Because of a seat, Futaro and May had an encounter, a very wonderful encounter.

The tray in the hands of the two people, the meals in the tray, profoundly pointed out what is called the huge gap between the rich and the poor.

"I came first, you change! The seat next to it is still empty! May's delicate eyebrows were erected, and he looked at Kazetaro with a hint of arrogance and poisonous tongue, wanting Kazetaro to retreat and change his seat.

But Kazetaro obviously won't agree, there are so many people in the cafeteria for this meal, how can you easily change seats~

"This is the position I do every day, you change!"

The two didn't let anyone, so there was a very dramatic scene.

Strange men and women who had never met and did not know each other sat together, facing the food on the table, and no one moved their chopsticks.

"Uesugi is eating with girls~"



Listening to the ridiculous words of his classmates in his ear, Kazetaro couldn't help but feel a little complicated, and looked up at the beautiful girl in front of him.

I saw that the girl who was still scolding him just now had a red face at this time, and she was about to boil.

"Your face is so red, then what are you reluctant to do~!"

Feng Taro looked at the beautiful girl sitting opposite him a little speechlessly, since he was so shy, why did he still fight him to the end and continue to insist on sitting here?

Isn't this self-inflicted?

However, Futaro's attention was quickly drawn to the other party's sumptuous lunch, which in his eyes was definitely astronomical.

This shows a problem, this girl is a proper nobleman!

Seeing that the other party was so shy, Kazetaro guessed that it was a rich girl who didn't know anything about the world, so he didn't say anything and started his meal time directly.

While eating, I have to study at the same time, and this hard work makes the fans in front of the screen feel ashamed.

"I'm lost, this is the legendary school bully~"

"Sure enough, in the eyes of Xueba, English words are more attractive than beauties!"

"Woo woo, it's so touching, Kazetaro is telling us that in the face of the huge gap between the rich and the poor, the only way to turn over is to read more~!"

"Such half-hearted cooking is disrespectful to food!"

"Stop... Ahh "

"I'm so angry, in the sacred cafeteria, there is an enthusiastic beautiful girl sitting facing each other, why do you actually memorize words?"

Fans are really speechless in the face of Futaro's actions, and their hearts can be described as mixed.

How can such a once-in-a-millennium opportunity not hit himself, why can an elm pimple like Futaro who only has learning in his eyes be able to hold it?

Don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, are you worthy of the Goddess of Fate's painstaking arrangement?!

Tyrannical things, it's just tyrannical things!

Kazetaro, this is typical of a full man, I don't know that a hungry man is hungry, is it a complete waste of opportunity, you don't want this opportunity to give us~

"You're so uneducated, do you have to study while eating?"

"Studying for exams, leave me alone."

"It seems that the review is very tight, how many points did you take in the exam~"

May watched Futaro study even when he had time to eat.,Naturally, I think Kazetaro is the type who doesn't study well on weekdays.,When the exam comes.。

Reached out and took the exam paper that the other party put on the dinner plate, with a mocking look on his face, wanting to see how much the other party had scored, and then taunting the other party.

Women are very resentful, and she remembers the hatred that Kazetaro didn't give her a place just now~

"Kazetaro Uesugi-san, the score is... 100!!! "

May, who successfully got the test paper, originally wanted to taunt the other party, but when she saw the scores on the other party's test paper, she was dumbfounded, and her good-looking eyes were full of disbelief.

"This is..."

In the face of May's shocked gaze, Kazetaro had an extremely pompous expression on his face.

"Ah~ so embarrassed!"

In the face of such a fake performance by Kazetaro, May changed into a bun face in seconds, with an aggrieved expression on his face, puffing out his cheeks, and looking at Kazetaro with an angry forehead.

"You showed it to me on purpose!"

May's face was slightly red, and she wanted to taunt the other party, but she didn't expect that the clown turned out to be herself.

"Although I don't want to admit it, but I'm not good at learning, I'm very envious of you, by the way, it's rare to sit together and teach me to learn~!"

May looked at Kazetaro with her hands folded, although Kazetaro was still memorizing words, but the fans were excited and collapsed directly.

"OH~~~~ Is this a tactful date? Definitely! "

"Don't look at your words, everyone else has taken the initiative, you're still pretending to be a fart!"

"What the hell... Are all beautiful girls given for nothing these days?! "

"Understood, I'll go to the cafeteria and wait for the girl to take the bait!"

"Upstairs wake up, you must first have the ability to score 100 points!"

"Weakly ask, does a 150-point paper count as a 100-point test?"


Fans are frying the pot, and they are really full of affection for May's frank and unpretentious appearance, compared with those twisted and pretentious girls in reality, this is simply a clear stream~

However, soon, the excited fans were dumbfounded, because their Mr. Futaro, in the face of the beautiful girl's invitation, actually clapped his hands.

"I'm done!"


At this moment, the fans collectively vomited blood and died, they have never seen such an elm-headed person, you deserve to be single for a lifetime!

"So fast! Is it okay to eat this for lunch? Do you want me to give you some? "

May looked at the back of Futaro leaving and said with a smile.

"It's better to say that you order too much, and you'll get fat."

It's going to be fat... Fat... Fat...

May's face is flushed, a girl in the flower season, and she is very sensitive to the word fat.

"666, although I'm not convinced, but this is indeed a master!"

"A single trick every day, have you learned it?!"

"Hehe, women will only affect my studies!"

"Ning is the king of the minefield dance?"

"My generation is a role model, is it really single based on strength?"

"Real man, iron man, admire!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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