Fang Zheng recalled the term "campus four" in his mind, these four animations are the classic production of the youth love series in the previous life~!

I just don't know if I can create the glory of my previous life by moving these four anime to this world.

Will the name of the campus four be handed down...

Fang Zheng shook his head and threw these thoughts out of his head, he always believed that the excellence of an anime was not blown by the producer, but ~ judged by the public.

The classics of the four anime, "Spring Things", "Strength Supremacy", "Ice Candy" and "Youth Pig's Head", are not boasted by the producers, but - chased by fans.

The name of the campus four tyrants was also installed because of the love of fans.,It's not that these anime themselves say that they are one of the overlords.。

"All four are classics, which one is better?"

Fang Zheng was leaned back in the boss's chair, looking up at the ceiling of the office, and several famous scenes of anime flashed in his mind.

Self-explosion, rationality, energy saving, and talk, the four animations have their own characteristics, and Founder really doesn't know how to choose.

Although the four anime were broadcast at different times, it is undeniable that all four anime are classics.

The anime vividly depicts the troubles and beauty of adolescent men and women in love, and even many scenes and lines have a very profound philosophy of life, which requires careful and repeated taste to understand the meaning.

It can be said that the campus four tyrants are not simply dramas describing love, but are mixed with life philosophy and life perceptions.

Fang Zheng hesitated, gently closed his eyes, and carefully recalled in his mind the differences and surprises of the four anime, which one was more suitable for the current time.

After a long time, Fang Zheng opened his eyes, tore off a piece of paper from his notebook, and wrote and drew on it with a pen, with a serious face.

The pen walks the snake, Fang Zheng writes something meticulously, and his eyes reveal a serious luster.

After a while, Fang Zheng put down his pen and breathed a long sigh of relief.

When the break is constantly suffering, the four anime are all excellent, and since you can't choose, then leave the choice to God.

"Point the soldiers, ride a horse to fight, point to whom, follow me, if you don't go, you are a puppy!"

Fang Zheng looked at the four notes on the table in front of him, and there were words in his mouth.

As Fang Zheng slipped his mouth smoothly, his fingers also moved back and forth in mid-air, this move was to completely hand over the choice to luck.

Which anime comes out first depends on who is luckier.


Just when Fang Zheng was making a decision, the office suddenly appeared.

It just so happened that Fang Zheng already had a choice at this time, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Zhang Siyu with a smile on his face, a pair of big eyes that were moist and black, and his eyes were happy.

"When did you come?"

Fang Zheng put away the note on the table, his face was a little drunk, even if Zhang Siyu didn't say it, he knew that his actions just now were too naïve.

It's just a child's trick, and it's no wonder that Zhang Siyu laughs out loud.

Thinking that what he had just done was seen by Zhang Siyu, Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with some annoyance, wanting the other party to give him an explanation.

Is this chairman's office said that you can enter casually?

Don't think you need to knock on your door because you're the CEO!

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's unkind gaze and smiled even more happily, she never dreamed that Fang Zheng still had such a childlike side, which simply refreshed her cognition.

"I came in when Fang Dong closed his eyes and recuperated, and I knocked on the door, you don't have to look at me like that."

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's deflated expression very happily, and suddenly felt a little excited in his heart.

It's like grabbing the little tail of Fangzheng's prank, and I'm a little excited.

"I wanted to say hello just now, but when I saw Fang Dong ordering troops over there, I didn't bother..."

Zhang Siyu laughed as he spoke, and the flowers and branches trembled, adding a lot of brilliance to the office.

Thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Siyu really couldn't control herself, she couldn't take care of Fang Zheng's face, it wasn't that she couldn't concentrate on it, but that Fang Zheng was too funny just now.

When she came in at first, she saw Fang Zheng looking up at the ceiling and closing her eyes to recuperate, she thought that Fang Zheng was tired from work, so she didn't make a sound, wanting to wait for Fang Zheng to wake up by himself.

Flower 0

Later, Fang Zheng woke up, but he didn't notice his existence at all.

Seeing what Fang Zheng was writing on the paper with a serious face, Zhang Siyu thought that there was some terrible plan, but he still waited patiently and did not make a sound to disturb.

Who knew that Fang Zheng had been preparing so seriously for a long time, but in the end, there was a scene of a little soldier and a general, and the changes before and after made Zhang Siyu break the success in an instant, and laughed directly.

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu, who was smiling a little upright, his face was full of depression, and he was even more panicked in his heart.

You don't have to guess to know that my naïve behavior just now, I'm afraid that Zhang Siyu will see it all in his eyes, and it is estimated that the other party is saying that he is naïve at this time.


"What's the matter?"

In desperation, Fang Zheng could only divert the topic, he didn't want to continue what he had just done.

Anyway, the results have come out.,Although I don't know if it's the anime yet.,But since it's the meaning of God.,Let's follow this meaning.。

Who let this be ordered by himself~

"That's the kind of Fang Dong.,Didn't you give full authority to Twilight Rain for "Initial D"?,The factory asked if it was the production of "Initial D" fandom peripherals, etc. So I came over and asked. "

These must be produced behind the same people.,Even if he doesn't fancy profits.,But many fans are still looking forward to figurines.、Posters and the like.。

After talking about business, Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu viciously and said.

"You forget what happened just now, if I hear a little wind in the company, I... I'm your salary! "

"Yes, yes, I didn't see anything just now, I didn't see Fang Dong ordering troops like a general over there, I don't know at all."

Zhang Siyu waved his hand to Fang Zheng as he spoke, then turned around and walked towards the office door.

The moment the door closed, Fang Zheng heard the laughter like a silver bell in the hallway.

In the office, Fang Zheng's face was full of depression.

"Alas~Once the reputation of the first generation is ruined~!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please! Six! _

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