Fang Zheng was sitting in the office, a little absent-minded, and his mind was full of Zhang Siyu in his own home.

It is said that love makes people stupid, and Founder now has a deep understanding.

On weekdays, as soon as he enters the office, the first thing he thinks about is his follow-up plan, rather than thinking about any messy things.

But now it was different, Fang Zheng looked at the documents brought by Chen Xianting, and he was not in the mood to look through them at all.

Originally, these tasks were handled by Zhang Siyu, but from yesterday to now, Zhang Siyu has not been in the company, and he has not come today, and there is no one in charge of the company.

These documents sent by various departments can only be handed over to Chen Xianting, and then Chen Xianting can be handed over to Fang Zheng and wait for Fang Zheng to deal with it.

After all, except for Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu, there is no third person in the company who has this qualification to deal with these things.

Looking at the piled up documents, Fang Zheng smiled helplessly.

He knew that he couldn't go on like this, that the company's affairs could not be delayed, and that he had to get back to work.


I really want to know what Zhang Siyu is doing at home now, I don't know if she still hurts, whether the things she hid under the bed have been found, whether the other party knows what the learning materials in her computer mean, whether she clicked on it to see...

Fang Zheng picked up a document in his hand, but his mind was full of Zhang Siyu who wanted to rest in his own home.

Ten minutes passed, and not a single document in front of Fang Zheng was processed, but he was very anxious, desperately hoping to go home from work immediately.

Maybe after he went back, Zhang Siyu had already prepared dinner and was waiting for him.

No, no, no!

can't be so easily corrupted by love, his own grand two-dimensional dream has not been completed, how can he sink into the grave of love so completely!

Fang Zheng shook his head, forcing himself to throw out the messy thoughts about Zhang Siyu in his mind, forcing himself to enter the state of work.

When Founder really processed the file, there were not so many complicated thoughts in his mind.

This person is like this, the more free he is, the more he will think about some things that he has and don't have, and when he is really busy, he won't think about it so much.

Fang Zheng concentrated on his work, but he didn't know that at this time, the company was already full of gossip.

"Have you heard, Dong Fang and Mr. Zhang are in love!"

"Your news is outdated, the two of them left yesterday afternoon, and Mr. Zhang has not come to work until now. "

"Hiss~ Is Fang Dong so neat, this enlightenment is too fast~!"

"What do you think, Fang Dong is simply a model for my generation, if you don't make a move, it's enough, as soon as you make a move, you will get up and down, and you will hit a home run directly!"

"So, Mr. Zhang will be the boss lady in the future?"

The executives of various departments in the company, down to the cleaning aunt, are all talking about this matter, and they are all gossiping about what Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu have not appeared in the company for so long, what have they done.

Is it really as many people guess, the two of them are already like that.

If this is really the case, then Zhang Siyu will undoubtedly be promoted to their boss lady and become the hostess of Company A.

For Zhang Siyu's personal charm, personality, work ability and attitude, all the employees of A Society see it in their eyes, and they also admire Zhang Siyu very much.

Very early on, many employees noticed Zhang Siyu's feelings for Fangzheng, although the employees were not qualified to ask about other people's private affairs, but they also thought that Zhang Siyu was the most suitable and worthy person.

Inside and outside of Company A, Zhang Siyu has helped Founder manage it in an orderly manner, and it can be said that Company A has come to this point, and Zhang Siyu's contribution must not be ignored.

Because of this, the employees are also very optimistic about the relationship between Zhang Siyu and Fangzheng.

Now that the two are finally public, the employees are also happy for the two of them, although they gossip about Founder and Zhang Siyu, they also send their most sincere blessings in their hearts.

But some people are happy and some are worried, Fangzheng's personal assistant Chen Xianting came to the voice actor department of A club and saw Yang Li who was stunned in the office.

Hearing the sound of the office door opening, Yang Li looked up and saw Chen Xianting, who was not in a very high mood.

The two beautiful women glanced at each other and smiled bitterly at each other, everything was silent, and from the depths of each other's eyes, they knew each other's feelings.

There is no doubt that in this relationship, both are losers, and complete losers.

Yang Li, Chen Xianting and Zhang Siyu, in the competition of the three, Zhang Siyu won, and they lost, and they lost very completely.

Especially Yang Li, her heart is even more miserable, you must know that she is the first of the three to know Founder, and she is also the first employee of Founder's true sense.

At the beginning, Fang Zheng personally poached her from Modu TV and participated in the dubbing of the second anime "Chopping Red", which enabled the anime that was not popular at that time to be successfully completed.

In a blink of an eye, almost a year has passed, and in the course of this year, she has watched the gradual growth of A Society, and watched Founder launch a series of highly acclaimed works.

And she herself has also retreated from the front line of the voice actor industry to the background, because of Founder's trust, she was promoted to the head of the voice actor department, specializing in teaching voice actors recruited by the company.

In her career, she Yang Li can be said to have had a bumper harvest, but emotionally, she is still a single person as she was at the beginning, and she is even more miserable than in the past.

If you haven't seen it, you won't fall in love, but Yang Li met the one she was destined to be at the age when she was most eager to fall in love, but now the person who belongs to her is in love with another woman.

Yang Li really doesn't know how to describe her mood at this time, miserable?

Naturally miserable!

But so what, she couldn't change anything, she couldn't do anything.

Fang is the man she likes and the life partner she identifies, but Zhang Siyu is also her best friend, and Yang Li is in a dilemma.

Moreover, this sudden love affair is Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu's own choice, what right does she, an unrequited woman, have to ask?

Thinking that Zhang Siyu was introduced to Fangzheng by herself, Yang Li felt even more uncomfortable, not that she regretted it or was jealous, but it was simply not a taste.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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