Secondary two disease!

Have you ever heard of the term 'secondary disease'~?

It is said that it is a terrible and lovely disease that is most likely to suffer from in the second year of puberty, which is the mixture of self-consciousness and daydreaming childishness in the process of growing up.

Makes people do all kinds of weird things... What's... Yesterday, I only read a shonen magazine, but suddenly I looked at the original English book.

Or maybe you don't understand the benefits of coffee bitterness at all, but you are obsessed with drinking black coffee.

Or believe that you are born different, have some special powers, and indulge in all kinds of strange powers.

And this teenager, who was also a severe secondary disease patient in junior high school, called himself DarkFlameMaster (original subtitle Dark Flame Messenger, now subtitled Dark Flame Demon Master), the signature line is...

"Be consumed by the flames of darkness~"

The opening of the anime of "Middle Two Diseases Have to Fall in Love" directly pointed out to fans the terrible thing about middle two diseases, the embarrassing smell that can be smelled across the screen.

And at the beginning of the anime, our protagonist Yuta's chic and stylish style instantly attracted the attention of many fans.

The pitch-black suit, black coat and black pants, gray hair, give people the illusion of unruliness, and slender bangs cover one eye, giving people an inexplicable sense of mystery and oppression.

The one eye left alone outside is also sharp-eyed, and when I was looked at by that aggressive eye, I only felt that there was lightning in the other party's eyes, and between the slightest streamer, fans unconsciously shouted 'handsome'!

Yuta wears a chic suit, and he also wears some chains and belts, which adds a touch of domineering.

Carrying a one-handed broadsword in his hand, the sharp cold light and the wide blade make people can't help but think of the supreme magic sword burning with pitch-black magic flames at the first glance.

As soon as Yuta appeared on the stage, it gave people the feeling of crossing the river with a dragon in the eight wildernesses, and a strong man's breath came to his face.

"I'm Gan, can you still play like this with the second disease?"

"Compared with Pipi Shrimp, our so-called middle two disease is simply a play!"

"Look at other people's cups, look at other people's shapes, proper boss, I've decided, I'm going to buy a piece of equipment like this, I'm going to be a DarkFlameMaster!"

"This is the essence of the second disease, through the assistance of props to achieve the results you want, today I can be regarded as an eye-opener~"

"For Mao, I always feel that the middle two diseases that Pipi Shrimp said are not the same thing as the middle two diseases that we understand~"

"When you say that, I feel that way, too."

Fans were amazed by Yuta's appearance, and the other party's handsome appearance made fans shout 'real'.

Moreover, there are also very few people who have noticed that the second disease in Fangzheng's opinion does not seem to be the same thing as the second disease they speculated according to Fangzheng's dynamics.

However, fans don't have time to speculate about the second disease now, and they now seem to have opened up a new world.

It turns out that the second middle disease can still play like this, and it turns out that the second middle disease can be so handsome in addition to being funny~

Fans stared at the screen without blinking, wanting to learn the essence of a wave of secondary disease, compared to Yuta, their previous secondary secondary disease behavior was simply just at the entry level, and there was a world of difference.

Listen to Yuta's lines, 'Be swallowed by the flames of darkness~', how domineering, how handsome~

Looking at the words of Yongtai, the special effects that cooperated, the black and purple flames were simply the kind of hellfire that burned everything and was wanton and reckless in everyone's hearts~

also needs the dark clouds in the sky, giving people an incomparably oppressive background, this is the essence of the second disease~

Sure enough, although Pipi Shrimp is skinny, but people are big guys after all, compared with the middle two diseases created by Pipi Shrimp, they imitated and innovated the secondary two disease videos before, which is simply scum.

Many fans recalled their most proud work, and shook their heads very lonely, this is really no comparison, there is no harm, compared with Pipi Shrimp, they are not even left with slag in seconds.

Pipi shrimp is still strong~

Fans sighed one after another, and they made up their minds in shock, and they should seize the time to modify their videos for a while, at least the props, costumes, special effects and backgrounds must all be integrated.

In this way, the style is instantly much taller, just watch the Yuta in the anime, this scene is not inferior to those special effects blockbusters in the West.

It's even too much, it's just a standard template for fans' own fantasies~

"No, I can't suppress my power anymore, I'm going to imitate this video!"

"Kikiza Yoshiki, my friend, I'm sorry, I betrayed, I want to worship the essence of the second disease under the Yuta sect!"

"Mutiny, mutiny, I'm going to join Yuta's team too!"

"This special effect, this background, this line, it's really explosive, this is too handsome, I have goosebumps!"

"Pippi Shrimp: I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying everyone here is spicy chicken!"

"The second disease is not only funny, it can be so burning, and it can be so handsome~!"

Fans looked at Yuta's appearance, and while opening the door to a new world, they couldn't help but sigh, and the barrage was full of praise from fans.

As for embarrassment... Sorry, what's embarrassing?

Even fans watched Yuta even write settings in his notebook in order to shape his identity, and even drew illustrations with admiration.

Look, look, or why is it so handsome that people's secondary two diseases are so handsome, people have put in real effort, and just the full settings on this notebook are not made by ordinary people.

If you want to become such a handsome and burning middle two disease, you must be on par with Master Yongtai~!

"It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the anime, Yuta made a move that fans were very puzzled about, that is, while looking at the notebook that he had worked so hard to write all the settings in, he slammed his head against the cabinet.

There is still something "embarrassing" in his mouth, which makes fans very puzzled.

Especially when I saw Yuta lying on the bed, rolling around, and shouting 'forget it, forget it', I was even more confused.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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