The next day, fans were a little sobered up from the carnival brought by the comics, because today, Founder's new work "Middle Two Diseases Also Want to Fall in Love" is about to be released.

Secondary two disease, after the explosion yesterday, has always been a hot topic of discussion among fans, and the popularity of the topic has also remained high, attracting many onlookers.

And on the major video platforms, videos about the second disease are also endless, from the beginning, everyone rushed to imitate the appearance and speaking style of Yoshiki Kikiza, and slowly the fans completed new tricks.

In short, the second disease has become completely popular, especially in the two-dimensional circle, and is regarded as a trend and a new cultural form by fans.

Even when outsiders see this funny way, they also smile knowingly, and they have fun.

At more than six o'clock, fans were very reluctant to put down the comics of "Anyway It's Very Cute" in their hands that they didn't know how many times they had flipped, and they came to the A community forum to see if there were any big guys who wanted to hear the latest news.

After all, although dog food is good, eating too much is not a happy thing.

Therefore, fans are ready to change their tastes, although the upcoming new work "Middle Two Diseases Have to Fall in Love" is also related to the topic of "love".

But love is not marriage after all, and this dog food must not be as flavorful as "In Short, It's Very Cute".

Besides, after the baptism of dog food in "Anyway, It's Very Cute", fans feel that it is difficult for them to be tempted by other brands of dog food.

In short, it is very cute, Lensa dog food, people are professional.

"Brothers, the second illness is so happy~"

"The clubs of our university have all set up secondary and secondary disease clubs, and all of them are talents, and the talking thief is interesting hahaha~"

"I envy you college dogs, there are clubs to do, social animals like me can only entertain themselves~"

"Pipi Shrimp is simply not a person, such a fun thing as the second disease, and he didn't even share it with us before, it's really too much!"

"That's right, what else do you say that the second middle school is not a disease, memories cost lives, obviously so happy, and you still want to scare us!"

In the eyes of fans, the second disease is a way to decompress and be funny, and it is an existence that can make people laugh, but in the eyes of Fangzheng, this is a proper black history.

It can only be said that the cognition of the two sides is different, and it may be that something went wrong, in short, fans disagree with Founder's thoughts very much, as well as Founder's attitude towards the second disease.

At the beginning of the contact with the second disease, a considerable number of people felt embarrassed, but after getting acquainted with it, who did not completely let go of themselves and indulged in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

Embarrassing is really not that important compared to joy, after all, this person, the most important thing is to be happy.

"Gathered brothers, it's seven o'clock!"

"Let's go, I want to see what the second disease looks like in the eyes of Pipi Shrimp?"

"233 ~ Pipi shrimp seems to be very taboo in the second disease, I don't know what the reason is, but I'm curious!"

"Isn't the second disease a form of performance art? Bringing fun to people with their own performances, is this one taller than those embarrassing dances with their own cement?! "

"I said brother, can you not compare the second disease with that kind of earthy behavior, which can be called art?"

"Whatever, it's important to be happy, I'm going to watch the anime!"

Fans left the forum one by one and rushed to the homepage of the A society platform, waiting for the last dozens of seconds to pass.

In the eyes of fans, the second disease has become a unique performance art in the middle and second yuan circles, just like the killing of Matt who was too high to be able to do it, cement special effects, and so on.

However, compared with those behaviors, although the second disease is embarrassing, it is obviously much taller, and the biggest advantage is that it can bring joy to others and make others laugh.

One is to be despised by others, and the other is to make others laugh while being happy.

However, whether it is the fans or Founder himself, they actually think wrong, and they are outrageously wrong.

The second disease that fans know is just a way to have fun, but the attitude of real life has not changed, if the image is a little bit, it is like some video shooters' posing.

There are completely two people in the video and in reality, and there will be no embarrassing scene of death in real life.

So strictly speaking, fans just regard the second disease as a tool to entertain themselves and others, and their own personality and way of dealing with the world are not related to the second disease.

Even if the second year comes up occasionally, it's mostly a joke.

On the other hand, it was precisely because Fang was influenced by his previous life that he felt a little rumored when he heard about the second disease, and he didn't notice the difference between the second disease of his fans and the real second disease in his previous life.

He thought that the second middle school of the fans had gone deep into the bone marrow, but the fans just took it as a joke, so a wonderful misunderstanding was born.

It's just that both sides haven't noticed it, so fans don't understand why Fang Zheng persuaded them to give up such a happy middle school disease, and Fang Zheng doesn't understand why fans are addicted to this embarrassing cancer.

This is like a matter of attitude towards the world, Fang Zheng feels that the fans are crooked, but in fact, people are walking very right, just imitating the behavior of people who go the wrong way.

In the final analysis, fans did not understand the essence of the second disease that Founder was worried about, and Founder himself did not see through the essence of the second disease among fans.

This can only be said that Fang Zheng was too deeply affected by the second disease in his previous life, and after adding his behavior of the second disease when he was young in his previous life, he subconsciously brought his experience to fans.

Fang Zheng felt embarrassed and felt that the second disease was a black history, but fans didn't think so, they thought it was funny, and it was a rare funny theme.

Therefore, Founder launched "The Second Disease Wants to Fall in Love", wanting to let his fans understand how embarrassing the second disease is through the identity of the evil king's true eye of Little Bird You Liuhua.

After all, the True Eye of the Evil King and the Pitch Black Flame make these names familiar to everyone in their previous lives, and when it comes to this name, the first person everyone will definitely be in the second grade.

And when it comes to Form 2, what follows is the feeling of embarrassment, which is definitely very impressive.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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