"No, what is this operation?"

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"Master Yongtai, if you feel embarrassed, give me your notebook, if not, I can buy it with money!"

"Get upstairs, Master Yongtai's notebook is everyone's common property, you don't want to occupy it alone!"

"I really don't understand, why does Pipi Shrimp feel so embarrassed by the second disease, it's obviously very handsome~"

Fans are puzzled by Yuta's reaction, what a handsome middle two disease, why did the reaction be so intense.

However, they don't know that the real secondary disease is a shameful disease that makes people embarrassed to die just by recalling it, which is the origin of the so-called secondary two is not a disease, and memories are going to kill people.

Who hasn't had a young age when they felt like they were the center of the world, that they were different, that they were the chosen ones.

In this very naïve cognition, oneself is unique, and oneself is an indispensable existence in this world.

When I was young, I didn't know anything about the world, and the place I traveled to and from was almost the ivory tower of the school and the safe haven of the family, and the classmates and playmates were very simple, and the parents were also very fond of them.

In this case, it is natural that the younger self will take it for granted that everything revolves around him, and he is the center of the world.

This perception is not such a shameful thing, it is caused by the living environment.

When I left the protection of my parents, when I walked out of the school gate, when I came into contact with more people, when I experienced the beating of society, and when I got to know the various states of life, I suddenly repented, and it turned out that I was just one of the ordinary beings.

The planet rotates without anyone, the sun rises and sets in the west as usual, and society does not stop because of someone.

And recognizing that there is nothing different about oneself and recognizing one's own position is a proof that a person goes from naivety to maturity, and the process is cruel.

Because I have been daydreaming for so many years when I was a child, I found out that the clown turned out to be myself.

Therefore, when many people grow up, they will feel very embarrassed when they recall the time when they were young and recalled their second year of junior high school, and they are ashamed to speak to others.

The second disease must not easily see the light, which is the embodiment of a person's self-protection.

After all, no one likes to be known by others about their black history and the unbearable past.

It's just that this very simple truth, fans who are watching "Middle Two Diseases Have to Fall in Love" have not yet understood, or have not yet seen through the essence of the matter.

Fans are still immersed in Yuta's middle two illness, calling him handsome, and they can't extricate themselves from it one by one.

However, the fans didn't understand this truth, but Yuta did, so he decided to graduate from the second year of secondary school.

I cleaned up my room, packed my past secondary two sick black history props and put them on the balcony, decided to throw them away, and said goodbye to my past self completely.

But is it really that easy to end?

Even if you haven't watched the plot in the back, fans know that Yuta can't graduate from the second year of secondary school so smoothly, because the name of this anime says it all.

Sure enough, in the expectant eyes of fans, Yuta, who was cleaning up on the balcony, was quickly attracted by a rope hanging down from the balcony of his house.

Immediately, the rope shook, and a girl in a goth costume slipped off the rope.

Although Yuta didn't know what was going on, he still stepped forward very kindly, supported the other party's delicate jade feet with his own hands, and then put them on the fence of the balcony, so that the other party could land smoothly and safely.

Under the bright moonlight, the girl's short purple hair was reflected very gloomy, and her sapphire eyes were brighter than the moon in the night sky.

When the girl turned around and faced Yuta, fans realized that the girl's left eye was wearing an eye buckle, covering her left eye.

"It's... Sister Lin fell from the sky? "

"Was this the first thing that exciting? Nights, balconies, ropes, lonely men and widows... Suck and slip~"

"Made, it's LSP as soon as you open upstairs, and I guess I usually buy a lot of learning materials~!"

"I have a hunch that this is where our dream begins!"

"What's going on with the heroine's eyes? Was it surgery? "

Fans looked at the little bird You Liuhua who had just appeared, especially at the very special costumes of the other party, as well as the eye buckles on their eyes, they were all a little puzzled.

But even though I didn't understand, I had to admit that I was sour.

Good guys, there is such a cute cute girl who took the initiative to send it to the door, I don't have to say it, Yongtai is a proper winner in life~

"Woo woo, I also have a balcony in my house, why don't there be girls downstairs in my house?"

"Understood, I'll go to the balcony and wait!"

"Wake up, brother, balconies may not be uncommon, but are you sure that there are cute girls living upstairs in your house?"

"233~ When I think of a pair of big feet full of black leg hair and a strong smell on the balcony of any of you, I can't help but crack!"

"Gan, are you the devil upstairs, why do you depict it in such detail, you have a picture!"

"What the hell, are you going to disgust me? Can't you let me have a fantasy?! "

Fans watched the debut of the bird tour Liuhua, and looked at the way the male and female protagonists met this time, all of them were incarnated as lemon essence, although the taste of dog food was not so heavy, but it couldn't stand so enviable~

In the anime, the male protagonist met a cute girl, and in reality, if you want to play like this, it is estimated that people will call the police directly.

Even in a cruel way, the first thing Yuta saw was a pair of fleshy legs and a pair of delicate little feet, and in reality, what you saw might be a pair of stinky feet exuding athlete's foot!

If you add that leg hair to the full legs... emmm~ Presumably the situation will be very interesting!

Fans looked at this different male and female protagonists, and they were all amazed, Yuta didn't say anything, and now many fans have begun to call the master, the proper boss of the second disease.

Little Bird You Liuhua, the unique shape and appearance method, obviously also tell fans that this girl is not ordinary.

Such a unique male and female protagonist instantly made fans think about it, and they are looking forward to the next plot development.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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