He has already settled on Founder, before the A company built the two-dimensional cultural building with great fanfare, and also played the animation carnival early, and the investment in this is definitely an astronomical amount.

And now A happens to be in this matter again, so he feels that Founder must have encountered a financial crisis.

"As for me, although I have some holidays with Fang Dong, but everyone is friends, friends should help each other, seeing A in this situation, I feel uncomfortable~"

Sun Qian said, and came to an impromptu performance with extreme pompousness, as if he was really digging out his heart.

Fang Zheng watched Sun Gan's performance speechlessly, and he couldn't cry or laugh in his heart.

He really didn't know where he got the gossip about it, or if he made it up in his own head.

Where did you get the courage to say that A's financial situation is not good?

It's not an exaggeration to say that "723" is the income of the animation carnival a month ago, which is enough for family A to pass this year.

What's more, he doesn't have a loser~

"Finance..."Fang Zheng sat up straight, squinted at Sun Qian, and asked with a very solemn expression, "I don't know where Mr. Sun got the news?"

Since you like acting, then I'll accompany you to see if you are more skilled or if my acting skills are online.

Sun Qian saw the square body that suddenly sat upright, and his expression was no longer as casual as just now, but a little dignified, and his heart became even more proud.

"Don't ask where you got the news, don't ask, we have our own way. "

Seeing that Fang Zheng had guessed what he was thinking, Sun Gan himself relaxed, in his eyes, Fang Zheng was already a fish for him to cut again.

"Fang Dong, I won't give you anything to do, my pan-entertainment plan welcomes Fang Dong's joining, if Fang Dong joins and can also get our TT financing, A will be bigger and stronger at that time, keep up with the next level, what do you think?"

Sun Qian stared at Fang Zheng's face, his eyes did not blink, wanting to see the change in Fang Zheng's expression.

Sun Gan's words exposed his ambitions, and at first glance it seemed to be very beneficial to Fang Zheng, but if Fang Zheng really agreed, it would be water in his head!

"I don't know how much Mr. Sun is willing to finance?"

Fang Zheng thought for a while, and then looked at the other party very cautiously, but in his heart, Sun Qian was sentenced to death.

A fool would agree to this condition!

Not only did you let Lao Tzu join your pan-entertainment plan in vain to create benefits for your TT, but you also wanted to become A shares through financing, so as to compete for the right to speak.

The emotional benefits are all taken advantage of by you, but you still put on such a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance that makes people sick!


At the moment, Sun Qian and the hypocritical face of TT behind him were exposed, which made Fang Zheng have the urge to scold directly.

Sun Gan looked at Fang Zheng with a somewhat flamboyant smile on the corner of his mouth, but the little abacus in his heart was clanging.

If 5 billion can force Founder to join the pan-entertainment plan with his two-dimensional culture, and can also become the first shareholder of A except for Founder, then this value is no longer measurable by just 5 billion.

As long as it becomes a A share and has a certain right to speak, then with TT's financial resources, it is a matter of time before it seizes the dominant power of A in the future.

Thinking that Fang Zheng would be swept out of the house by the time, Sun Gan couldn't help but have his heart beat faster.

After the deed is completed, he himself will definitely be a great achievement, and it will be a sure thing to go to the next level at that time.

"Five billion?"

Fang Zheng frowned slightly, looked at Sun Qian, and said softly: "I don't know if this five billion is the money to invite me to join the pan-entertainment plan, or the money to finance A?"

"Fang Dong said with a smile, joining the pan-entertainment plan is the premise, only if you join the pan-entertainment plan, we are a family, and I have a reason to persuade the board of directors to give you financing is not. "

Hearing Sun Gan's words, Fang Zheng laughed angrily.

This Sun Qian really treats him as a critic~

Five billion, not only want to let themselves join their so-called pan-entertainment plan, but also want to let themselves give up a part of their shares, and do two yuan for one dollar.

How can there be such a good thing in the world~!

"Fang Dong didn't think about it, if you agree, five billion can still go up, after all, the board of directors is very interested in A. "

Fang Zheng looked at Sun Gan noncommittally, let alone five billion, even if it is five billion, Lao Tzu will not give you shares!

Anything that comes into contact with capital will become full of copper stench!

His original intention of founding A was not to make money, nor to improve his social status, but to realize the revenge and dreams in his heart...

If he wants to make money, he has the means, why bother you with TT's handouts!

"Don't think about it, I won't agree to this matter, whether it's your pan-entertainment plan or if you want to join A, don't you want to think about this kind of thing, you can play slowly by yourself~"

After Fang Zheng finished speaking, he got up directly, he didn't want to talk to Sun Qian anymore.

I thought that the other party would propose some new and challenging things, but in the end, it was still the same old three, which is really disappointing!

"Xianting, send off!"

After speaking, Fang Zheng walked according to the door of the living room.

Behind him, Sun Qian watched Fang Zheng's attitude change so quickly that he didn't even react.

What's going on?

Didn't it mean that A had a financial crisis?

Fang Zheng was obviously moved just now, why did he regret it now, did I say something wrong?

"Wait, Fang Dong, if we dislike the lack of money, we can discuss it again!"

Sun Qian didn't have time to think about the key to it, and when he saw that Fang Zheng was about to walk to the door, he hurriedly shouted to stop the other party.

"Mr. Sun, you don't need to shout, our Fang Dong is very busy!"

Seeing that Sun Qian still wanted to step forward to stop 1.2 Fangzheng, Chen Xianting directly reached out to stop the other party.

"But you Fang Dong..."

"Our Fang Dong has long seen through your tricks, and in our opinion, your self-righteous cooperation is just idle to accompany you, so... Let's ~"

Chen Xianting looked at Sun Qian with a cold face, and sneered at Sun Gan's fool-like cooperation plan.

She can see clearly with an assistant, let alone Fang Zheng himself.

Take 10,000 steps back, even if Company A really falls into a financial crisis, then with the relationship between Fangzheng and Secretary Zou of the Demon Capital, it is not a matter of minutes to find a bank loan, so why bother looking for you TT~

Who doesn't know that you TTs are notoriously ugly!

"You mean he's kidding me?!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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