Fang Zheng came to the room, carrying a few packages in his hands, obviously this was the clothes he bought for Zhang Siyu.

Watching Fang Zheng put the clothes on the bed, Zhang Siyu felt a little sweet in his heart, it seemed that this man was not hopelessly stupid.

"Turn... Turn around!"

Zhang Siyu held the clothes in his hand, and when he saw Fang Zheng's two pairs of eyes staring at him like a scanner, he couldn't help but be ashamed, and hurriedly motioned for Fang Zheng to turn around.

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, shook his head very regretfully, and then turned around.

He knew that if he didn't turn around, Zhang Siyu wouldn't want to walk out of the hotel today.

There was a sound of dressing behind him, and occasionally a few painful snorts from Zhang Siyu, which made Fang Zheng feel a little self-reproachful.

Last night he... It seems like maybe it's too much...

After a long time, Zhang Siyu put on a pair, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Fang Zheng was still honestly facing away from him.

"Well... All right. "

Fang Zheng turned around and looked at Zhang Siyu, because the clothes were bought by the waiter, and he didn't know the size, so Zhang Siyu wore it a little out of place.

But the place that should be covered is always covered, and that's the main thing.

"You definitely won't be able to go to the company today, or you should go back to my house first, my bed is quite big. "

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a smile, men chasing women, they would be a little nervous at first, but if they really cook raw rice and mature rice, boys will definitely adapt much faster than girls.

Of course, this is the case when both men and women are normal children of good families.

"Hmm... Hmm~"

Zhang Siyu heard Fang Zheng's words, took a deep breath, nodded slightly and agreed to the next two, she can't walk steadily in her current state, let alone go to the company.

Isn't this a clear joke~!

Moreover, Fang Zheng's words made Zhang Siyu smile bitterly, what do you mean that your bed is very big, even if I, Zhang Siyu, am not as rich as you, but I still have a bed to sleep in!!

Zhang Siyu knew Fangzheng's character, and silently comforted himself not to be angry.

According to Fang Zheng, she is destined to live with this man for the rest of her life from now on, if she is angry because of this kind of thing, then sooner or later she will not be angry with this wood!

In case he dies of anger, Fang Zheng doesn't know which girl will be cheaper~!

Although this elm pimple is sometimes very annoying, but if you want her Zhang Siyu to give up, it is impossible, even if it is a piece of wood, it is also the wood of her own choice, not everyone can touch it!

Zhang Siyu thought of this, took a deep breath, then looked at Fang Zheng, and slowly stretched out her hand, the meaning was obvious, that is, let Fang Zheng support herself, after all, she really didn't want to move now, and she felt pain when she moved.

If it weren't for the shyness in her heart, she would have wanted Fang Zheng to leave with her, but she would definitely be very embarrassed to think of so many people outside and being stared at by so many people.

Looking at Zhang Siyu's movements, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, finally not too sluggish.

Slowly, Fang Zheng helped Zhang Siyu to the outside of the Modu Hotel, and the driver called by Fang Zheng was already waiting.

Helped Zhang Siyu into the business car, sat beside him, and then asked the driver to drive to his home.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that Founder came to the company slowly.

"Hey, hey, did you see it, Fang Dong is red-faced, do you say..."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang has not appeared since he left yesterday, and Fang Dong only came to the company at this time, ahem..."

"I don't think we're far from the red envelope~"

"There will be red envelopes, bonuses, and holidays, brothers come on and work, don't drag your work to that important moment!"

Fang Zheng walked through the office area, walking with the wind, and many employees who came over laughed evilly when they saw Fang Zheng's face.

In the process of thinking that Founder and Zhang Siyu did not come to the company according to their past habits, how clear this result is does not need much explanation at all.

On the other hand, Fang Zheng thought that he was hiding it well, he had tried his best to make himself look no different from usual, and tried to make his expression more natural.

But he didn't know that if this person was not professionally trained, no matter how well he disguised himself, there would be flaws, such as although he tried his best to disguise his expression.

But the sweetness at the corner of his mouth has inadvertently exposed him.

Someone who thinks he is very smart comes to the office and sits in a chair, but his heart is not calm for a long time, and he has no heart to work.

Then Chen Xianting, who followed Fang Zheng to the office, saw Fang Zheng's chin dragging and smirking slightly, and her expression was a little complicated.

Chen Xianting sighed silently, then cheered up, and then made a cup of tea for Fang Zheng and brought it over.

"Fang Dong is tired, drink some tea and relax~"

Chen Xianting's sentence of 'tired' made Fang Zheng stunned for a moment, then laughed embarrassedly twice, picked up the teacup and took a sip gently, comforting himself that this was just Chen Xianting's daily greeting, and there was absolutely no other meaning.

Then Chen Xianting reported some of the work from yesterday to Fang Zheng, just looking at the other party's casual appearance, it was obvious that she was wandering in the world.

Chen Xianting knew what Fang was thinking, she also knew why Fang Zheng was like this, and she knew that Fang Zheng was not in the mood to listen to her report at this time.

Sighing helplessly, Chen Xianting cleaned up Fangzheng's office a little, and then left the office very interestingly, leaving the space to Fangzheng alone.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Xianting left, Fangzheng's whole person changed, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, staring at his computer, not knowing what he was thinking.

He has always been a single dog, not to mention last night's incident, even the little hands of the goddess have no chance to touch them.

As a result, he has now transformed into this picture that he once spurned so much.

For single dogs, those current charges in reality are absolutely very hateful, every time they see it, they will explode to the other party, but when they really become ready, they find that Yanlai is so sweet in love~

"Alas~ I really still live the way I ever hated it!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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