On the second day of the broadcast of "My Youth Love Story", Fangzheng changed and became very fond of listening to the corner.

For example, if I have nothing to do, I like to go to the office area of the headquarters of Company A to take a stroll, listen to what the employees are discussing when they go to work, what to say, and whether there are any gossips~

Although Founder himself is very respected and loved by employees, you must know that Founder is usually almost always in the office, except for commuting to and from work, passing by the office area, he rarely comes to the office area at other times.

Recently, Founder likes to come to the office area to wander around when he has nothing to do, which makes many employees confused.

Could it be that Fang Dong wants to see if anyone is lazy, or to see if any employees are fishing?

But it shouldn't be, A welfare is very good, almost the top salary, this kind of work "250" who will not do it seriously, in case they are fired because of their own fishing, then they have no place to cry.

Many employees don't understand why Founder has changed so much recently, but some people do.

In the ACEO office, Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng who had nothing to do in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Fang Zheng with a playful look in his eyes.

"Ahem, I'm busy~

Fang Zheng's old face was red when he was looked at by Zhang Siyu, and in the face of Zhang Siyu's gaze, he felt that his little caution had been seen through by the other party.

"Alas~I'm not busy, I can't do it.Who made me just a part-time worker~"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng, and pretended to mock Fang Zheng with a smile in the corner of his eyes, which means that you, the chairman, often touch fish, and I, the CEO, can only be busy.

However, despite what she says, Zhang Siyu enjoys her current work very much, which is fulfilling and challenging, which is very in line with her ideal work state.

If Fang Zheng really worked to take away some of her things, then she really felt that she had done something wrong, or that Fang Zheng didn't need her anymore.

Zhang Siyu is very clear about her feelings for Fangzheng now, but her strong personality makes her not take the initiative to pursue it, so she can only wait.

Wait for this elm to open his head and take the initiative to pursue her.

But Founder's emotional intelligence... Zhang Siyu really doesn't know how to complain, or he doesn't have any hope for Fangzheng's emotional intelligence.

Generally speaking, a position like hers has a share share in any company, on the one hand, to make her work hard, and on the other hand, to trap these executives.

But in Fang, she has never made any requests, she has worked hard from A, and whatever Fang Zheng gives her, she will do her best to complete.

Fang Zheng didn't mean it, how could Zhang Siyu sacrifice herself, she was not born masochistic

But Fang Zheng never thought about this, which made Zhang Siyu a little desperate.

So she has always used work to numb herself, relying on work to maintain a relationship with Fangzheng, and on the other hand, she also thinks that if she works so hard, one day Fangzheng will understand her mind.

So if Fang Zheng really took away Zhang Siyu's work, she was really unwilling, because this was the main channel of communication between her and Fang Zheng, and if Fang Zheng really did that, she would think that she was no longer relied on by Fang Zheng.

It is the nature of women to suffer from gains and losses, even for a strong woman like Zhang Siyu.

"Ahem, what the hell, you didn't tell me about that day~"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a somewhat apprehensive expression, although he had a good opportunity to wander around the company and did not hear similar remarks, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

After hesitating, Fang Zheng came to Zhang Siyu at the risk of being ridiculed, wanting to ask about the situation.

"What happened that day?" The smile in the corner of Zhang Siyu's eyes became more and more obvious, but he deliberately pretended to look at Fang Zheng and said, "What's the matter? Did Fang Dong say that I forgot any work?"

Zhang Siyu tilted his head slightly, looking at Fang Zheng with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Seeing Zhang Siyu's sideways killing, the temperament of a strong woman has a hint of innocence, and her mature face has a hint of playfulness, and Fang Zheng inexplicably feels a tightness in his heart.

The ridiculous thoughts from before came to his mind again, and he felt an urge to take Zhang Siyu into his arms.

Two lives, Fang Zhengke has always been a member of the FFF group, and he has always been firm in his belief in the wife of a paper man, and I think it has been the first time that he has been interested in a real woman three times or twice.........

The impulse in his heart became more and more obvious, and Fang Zheng's face was full of confusion, even if he was slow to react, he knew what it meant.

Looking at Zhang Siyu's knowingly questioning appearance, Fang Zheng's blood surged, gritted his teeth, turned his heart sideways, and looked at Zhang Siyu viciously and said.

"I'll give you a holiday today, you come with me, I'll wait for you in the parking lot downstairs!"

After speaking, Fang Zheng turned around and left Zhang Siyu's office directly, his back was very chic.

Out of the office, Fang Zheng felt that his heart was beating a little fast, it turned out that the first time he asked a woman was this feeling~!

Don't talk about it in the previous life, as a half-job and half-house otaku, Fang Zheng has been struggling in the city for several years, asking for a house without a house, a car without a car, and a saving without saving.

As a young man with three nothings, he would never take the initiative to date girls.

Because he knows that he will definitely not succeed, reality is reality, cruel and ruthless.

It's not that there is that kind of sweet love in film and television dramas, but with a population of more than one billion people in Xia Kingdom, what do you think is the probability that you will meet that kind of good girl?

So Fang Zheng never took the initiative to ask girls, in his opinion, Fang Zheng couldn't make it, why should he spend his hard-earned money in exchange for his hard work.

Isn't it fragrant to have the money to buy a few producers and 2.7 people's wives figurines?

Hold it if you want to, cuddle it when you want to, sleep together if you want to, and never go against your will, why go to reality to be a licking dog~

And when I came to this world, I was busy with my work and my big but somewhat illusory dreams at the beginning.

Now he is also considered to be famous, but the mentality in his previous life has not changed, so he subconsciously ignores how good he is now and how attractive he is to the opposite sex.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "To Our Lost Youth", "Dream Language", "136...00", and "Moon Shadow Tree", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!_

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