The next day, fans came to A Club early and waited for the start of Founder's latest work.

Thinking of the picture released by Fangzheng yesterday, many fans are excited and difficult to control, after all, five brides in one breath is five times the happiness~!

Before seven o'clock in the evening, fans couldn't wait to start refreshing the page, eager to see the new work launched by Founder in the next moment, which kept them awake at night.

Finally, as soon as seven o'clock arrived, with the disdainful efforts of fans, a new work was uploaded on the homepage of the A Society platform.

"The Wedding of Fives"!

Seeing this title, many fans were stunned, is this title wrong?

"No, five brides are one Sina, shouldn't this be called a five-equal groom?"

"God is a special unequal groom, the last one who was divided into five equal parts seems to be Shang Ying! ~"

"666, Shang Yang is evenly distributed, and there is nothing wrong with the fifth!"

"I'm Gan, the car is split, the five horses are split, brother, your brain circuit is really strange!"

"Your sister, why did this style of painting change as soon as it came to you, you are all beasts!"

"Nima, I just saw this barrage, are you going to laugh at me to death and inherit my Huabei?!"

As soon as the anime opened, a barrage of brain circuits floated leisurely, and the fans who had just clicked in were stunned by these barrages.

The atmosphere that had finally brewed disappeared in an instant, and the gentlemen collectively cried and fainted in the toilet.

Sure enough, anything that sticks to the relationship with sand sculpture netizens will become not so simple, you can make so many tricks with a title, it seems that you will have fun in the future.

Fans collectively complained, and the anime has started to be broadcast in the complaints of fans.

The beginning of the anime is a dreamlike scene, thinking that the bride in a white wedding dress is standing there with flowers in her hand, and the petals are falling, embellishing the romance of the wedding moment to the extreme.

This beautiful picture is like the most perfect wedding in the hearts of fans, the beautiful, gentle, and generous bride, the white wedding dress, the falling petal rain, everything is so poetic.

"I had a dream..."

"Wake up the bridegroom, the bride is ready."

Outside a white-decorated auditorium, the blue sky and white clouds are clear, the flowers and trees next to it bloom in the most beautiful colors, and the fence outside the church is covered with green, and the surrounding scenery gives people a pleasant and peaceful feeling.

A dreamlike wedding ended quickly, and as soon as the camera turned, fans realized that it was indeed a dream.

"I'm Gan, I thought that "Unequal Flower Marriage" was going to break the record of "In Short, It's Very Cute", and I got married in the first second~"

"I think so too, and I'm still thinking that this marriage is too fast~"

"It turned out to be a dream, so I'll put the lemon in my hand first and eat it later!"

"Brother upstairs, listen to my advice, not all anime are the same as "Anyway, It's Very Cute", get married at the beginning, be careful that your lemon is rancid."

"After all, Yuzaki Starsky, the man who is faster than the speed of light, has done something that others can't do in one season, and there's nothing that can't be said about getting married early~"

Fans ridiculed each other, but the dense barrage floating on the screen also reminded everyone all the time how attractive "The Fifth Equal Flower Wedding" is.

It's also telling everyone... How many gentlemen are there!

As soon as the anime camera turned, I saw that the male protagonist who was still daydreaming just now came to the school cafeteria, and even ordered a meal with a serious face.

"Barbecue rice, don't barbecue!"


Hearing the male protagonist say such a paragraph in such a serious tone, fans burst into laughter.

Don't you want to be so funny, don't barbecue bibimbap, don't barbecue, that's how you order~

Then you just want white rice, how good it is, all the bells and whistles.

And with the male protagonist's inner monologue, fans gradually know the reason why the male protagonist chose this way.

After some understanding of the male protagonist, the cheapest meal in the school cafeteria is actually not the white rice that everyone thinks, but the ordering method of 'barbecue bibimbap without barbecue'.

Because this way he can get other seasonings for the unit price of a serving of white rice, which will not be available when ordering white rice alone.

"I, Nima, this mind is really blind if I don't go into business!"

"Say a thousand things and ten thousand, in fact, you are because you are poor, it must be because you are poor!"

"This man reminds me of the silver royal line, I don't know which of the two of them is poor~"

"Wake up, the chairman of the silver family has the eldest daughter of the four palace chaebols as his wife, as long as the chairman is willing, he can exceed ninety-nine percent of the people in the world at any time!"

"Upstairs, it's heart-piercing~!"

Fans looked at Uesugi Kazetaro's way of ordering, and said that they had learned it, and they didn't know if they would go to the school cafeteria or the company cafeteria to eat, so if they would be hammered to death by the aunt who ordered food.

Or change it again, such as what spicy hot is not spicy and not hot, and beef noodles are not hot?

Fans watch the progress of the anime plot while you swipe the barrage of 'learned'.

Let's be honest, although the way Futaro ordered food opened the door to a new world and made them feel happy, but did they come to see Futaro order?


They're men, they're gentlemen! They came to see the five brides!

In the expectant eyes of fans, Futaro met a beautiful girl with long light red hair, and there is no need to guess, this must be one of the quintuplets.

If it was an old two-dimensional otaku in his previous life, when he saw this scene, he would definitely brush up on the sentence 'The worst tool man in history' debuted, but unfortunately, this world is all new, and no one knows that this beautiful girl is actually a tool man.

Looking at this beautiful girl with hair as hot as flames, fans' eyes widened.

"Beautiful, it's just beautiful bubbling~!"

"How many of the quintuplets are these? I want this woman, and I'll give you the rest! "

"It's big... What a big evil... No, it's a big dress... Ahh Gan, this ball is so red~! "

"Upstairs, don't get excited, everyone has seen it!"

"Is this the charm of quintuplets? I'm in love~! "

Fans watched May's debut, and they couldn't help but have red hearts in their eyes, the corners of their mouths sucking, with the unique smile of a gentleman.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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