Fang Zheng was thinking about how to block Zhang Siyu's mouth, if this matter was to be spread out, his reputation would be completely ruined.

"Do you want to marry this woman?"

Fang Zheng suddenly recalled Zhang Siyu's smile just now in his mind, and such an idea inexplicably emerged.

Soon, Fang Zheng was taken aback by his own thoughts, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

As a two-dimensional otaku, the producer is his lifelong belief, how can he be shaken by a realistic woman~

No way!

Absolutely not!

This is absolutely not possible!

Boys must learn self-esteem and self-love, and they must not fall into the trap of love so easily.

Fang Zheng was taken aback by his own idea, and quickly threw away this ridiculous idea, Zhang Siyu is a strong woman, if she really marries home and becomes an old "five-zero-zero" wife, then the status of the head of her family is in jeopardy.

Fang Zheng sat on the chair and calmed down for a moment, and then remembered the result he had just ordered the troops in exchange.

I took out the note I selected, opened it, and saw that Hao Ran wrote three words on it.

"Great teacher? Self-destructing? "

Fang Zheng looked at the note in his hand and was a little stunned, could this be the will of heaven?

I just blew myself up in front of Zhang Siyu, but in the next second, a big teacher who was in sympathy with him came, is it so coincidental?

The corners of Fang Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the note in his hand, thinking of the figure who always had dead fish eyes on weekdays, and sighed silently.

"Big teacher, we're both self-destructing types, fate~"

Fang Zheng put away the note in his hand, took his notebook, and wrote on it the words "My youth love story is really problematic".

Immediately began to recall the plot of the anime and conceive the script.

"My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem", how many people's memories of youth love are classics~

When I mention the big teacher, I can't help but think of the classic sentences of the big teacher.

It is always difficult for a gentle and correct person to survive, because the world is neither gentle nor striving for.

There is no disappointment without expectations, and there is no injury without fetters.

Lonely people don't hurt others, they just keep hurting themselves.

I hate gentle girls, gentle girls are actually gentle to everyone, but I mistakenly think that they are only gentle to me, and then they will be complacent and get carried away, and finally break up, and both parties will be hurt, so I hate the gentle girl.


The main reason why Hikiya Hachiman is known as a teacher by fans is that he sees many things very thoroughly and is very philosophical.

If Azusa Sakuta Kawa is admired by fans because of his sassy words, and is respectfully called a master by fans, then Hachiman Hikiya is a life mentor.

Maybe the big teacher won't say anything sassy, and he doesn't have Brother Lu's demonic civil and military skills, nor does he have the energy saving of folding sticks, but the big teacher can sit firmly on one of the four tyrants on campus, and he is definitely not a lack of people.

In addition to its unique self-detonation, many of the quotations are very philosophical.

And this is also reflected in the learning of the big teacher, although the big teacher does not dare to say that he is an all-rounder like Brother Lu, but at least he is also a scholar.

It's just that this top student is a little sparse in science, and he only took 9 in mathematics.

In fact, it's normal to think about it, the talent of the big teacher is obviously all in the direction of liberal arts and self-explosion, so the big teacher can say these philosophical words while blowing himself up.

If you are not proficient in liberal arts, can you say such philosophical things?

When it comes to the big teacher, maybe the first thing that many fans think of is self-explosion, Xue Nai's first place in the world, etc., but in fact, the personality charm of the big teacher is still very high.

For example, the big teacher is very handsome, but the anime overportrays the dead fish eyes of the big teacher, and Fang Zheng seriously doubts that the animation producer is envious of the big teacher's emotional life, so he spoofs the big teacher.

Secondly, the work ability of the big teacher is very strong, the assigned tasks can always be hinted at completion, and the knowledge is also very wide, etc.

And the most important thing is that the big teacher has a very cute sister who explodes~!


Ahem, crooked, crooked...

If you want to talk about the big teacher, the first thing that comes to Fangzheng's mind is the copy of Brother Lu, and the big teacher and Brother Lu are definitely two extremes in a sense...

For example, Brother Lu is domineering, and the big teacher... emm~ side...

Big teacher: I have the strength to take the blame!

Brother Lu: I have the strength to shake the pot!

Big Teacher: I blew myself up!

Brother Lu: I protect myself!

Teacher: Look, the world in which I'm the only one injured is complete, it's very simple~

Brother Lu: Look, the world where only I can't get hurt alone is completed, it's very simple~

The big teacher's characteristic dead fish eyes glanced at Brother Lu beside him, and slowly exhaled.

My girlfriend is a tsundere.

Brother Lu also looked at the big teacher with an expressionless face, and replied lightly.

Coincidentally, my girlfriend is also a tsundere.

Bang Bang Bang ~!

Fang Zheng thought of the big teacher and Brother Lu's small theater in his mind, and couldn't help but applaud himself.

I'm such a genius!

Fang Zheng couldn't help but smile and shook his head, the small theater he just thought about was purely a spoof, which did not involve any black big teachers or black road brothers, on the contrary, the four tyrants on campus, Fang Zheng himself liked it very much.

"Anyway, if I release the big teacher, I won't teach a group of big teacher's apprentices~"

Fang Zheng suddenly thought of a serious question 2.8 If those fans ran to blow themselves up one by one after watching the big teacher, does that mean that they have become sinners.

In Fang Zheng's view, you can think that the big teacher is very philosophical, or you can think that what the big teacher said is right, and you can also regard the big teacher as an idol.

But if you learn from the self-destruction of the ** teacher, it will not be a big trouble, but you will be cold directly!

People are group creatures, no matter how withdrawn, they all need to socialize, and the practice of hurting oneself is not suitable for reality, on the contrary, it is a very ideal behavior.

In the anime, the big teacher and Yuki, Yui and others understand him, but in reality, if you do this, how many people around you do do you think will understand your hard work?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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