The dynamics of A's official blog, the second yuan fans are more confident, and in terms of animation, they are convinced of Fang Zheng.

Since Fang Zheng said that the truth was in the second episode, and said that everything they wanted to know was in the second episode, it must be in the second episode!

In the next time, fans were on the line with the water army, while quietly waiting for the seven o'clock tomorrow night.

Just watching the first episode of "School Island",It's really unsatisfactory,But that's also because Founder himself cut out a very critical few ~ clocks。

However, fans don't know.,So they're looking forward to the next "School Island" second-.

Since the official blog... Ahh

Finally,In the expectant eyes of fans,Time slowly came to seven o'clock,The second episode of the high-profile "School Island" was also updated and put on the shelves as scheduled。

"Brothers, keep your eyes open and look carefully, Fang Da said that the answer is in the second episode!"

"One more thing,Today we don't just pay attention to the "School Island",There are other people,Let's brush up the barrage,Show our big two-dimensional muscles!"

"Yes, we must show it, otherwise others will think that we are too few to bully!"

"233~Let's not count this as an increase in income for Pipi Shrimp in disguise.,You must know that the keyboard warrior and the water army must open a membership if they want to watch the second episode of "School Island"~"

"Pull it down, it is estimated that the exam at the beginning will stump a large number of people~!"

The fans discussed it in the forum, and then slowly left, gathering on the homepage of the A society platform.

Watching the second episode of the latest update of "School Island",I clicked on it immediately。

"Celebrate the start of the second episode!"

"Fang Da Niu Pi!"

"You are all brutes, the old man's hand speed is fast enough, but as soon as he comes in, the barrage is all over the screen~!"

"I'm Gan, don't talk about those keyboard warriors and water army, the old man, an old fan, was taken aback by this dense barrage, this is too Nima shocked~!"

"Can I say that the moment I opened the player, my I7 computer actually had a freeze, it's incredible~!"

Just opened the second episode of "School Island", let alone anime, fans were instantly shocked by the barrage that filled the screen.

On the scale of this barrage, all the anime works on the A society platform are not common, and there are only some scenes of gods and a barrage of this scale when one moves

Not to mention the other uses, they themselves were taken aback.

The story of "School Island" inherits the first episode.The scene is the truth that was cut by the founder and moved to the second episode.,So the second episode of the anime is high-energy at the beginning.

The audience watched Yuki talk about Taro Maru's naughtiness to her classmates in the classroom, while Miki at the door opened her mouth several times, but she couldn't speak for a long time.

Just when the audience was curious, Miki finally spoke.

"Senior sister!"

The next moment, the picture turned, and the camera focused on Yuki's back, and the bloodstained windows, which had been shattered and had sharp glass edges, appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately, without waiting for the audience to react, the camera gradually zoomed out, only to see Yuki standing in the empty classroom.

Broken windows, cluttered tables and chairs, floors covered with glass ballast, mottled scarlet blood stains all over the walls, and a terrifying scene like a hellish Shura field appeared before the audience's eyes.

And Yuki's classmates, teachers, and all kinds of joyful daily life are gone, and the atmosphere is completely enveloped in a terrifying, desolate, and dilapidated scene.

The happy smile on Yuki's face contrasted strongly with the chilling scenes around him, and the contrast made the audience feel depressed.

Discomfort, fear, cardiac arrest, difficulty breathing, numbness in the scalp, chills in the spine...

These are the true reflections of the audience who sat in front of the screen and were shocked by this sudden scene.

With a warm smile on one side and a hellish scene on the other, watching Yuki still indulge in his fantasies and talking to classmates who don't exist at all, the audience only felt a cool breath go straight to the top of their minds.

"I'm scared to death of the old man!"

"Nima, the old man jumped up from the chair with a spirit~!"

"What the hell... It's not an anime, it's a horror movie?"

"I'm the only one who thinks Yuki's mental state is terrible?!"

"I beg you not to be like this, what about the warm daily life that you said, why did it suddenly become hell mode~!"

"Brothers, please put your fear on the public screen~!

"All evils do not invade, the demons retreat, look at my barrage body protection Dafa, as urgent as the order~!!"

This sudden scene scared many viewers in front of the screen, especially Yuki's weird state, which made people shudder.

........ 0

At this time, "School Island" just gave the audience a preliminary show of the unusualness of this anime, and the story line has not yet fully unfolded.

The audience naturally doesn't know what caused all this, they just think Yuki's mental state is very weird and terrifying, as for the pitiful...

If you see a psychopath you don't know on the street, your biggest worry is whether the other person will suddenly go crazy and hurt you, rather than pity the other person.

The same is true for Yuki, the audience looks at Yuki at this time like schizophrenia and paranoia, and their palms are sweating.

Before understanding the reason why Yuki became like this, few people must be pitiful, let alone seeing this scene, fear is the normal reaction of the audience.

"It's scary to think about!It's scary to think about it~!"

"If everything is Yuki's fantasy, then this world... Is it true that no anime is still a healing fan?"

"As for your sister, that scene just now has nothing to do with healing~!"

"Barrage Protectors!Barrage Protectors!Barrage Protectors!"

"Let me get off, this is not a car to kindergarten!!"

Fans look at Miki's perspective and realize that this is the truest perspective of this anime, and Yuki's perspective...

It seemed like it was just her personal fantasy.

PS: It's finally made up.,Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for more support.,Please, !!!_

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