Little Bird You Shihua is allergic to cats, and is a little angry that Liuhua picked up the cat, so he will fight.

"I'm sorry, but can I get rid of you for helping me?"

Little Bird You Shihua looked at Yuta, this is not a guess and knows that she wants Yuta to help take the cat away, after all, she herself is allergic to cats, and she must not have a cat.

"This... But... Why me? "

Yuta was a little suspicious.

"Don't want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to..."

"Then please!"


Kotori Yu Shihua took out a voice recorder from his trouser pocket, put it on the table, and then looked at Yuta sitting opposite very calmly.

"In this recorder, there is a voice I heard on the balcony of this community two years ago."


Fans were stunned when they heard this, the recording two years ago was still on the balcony upstairs at Yuta's house, which...

"Mom, how do I feel that Shihua is so black~!"

"Is it a black sister? Loved, loved! "

"Sister Shihua, your trick is really dripping!"

"Sister Shihua... Forever dripping gods! "

"233 ~ Did my sister start calculating Yuta two years ago? This is too ruthless~! "

"Public execution is the deadliest!"

Fans listened to the conversation between Xiaotori Yu Shihua and Yuta, and they were all dumbfounded, they thought it was a domineering royal sister, but they didn't expect that in addition to being domineering, people are still black~

This has been calculated since two years ago, did you have expected this day a long time ago?

Fans gasped and had a clearer understanding of the horror of the little bird swimming ten flowers.

To be an opponent with such a person, let alone the Evil King's True Eye, even the Evil King's True Eye and the Pitch Black Flame Envoy combined are not anyone's opponents.

Fans thought about it this way, and finally knew why the first thing that Kotori Yu Liuhua did when he saw his sister was not to fight, but to run away directly.

This is not a level opponent at all, and it can't be beaten at all!

Toka Tori put the recorder on the table, and in order to make Yuta obedient, she gently pressed the button on the recorder.

"Uhhahaha~ This is neither acting nor dreaming! In XXXX, the world will be dragged into the abyss of darkness as prophesied..."

"Brother, what are you doing? I'm not your brother, my name is the Black Flame Herald, the Harnesser of the Dark Flame, the one who burns this world! Hahahaha~! "

When Yuta heard the first note in the recorder, he knew something was wrong.

I wanted to snatch the recorder while Shihua wasn't paying attention, but I didn't expect people to be on guard for a long time, especially Shihua's dodge moves that can be called gymnasts, which feasted the audience's eyes.

Many gentlemen looked at Shihua Na Lisuo's movements and graceful body, and shouted 'Sister I can'!

But the gentlemen were ecstatic, but Yuta was embarrassed to death, because the voice of the recorder was himself, and it was the black history he was most reluctant to recall!

Yuta never expected that he had already decided to graduate from the second year of secondary school, but there were still people who held their own black history and threatened him again.

"Ah~~~! Stop! "

Yuta grabbed his head in pain, and as soon as he heard the shameful speech inside, Yuta instantly felt embarrassed to explode, and he was in pain.

"233~ You can feel Yuta's embarrassment through the screen!"

"This sister looks like she's been planning for a long time~!"

"Sister: I'm not a demon either, as long as you promise my conditions~"

"Hahaha, Yuta is being pinched to death, Sister Shihua is simply a devil~"

"Sister is so skilled, this action is too smooth and supple~"

"Gan, listening to that recording, I suddenly made up the picture of Yuta's secondary two illness in my brain, and it has an internal taste~"

"My sister actually turned up the volume, it's just too much.... Pretty! "

The fans all laughed like crazy, looking at Yuta's immortal appearance, they couldn't straighten up one by one holding their stomachs.

It's so funny... I'm not your brother, I'm the Black Flame Herald, the harnesser of the Dark Flame, the one who burns this world, and this line simply makes fans shout 'This is a master'!

"Stop! Stop! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear this! "

Yuta listened to the voice coming from the voice recorder in Shihua's hand, and writhed on the sofa in pain, as if it had collapsed.

"Up! My power.... It's soaring! "

However, the little bird Yushika didn't plan to let Yuta go, and directly turned on the volume of the voice recorder to the maximum, and sent the voice recorder to Yuta's ear.

This kind of tragic behavior simply made Yong Taiyuan explode, and fans began to cry with laughter.

"Hahaha, Sister Shihua is too good, and she turned up the volume hahaha!"

"Yuta: Master, don't read it! Don't read it! Please, don't read it! "

"On this day, Yuta remembered his fear of being dominated by the second disease hahaha~"

"It's so shameful, it's funny, it seems like you want such a sister!!"

Fans watched Yuta torment Yuta with Toka Toka, and they couldn't help but laugh out loud of pigs.

This scene is so joyful, looking at Yuta's miserable appearance, and looking at Shihua's dark belly with a little naughty look, the fans are even more happy.

Even when fans heard that Bird Yu's hobby was to contribute to the fun video site, they couldn't help but start a silent mourning for Yuta.

When you encounter such a Sister Shihua, even you, the pitch-black flame envoy who controls the dark flame, can only consider yourself unlucky.


Shihua looked at Yuta, who was lying on the sofa and had completely admitted defeat, and said lightly.

In the end, Yuta still didn't fight the little bird Yu Shihua, nor did he escape from the clutches of the other party, and he didn't even let the other party make a move.

As the saying goes, the only one who can defeat himself is himself, and Yuta was defeated by his past self~!

It was originally a cat's thing, but as a result, Yuta's own black history was completely exposed, and it made him discover a terrible fact about his own black history recording.

I knew that this was the case, why bother in the first place, honestly obeyed Sister Shihua's orders, and dealt with the cat.

Well, now, after the strongest evil king's true eye, the old-timer black flame envoy was also suppressed by Sister Shihua, and the scene was very ferocious and bloody.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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