldlion brand-name leather shoes did not exist.

Seeing the cleaning action, Sun Qian hurriedly turned to the side and shouted angrily.

"Do you know how expensive my shoes are? You can't buy one for a year's salary!"

Hearing this, the cleaner returned without raising his head.

"I won't buy one anymore, this person buys shoes by pairs, only brutes will only buy them!"

At the door, Fang Zheng almost broke his defense and laughed out loud when he heard this. For his aunt's eloquence, he simply admired the irony of the five-body throwing to the ground, which was simply too exciting, textbook-level -." Ahem~"

.. Fang Zheng coughed lightly twice, and then walked into the guest expressionlessly, pretending not to know what had just happened

"Fang Dong, good afternoon~

The cleaner heard the cough, looked up and saw that it was Fang Zheng who came in, and quickly stopped what he was doing to say hello.

That attitude is a world of difference from treating Sun Gan.

Sun Qian, who was on the side, was stunned when he looked at the cleaning that changed so quickly, like a Sichuan opera changing his face.

"Auntie, what did you eat at noon, did you eat enough?"

Fang Zheng didn't pay attention to Sun Qian, who was stunned on the side, but chatted with the cleaning aunt.

"Then I have to be full, I'm this old, and I don't need to maintain any figure, so it's fragrant!"

Aunt Cleaning replied with a hearty smile on her face when she heard Fang Zheng's words.

"Auntie, a northeasterner~

"Yes, from the Northeast!" Auntie's eyes lit up when she heard Fang Zheng's words, and then she punched in the chatterbox.

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank Fang Dong, my son works in the company, has a stable job, and has good benefits. "

Hearing Auntie's words, Fang Zheng felt very cordial.

In this life, he is more satisfied, but he is alone, and family affection is just a thought in his previous life.

Whether it is a previous life or a promotion, young people work hard in the city, every time they call home, the most common thing they hear from their family is that they should save money to buy a house, and then marry a daughter-in-law, and then go to the city to enjoy happiness in the future.

Looking at Aunt Cleaning, Fang Zheng felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he came to this world in such a daze, and he didn't know how his relatives raised him in that world.

"It's time for Auntie to enjoy it~"

Fang Zheng talked to Aunt Cleaning for a while, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sun Gan's increasingly ugly face on the side, not to mention how sour his heart was.

Then, Fang Zheng asked the cleaning aunt to go out first, and then come in to clean up after a while, and then looked at Sun Qian, whose face was the same as that of the pig's liver.

"Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, I can't help but nag when I see the hard-working employees, please forgive me for the neglect~"

Sun Qian sat on the sofa at Fang Zheng's signal, and when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he felt so tired in his heart.

The act of cleaning just now is hard work in your eyes, so what am I?

Do you treat your guests like that?!

Sun Qian gritted his teeth a little, but looking at Fang Zheng with a smile on his face, he couldn't have a seizure, so he could only snort coldly and suffer a dumb loss.


"Fang Dong, you know what is going on the Internet~" Sun Qian looked at Zheng, and he didn't bother to say any polite words, and directly expressed his intention.

"If you want me to say, the situation of purpose A is not very good~"

Sun Qian thought of the things on the Internet, and the depression in his heart disappeared in an instant, and his eyes were also a little joking when he looked at Fang Zheng.

In his opinion, Founder is self-defeating, and he is shaken by the urging of fans, which is simply stupid!

Fans say that it sounds good to be a parent of food and clothing, but let him say it is a little more ugly, that is, leeks, that is, mobile wallets, and the biggest role of fans is to contribute the money they have exchanged for sweat!

Other than that, the rest is worthless!

Sun Qian looked at Fang Zheng and shook his head imperceptibly, in his eyes, Fang Zheng was still too young after all.


Fang Zheng looked at Sun Qian waitingly, and as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he knew the other party's intention.

It's nothing more than taking advantage of the opportunity of the fishing boat crisis in Company A this time, and using the name of helping him to achieve his own goals.

"A has such a situation, I'm afraid that there are very few companies that your company cooperates with, and this one comes and goes, I don't know if Dong Fang's capital flow is enough?"

Sun Qian looked at Fang Zheng with a smile and said casually.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Sigh of the Sky", "Dragon Xinyu", and "*Tears*", and thank you for your support!!

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