What makes keyboard warriors fall into a dilemma is only because of Founder's second dynamic, a simple sentence.

"Just endure him, let him, let him, avoid him, bear with him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, and look at him. "

That's right, this dynamic is a very famous and literary passage on the Internet in Fang Zheng's previous life, from the Buddhist Zen monk's quotations "Ancient Zun Su Quotations" in the Hanshan and the Q&A.

This wonderful question and answer contains the way of dealing with people and right and wrong, so although it has been more than 1,000 years, it is still popular and enduring.

The reason for this is not difficult to understand, and it can be understood in the literal sense.

And it's because it's so easy to understand, so those self-satisfied keyboard warriors don't know what to do.

Fangzheng's two dynamics are connected, and the meaning is already obvious, that is, now you can spray and scold casually, and I'll come to see you after a while.

What to see?

That must be to see their jokes, to see how they are slapped in the face~!

Although I don't know if Fang Zheng is playing tricks or if he really has this kind of confidence, the keyboard warriors do feel that things are tricky.

Continue to say hi, and I'm afraid that Fangzheng's sentence will come true, as the saying goes, the higher you stand, the worse you fall, they 283 are dancing happily now, and the more they want to be slapped in the face when the time comes.

And with Fang Zheng's bad character, they may still be pulled out and whipped repeatedly!

But just retreat like this, they are not reconciled!

How many nights of humiliation and burden, how many days of long-term anticipation, they have been dormant for so long, and they have endured thousands of hardships to wait for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Let them give up because of Fangzheng's words, they are really a little unwilling!

And in addition to being psychologically unacceptable, dignity does not allow them to give up just like that.

Just imagine, if they leave with their tails between their legs because of a simple sentence from Fangzheng, what do others think of them?

What else is so convincing about their keyboard warriors, which are synonymous with cyber violence?!

After learning from the pain, the keyboard warriors were really unwilling to give up this opportunity, and they decided to gamble that God could not be on the side of the square every time!

However, what the keyboard warriors don't know is that God's old thing can't control the land of the East, and Fang Zheng can slap them in the face every time, and it is not luck that relies on them, but strength and plug-ins!

So, when the keyboard warriors decided to continue, you could already predict how miserable the outcome would be.

You can even hear the loud sound of the crackling in your ears.

"I'm Gan, the old man of Fang Dada's cultural people has goosebumps all over his body!"

"This is from "Gu Zun Su Quotations", not Fang Dada's original!"

"I don't care, what Fang Dada said is Fang Dada's original, I only believe in Fang Dada!"

"It doesn't matter who said it, if you have this sentence, I will be relieved~

"Yes, since Fang Dada has spoken, then let's sit back and wait for the slap in the face~"

"233~ Brothers, hurry up and prepare, think about how to say slap those keyboard warriors and water army in the face in the future!"

Different from the entanglement of keyboard warriors, ACG fans are happy to see the two dynamics of Founder, especially when the two dynamics are connected together, revealing a philosophical atmosphere.

This familiar feeling made fans feel more relieved than ever, because they knew that Pi Phi Shrimp was back, and their Fang Da was still the same person they knew.

can say that the slap in the face is so literary and cultural, this is definitely the style of that Pipi shrimp!

"I especially knew that Fang Da would not abandon us!"

"Pippi Shrimp, after watching a good show for so long, you are really a dog!"

"That is, although we admit that we were wrong before, but you are too much to see us in a hurry!"

Although it is not good to say this, the old man feels that there is a smell of conspiracy. "

", when you say this upstairs, I suddenly have a creepy feeling, we won't be calculated~"

A small group of smart fans calmed down and thought about it carefully, not to mention, it was really possible for Fangzheng's Pippi Shrimp to do such an outrageous thing in order to retaliate for their previous behavior.

In the words of fans, the phrase "Have you eaten?" may not be right, but it is just a spoof.

If this is really as they suspected, it is completely a conspiracy directed and acted by Fang Zheng, then it is really a bit appalling.

We may not be human, but you are real dogs!

Fans are overjoyed, because Founder's Weibo is not difficult to understand, and the words are waiting for the other party to be slapped in the face.

And the navy army also restrained a little, but soon, the navy's offensive became more fierce.

I don't know if it's because they've received some definite information, or if they think Fang Zheng is just playing tricks, but they do intend to be tough to the end.

And the water army is different from the keyboard warriors, they are not for the mouth, but completely for the money.

Regardless of whether things are developing in the rhythm they are bringing or not, and whether Fang Zheng really has a backhand or not, they don't care.

Just as they started to lead the rhythm, the money was already in hand, and as for how things would develop after that, it was not something they cared about.

The three forces have changed their mood because of a dynamic of Founder, but for various reasons, the general situation has not changed.

The fan base is still trying their best to stop the rhythm of the water army, and the keyboard warriors still give up everything, breaking the kettle and talking about it, everything seems to have not changed at all.

But only the person concerned knows that although they don't say it, their hearts have changed a lot.

The most obvious is the two-dimensional fan army, one by one, they are not so panicked as they are in the current recovery, at this time they are high-spirited, all the way forward, and their combat effectiveness is suddenly in a mess.

Soon,A official blog also followed the pace of Fangzheng,Released a dynamic,Roughly speaking, the story and character of "School Island" are not inconsistent,Nor is it contrived,It's normal。

If you want to know the reason,Then pay attention to the second episode of "School Island" released tonight.,Where all arguments will have an answer.,At that time, I'm commenting on the quality of the anime work "School Island".

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support more, please !!!_

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