Nada Spider Mountain, Tanjiro and Inosuke are in a bitter battle.

And my wife Shanyi is one step behind, but in the end, she will go through some psychological struggle and enter the mountains and forests.

For my wife Shanyi, fans really don't know how to complain, this cowardly thing is simply not like words, a fragile man with a mop head.

In his first appearance, he pestered a girl to confess that he wanted to marry someone else, and the reason was also very strange, that is, he felt that he might die soon, so he wanted to get married.

The girl only comforted him a few times, but was regarded by my wife Shanyi as 'having a good impression of herself', and everyone was entangled.

In the end, even his sparrows couldn't stand it anymore, and found Tanjiro, who made Tanjiro a poor child for a long time.

Faced with Tanjiro, who broke his good deeds, my wife Zenyi cried about his 'miserable' fate, and he took on a lot of debts for the girl he liked.

In the end, the girl ran away, and he couldn't pay the debt himself.

At this time, the instructor who trained the ghost killing team helped him pay off his debts, on the condition that he would be selected through layers of selection, join the ghost killing team, and then participate in the task of slaying ghosts.

After layers of selection, my wife Shanyi was very 'lucky' to join the ghost killing team, but in the face of murderous ghosts, he was timid by nature and could not handle such a task anyway.

Until he met Tanjiro, and when he saw Tanjiro ruining his proposal, he immediately climbed up the pole and demanded that Tanjiro take responsibility for himself.

However, fans know that this timid guy is not such a simple person.

After all, none of the people who can join the ghost killing team are fuel-efficient lamps, not to mention that my wife Shanyi is still the only one who joins the ghost killing team and obtains the existence of sparrows.

This highlights the other's unusualness even more.

In some ways, my wife Zenyi is very similar to Tanjiro, excluding personality reasons, Tanjiro has a very sensitive sense of smell and has a good grasp of the breath of water.

And my wife Shanyi has a keen sense of hearing, plus the breath of thunder, who controls it.

And what fans admire the most is that this product can fall asleep in seconds at the critical moment of life and death, which is commonly known as being scared to death.

However, fans know that although my wife Shanyi was scared into a coma, it was not so much a coma as the other party entered a state of meditation.

After falling into a coma, he was a man, and when he woke up, he was a coward, and this contrast made fans quickly remember this fun and interesting man.

But my wife Shanyi also has her own brave and persistent side, such as the way she desperately protected Youdouzi when she faced Inosuke for the first time.

It also made fans understand that this timid man also has his own kind side.

In the face of danger, brave people will stand up to face danger, which everyone knows, but timid people also stand up, which is rare.

My wife Shanyi, this man who is called by fans as 'the king who was scared into bronze by himself', this title seems to be very suitable for him.

It can be said that as soon as Tanjiro's new teammate appeared on the stage, he was destined to be a clown-like character with a relaxed atmosphere.

But this person still has strong strength, he speaks the most, but he is the most handsome when he draws a knife, this is what fans say about my wife Shanyi.

My wife Shanyi is timid by nature, and the same is true for this time when he came to Nada Spider Mountain to kill ghosts, after Tanjiro and Inosuke both entered the mountains and forests, he was alone for a long time, and after a fierce psychological struggle, he came in with a lot of perseverance.

With a keen sense of hearing, he knew as soon as he approached this mountain forest that this mountain forest was unusual, so he was reluctant to come in.

But in the end, when he suddenly thought that your beans were actually taken into the mountains and forests by Tanjiro, he woke up instantly.

While bursting into tears, scolding Tanjiro and shouting for your beans, my wife Zenyi finally stepped into this strange mountain forest.

Faced with the ghosts in the forest, my wife Shanyi was undoubtedly frightened again.

After being bitten by a spider again, after being infected by the toxin, a man hid in a tree, curled up together, shivering and snotting.

"I am... I'm the one who doesn't like myself the most!"

"I always think that I have to cheer up a little, but I will still be timid, I will run away, I will cry, I also want to change, I want to be a reliable person!"

"But... Even I've worked hard! Do you want to end up like that kind of monster who loses your hair? Lie! It's too!"

My wife, Shanyi, undoubtedly broke down a little, with tears and snot streaming down her face, giving people a feeling of impotent rage that looked down on herself but couldn't cheer herself up.

But no one in front of the screen taunted my wife Shanyi, and no one looked down on this broom head.

Because my wife Shanyi shows isn't it the most common reaction of most ordinary people when they face danger?

"Timid, cowardly, angry and indisputable, this is the ordinary person that the old man is familiar with~"

"Not everyone is a hero, and in the face of danger, not everyone can face it calmly, I think most of them will be like Shanyi~"

"Shanyi's little angel has done a good job, in the face of danger in reality, I'm afraid that some people are not as good as him, they will only run away, they will never think about cheering up, Shanyi will at least think about being strong...."

"It's obviously a king, but why do you have to show a bronze, how can you embarrass your opponent like this~"

"233 ~ True colors, tell you what it means to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"Shanyi: It's dangerous! I'm so scared! By the way, what's my big password, tell me quickly! What? Two handfuls of hair! I know!"

Sure enough, Shanyi finally fainted once again in the face of those disgusting spiders climbing the tree.

At this moment, the trumpet exits and the large one shines.

Seeing my wife Shanyi faint and fall from the tree, wisps of white smoke coming out of the corners of her mouth, fans' eyes lit up, and they were a little excited.

This is the unique skill of my wife Shanyi, who fell into a coma in the face of danger and landed on the tuba.

So, why do you have to scare him, a spider monster, isn't it okay to live well?!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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