"Who did you learn the habit of talking half of the story?!"

"What's the matter?"

"Strange knowledge has increased..."

"I'm still white, right, I'm still pure~, right?"

"My generation is a role model, I am really single by virtue of my strength-ah!"

"On how to use one sentence to make girls break the defense, is the university abolished?

Listening to the words of Hikiya Hachiman and Yui, the fans were stunned for a moment, and then their stomachs hurt with laughter.

This is really a dare to scold, a dare to prove~

The first episode of "My Youth Love Story Really Goes Wrong" ended in the exchange between Hachiman Hikiya and Yukino Yukishita, and although the anime was only a short episode, it left a deep impression on fans.

Whether it's Yukino under the snow, or Yui Yui, who is lively and cute, or the fish-eyed Hachiman.

Each character has a distinct personality, and every character is eye-catching.

Moreover, through a commission from Yui Hihama, many fans have gradually understood Hikiya Hachiman's attitude and solution to the problem.

bluntly said that the biscuits that Yui Hihama bought with his hard work were unpalatable, but he told the other party that the boy was very simple, and if he liked you, he would not be shaken by whether the biscuits were good or not, but would pay attention to whether the biscuits were made by you.

Hikiya Hachiman's words naturally attracted Yui's displeasure, and anyone who worked hard for a long time but didn't get recognition, even if he didn't even have a perfunctory compliment, I'm afraid it would be very unhappy in his heart.

Therefore, Hachiman Hikiya showed his self-destructive physique in front of fans for the first time, and it doesn't matter what he does, what matters is whether the problem has been solved or not.

And under the snow snow is ice and snow smart, others may not know the good intentions of Hikiya Hachiman, but she can see it, and because of this, her opinion of Hikiya Hachiman has improved a little.

And Yui Hibihama scolded Hachiman a lot before that he was disgusting, but afterwards he gave the other party a bag of biscuits, even if it was burnt biscuits, it also showed that Yui knew the key to the matter, and specially thanked Hachiman Hikiya.

It's just that he can't pull his face, so he gave Hachiman a bag of burnt biscuits, which can be regarded as expressing gratitude and giving the other party a small punishment.

Yui's move not only did not disgust fans, but received a lot of praise from fans.

Isn't this a true portrayal of girls who are good at playing petty?

"To be honest, I think the vision of Hachiman is very unique, and I feel like a personal teacher."

Hard work will not betray yourself, although dreams will betray, hard work may not be able to achieve dreams, but what you have worked hard is enough to comfort yourself. "

This sentence has a flavor, and I am willing to be his teacher

"The teacher is not good, distinguish Kale from Hiratsuka Jing, just call the big teacher and forget it!"

"Big teacher, that's a good name~!"

After the anime ended, the fans who chose to watch "My Youth Love Story Really Got Wrong" didn't rush to watch the latest episode of "Initial D", but ran to the A theory to communicate with each other.

After all, the anime "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem", although it is only one episode, has brought a lot of food for thought.

Slowly, the title of great teacher spread.

In the previous life, although the title of Great Teacher was exclusive to Hachiman, fans of the second dimension would definitely be the first to think of Dead Fish Eyes as long as they said Big Teacher.

However, in fact, although the title of the great teacher belongs to Hachiman Hikiya, it has nothing to do with the anime "My Youth Love Story Is Really Problematic".

On the contrary, the title of the big teacher comes from another work - "The Perverted Prince and the Unsmiling Cat".

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is also the title of a meme series, although there are some meaning of life mentors, but the biggest reason is because of playing stalks.

It's just that I didn't expect that despite the different time and space, "The Perverted Prince and the Unsmiling Cat" did not appear, but the title of the big teacher appeared very strangely in the A forum.

And with everyone's discussion, this title is recognized by more and more people.

I don't know if it's because the inertia of history is too great, or if it's really just a name that fans came up with by chance.

fresh flowers

And the most bizarre thing is that Yui

On the other side, Fang Zheng came to the forum, and his original intention was to see if this group of budding newcomers had understood the first episode of the anime "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem".

But I was very surprised to see the birth process of the two titles of big teacher and tuanzi.

If he hadn't personally looked up the fans' messages in A, he really doubted that someone had crossed over into this world like him!

This is too unbelievable, a big teacher can be said to be a coincidence, but the big teacher and the group have come out, which makes people feel a chill down their spine.


However, the final result made Fang Zheng breathe a sigh of relief, although all this was very weird, but there was nothing abnormal.

Fang Zheng watched fans discuss my youth love story in the forum, and there was really a problem", and couldn't help but smile, this anime belongs to the genre that the more you watch it, the more you can understand the details.

Being able to understand so much for the first time, these fans have exceeded his imagination.

"Come on, come on, sell stocks, do you want to buy snow stocks or tuanzi shares?"

Fang Zheng doesn't think it's a big deal to see the excitement, since the two titles of big teacher and tuanzi have appeared, then he will take this opportunity to talk to the other party about what is called stock speculation.

That is, there is no appearance of Caijia in the first episode, otherwise Founder will add a Caijia stock.

After all, there is a saying among spring scholars, you may make money by blood, but I will never lose money by picking up shares, or you may lose blood on Tuanzi stocks, but I will never lose money on picking plus shares.

Although the two sentences have almost the same meaning, they can also reflect the firmness of the mining and adding stocks.

It's a pity that there was no scene in the first episode, and Founder could only launch two stocks, Xue Nai stock and Tuanzi stock, for fans to speculate.

As for which fans to buy, it depends on personal analysis and luck, but for those fans who choose Tuanzi stocks, Founder still has to say that the wind on the rooftop is very strong, be careful.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please !! mouth!_

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