After Zhang Siyu's enlightenment, Fang Zhengchang breathed a sigh of relief, and after making trouble for a long time, his worries turned out to be unnecessary.

At the beginning, seeing so many fans join the ranks of secondary two diseases, this really scared him, if there are really so many secondary and secondary disease patients, it is estimated that it is a social problem.

And social problems are not something that he is square, nor is it something that Company A can carry on his shoulders.

But fortunately, after passing Zhang Siyu's fans, Fang Zheng realized that the second disease in his eyes was not the same as the second disease in the eyes of fans.

The second disease in my eyes is the kind of self-righteous and naïve way of dealing with the world that I think I am very special, and the second disease in the eyes of fans is just a channel to entertain myself and others.

Isn't there a saying that the biggest proof of a person's growth is to be willing to accept his ordinariness and mediocrity, and most of his fans obviously know that he is no different.

Everyone likes to imitate the second disease, just to make themselves and others laugh, of course, it is not excluded that some people want to earn some extra money by imitating videos.

But no matter what, those fans can still distinguish between reality and fantasy, and this discovery made Fang Zheng completely relaxed.

Although he can't guarantee that everyone thinks this way, at least most fans are still very sober and have not completely indulged in the second disease.

As for some fans who are relatively old, this founder can't do anything, after all, he is not a god, and it is impossible to take care of everyone.

For those patients with the true secondary disease, they can only wait for them to grow up, and as they grow older, they will one day return to reality, and at that time, although they will leave a black history, at least they will not be addicted to the secondary disease forever.

After thinking about it, Fang Zheng followed Zhang Siyu home with peace of mind.

On the other hand, fans are squatting on the forum of Society A with great anticipation, waiting for the broadcast of the latest episode of "Middle Two Diseases Have to Fall in Love".

"Middle two disease! Secondary two disease! "

"The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest! Rush Rush! "

"The true eye of the evil king is mine, I don't accept you to hold it!"

"Be engulfed by the flames of darkness ~ upstairs!"

At seven o'clock, fans withdrew from the forum one after another and moved to the homepage of the A society platform, and the long-awaited latest episode of "Middle Two Diseases Also Have to Fall in Love" began to be broadcast!

Fans stared intently at the screen, wanting to see if the second disease and those sassy operations could make them laugh.

In fact, Fang Zheng is wrong not only because he and the fans know that the second disease is not the same, but even the fan groups who like the second disease are wrong, and the second disease is not the young fans, because young fans don't have much pressure, either students or good babies at home, far less pressure than adult fans.

And fans who have entered the society are facing the pressure of starting a family, working, etc., and they are the group that needs to release themselves the most.

So the ones who like the second disease the most are those fans who have entered the society.

"Middle Two Diseases Have to Fall in Love" allowed them to find a work where they could laugh every day, and found a way to release their day's fatigue.

Watching the little bird You Liuhua and others return home, still holding a cat, the joy of this naturally does not need to be said.

In particular, the little bird Yu Liuhua, a beautiful girl affectionately known as the true eye of the evil king by fans, is a source of joy for fans.

"Whose cat is it?"

Suddenly, the door of the little bird tour was pushed open, and a mature and intellectual big sister appeared at the door, with ruby eyes and brown and black hair, which made the gentlemen who were watching the anime feel cautious as soon as she appeared.

"Whose is it?! Whose cat is it?! "

Facing her sister's questioning, Little Bird You Liuhua vividly showed the audience what it means to be as stable as an old dog, but in fact she is panicked.

"Airtight wall, blockade! Radiation Protection Wall! Affusion! Escape all! "

I saw that the little bird You Liuhua was dazzling for a while, and all kinds of mechanisms in the room wanted to block my sister, but my sister really wanted to know these little tricks, so she took out a soup spoon from behind her and easily cracked the other party's mechanism.

Yuta watched the battle between Yurouka and her sister, from the balcony to her room, stunned for a moment, and then quickly ran back to her nest.

Yuta returned to his room and saw the two sisters who were tense and had another blood-boiling fight, and Rokuka, who was the strongest evil king in the mouths of fans, successfully hit his head on the lamp on the roof, and then fainted directly and lost his combat effectiveness.

Such a dramatic scene made fans dumbfounded.

"I'm rubbing, so this is a bloody fight?"

"Just my sister's skills, I was born in special forces~!"

"I pulled out an umbrella from under my skirt... EMMAs we all know, there is a whole universe hidden under the girl's skirt in the anime! "

"Ideal Township smashing is equivalent to banging your head against the lamp?!"

"Bang, is it good? A good sound is a good head! "

"Brothers, go and grab the true eye of the evil king, just give it to me sister!"

", I'm going to be Liuhua's brother-in-law!"

A sudden bloody battle scene made fans feel dizzying.

There are those who complain about the self-destruction of the combat effectiveness of the little bird tour Liuhua, and there are also those who complain about the sudden change of hot-blooded painting style, of course, there are more where a group of gentlemen are surprised by Liuhua's sister.

After all, men like big ones, and although the little bird is very cute, it's still too green.

But other people's sisters are different, at first glance, they are intellectual big sisters, so many fans defected to the enemy on the spot, and they all shouted to be Liuhua's sister.

"You're Yuta, I'm Little Bird Yu Shihua, this guy's sister, I have something to say to you!"

How else to say that Shihua is a sister, this opening is a domineering tone, I don't know how many times stronger than Liuhua who was bullied by Yongtai.

Little Bird You Ten Flowers and Yuta came outside, and the two started talking, and the topic was naturally about Little Bird You Six Flowers, a beautiful girl with two middle two diseases.

"I don't know what the evil king's true eye is, but she really hasn't changed since junior high school, and it's a real headache."

Little Bird Yu Shihua sits like a big guy, and on the contrary, Yuta is very restrained.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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