"Dear player, my wife Shanyi, your tuba has been logged in, I wish you a happy game~"

"Ma Dan, this is finally the right password~!"

"Spider ghost, life is very short, why don't you take shortcuts, this is a bit excessive~"

"Is this how the bigwigs change their numbers? I can only kneel and worship when I wait for the new ones~"

"It's over, he's changed his number, that spider monster, you run quickly... Forget it, prepare for the future, remember not to mess with cowards in the next life!"

"Seriously, brother, if I were you, I would run straight now, without looking back, so maybe I would have a chance to survive. "

Seeing my wife Shanyi faint, fans suddenly felt a little pity for that spider monster.

You think that you are frying fish with a diamond to the bronze rank, but you don't know that there is a real king hidden in this group of bronzes~

My wife, Shanyi, who was unconscious, fell from the tree with her head down without the slightest movement.

Seeing this scene, the spider monster on the side was still very kind and worried about Shanyi, and his head hit the ground, which would definitely die.

However, what he didn't notice was that although my wife Shanyi was unconscious and her eyes were closed, bursts of white smoke rose from the corners of her mouth.

It's like the water vapor of boiling water, and it looks like it's inexplicably very handsome and suffocating.

Seeing now, fans have understood that this is a unique breathing method in "Demon Slayer".

So, don't look at my wife Shanyi is still in a coma right now, but this product has actually been loaded with a large size.

"Thunder's Breath, One Shape!"

Sure enough, the moment Shanyi's little angel changed numbers, he had already won.

On the way down, my wife Shanyi grabbed the handle of her knife, adjusted her body, and landed on the trunk of the tree with both feet, and her body flew straight towards the spider monster hanging in the air like an arrow off the string.

My wife Shanyi held the hilt of his sword in his hand, and the purpose was simple, as long as he could get close to the other party, he would not hesitate to cut off the other person's head.

However, the spider monster was obviously not so easy for my wife Shanyi to get close, and a mouthful of black-purple 82-year-old phlegm sprayed at my wife Shanyi.

Although spitting is a very uncivilized behavior, but at this time, who cares about this.

This thick phlegm looks poisonous, and fans are in a bit fluctuating mood when they see this scene.

That's right, it's just fluctuations, and there's no sense of worrying at all.

Because after my wife Shanyi logged into the tuba, it was a different person entirely, and it was impossible for the spider monster to defeat him!

Sure enough, my wife Shanyi's body burst into the air, her eyes were closed, she held the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other.

Snort ~ snort ~

The spider monster's old phlegm was dodged by my wife Shanyi and sprayed directly on the trunk of the tree, and a tooth-aching sound was heard, and the trunk was corroded into a large hole at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The toxicity in this old phlegm can be seen.

"Can you spin your body in the air to dodge?"

The spider monster thought of my wife Shanyi's strange movement just now, and his face was full of shock.

This thing has become completely different from just now, it just looked like a wreck, how did it become so powerful in the blink of an eye, and the action is so sensitive!

"Shanyi continues, Newton, I've helped you hold it!"

"I'll help you, Newton's coffin board is pressing, you quickly kill this thing!"

"As we all know, our Great Xia is not under Newton's control~"

"I'm Gan, this is really hitting with my eyes closed~"

Fans became excited when they saw my wife Seon-yi enter a coma.

My wife Shanyi, who landed again, with her right leg in front and her left leg behind, unfolded a very standard bow step, and her upper body was lowered, like a cheetah ready to attack.

The posture of both hands remains the same, holding the scabbard in one hand and the handle in the other, this posture is simply handsome, making many fans have little stars in their eyes.

Sure enough, everything in "Demon Slayer Blade" is false, only the action and posture of drawing the knife are the most handsome, and handsome is the king!

"Thunder's Breath, One Shape!"

My wife, Seon-yi, has been repeating an action from the beginning, but because the precast shake time is too long, she is repeatedly interrupted by the spider monster.

The spider monster is not a fool, watching my wife Shanyi dodge back and forth, and her posture has not changed, and I immediately thought of something.

"Hahaha, that's right, this guy... There is only one sword skill!"

Seeing the schadenfreude face of the spider monster, fans slapped their foreheads one after another.

Now you're done.

"Spider monster, your path is narrow... Forget it, let's collectively mourn for this product~"

"Shanyi little angel can only make one move, but I bet you won't be able to catch this knife!"

"233~ Although I can only make one move, it is more than enough to kill you!"

"Brothers, it's a point, focus a little, and reach the peak!"

"This is really the pinnacle, a trick is fresh, eat all over the world, the things left by the ancestors are not unreasonable~"

"Spider monster, take a good look at what is called one-hit kill!"

"Shanyi: You're right, I'll only be one type, but I'm already at the full level of proficiency, and I've awakened, so I'll ask you if you're afraid!"

My wife's posture has never changed, and she has always maintained this posture of drawing a knife, except for tossing and turning, there has been no change at all.

And my wife's posture makes many obsessive-compulsive patients uncomfortable in front of the screen, you always don't pull out the knife like this, we really can't bear it~!

"Listen to Shanyi, it's enough for you to do this, it's enough to be able to do one, if you can only do one thing, you can reach the peak and hone it to the limit!"

Shanyi remembered his grandfather's teachings to him, and at this moment he had realized the true meaning of this passage that he didn't understand at the beginning.

Hearing this, fans sighed.

Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy~

A person who has practiced a hundred kinds of boxing techniques is not terrible, but a person who has practiced a hundred times is terrible!

Shanyi will only be one type, but to hone to the extreme is to reach the peak, in the face of any enemy, you don't need too many bells and whistles, one blow is all cut...

So one trick is enough~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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