Saying the most cowardly words, fighting the hardest.

This is my wife Shanyi!

"Hehehe~ This guy is not a big deal~"

The spider-ghost looked at my wife Shanyi and just kept dodging, laughing insolently.

What danger can only one attack do to him?

"At this level, you are also worthy of being a ghost hunter? your body is already unable to move due to the spread of toxins~"

My wife, Seon-yi, has been in this position since she fell into a coma, and she has not changed in the slightest until now.

"Shanyi, go to the peak~ It's okay to cry or run away, just don't give up, believe that this day of enduring exercise like hell will definitely make you reward, beat to the limit, and become a blade stronger than anyone else!"

Thinking back to my grandfather's teachings, the position of the handle of the knife held by my wife Shanyi began to emit dead lightning, and then the lightning became more and more vigorous, surrounding the body.

Concentrate a little and reach the top!

My wife, Zenyisan, avoided the attack of the spider ghost, and the thunder around her body was as if it was about to explode, and the electric light illuminated the ground beneath her feet.

"What's wrong? The air is shaking!"

The spider ghost saw the abnormality of my wife Shanyi, the powerful aura, the electric light like Thor, everything was telling him.


"Thunder's Breath, One Shape!

My wife Shanyi's body was surrounded by thunder and lightning dances, and the lightning like a silver snake tore the earth apart, and the powerful and violent power was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Six Companies!"

With a bang, the figure of my wife Shanyi disappeared from the screen, and she couldn't even see the shadow.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a trace of electric light in the same place, no one would have thought that just a moment ago, there was a ghost hunter with spider poison in his body.

In the dark and oppressive forest, there is a strange atmosphere everywhere, and ordinary people will be scared half to death just by walking in this forest, let alone fighting.

But in such a terrifying and abnormal forest, a golden lightning bolt flashed and moved in the woods as if it were about to tear the sky.

I couldn't see the figure clearly, I couldn't see the face clearly, I could only see an electric light flickering back and forth.


A flash of lightning flashed back and forth, accompanied by a swirling lightning, a silver-white knife flashed, and the figure of my wife Shanyi appeared in mid-air.

Still in the same posture as before, as if it had never moved, its body stopped in mid-air, giving people a mysterious and powerful feeling.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, and I saw that the spider ghost, who was still showing off his might just now, was already in a different place at this time.


After my wife Seon-yi killed the spider-ghost, her body finally fell from the air due to the toxin and smashed heavily on the spider-ghost's house.


"Thunder flashed, this is really flashing again, I can't see the trajectory clearly!"

"This speed is simply too fast, dazzling~"

"Reaching the peak, this is the special way to hone a trick to the peak~"

"Tsk, this is really powerful!"

"I'm Gan, you didn't see the last touch of knife light, it went straight to the sky, it's so handsome~!"

Fans watched my wife Seon-yi defeat the spider-ghost, and they were all a little enthusiastic.

Especially the peak blow that my wife Shanyi has been holding back for a long time has made fans stunned.

Looking at my wife Shanyi who fainted on the roof, fans even forgot to pay attention to my wife Shanyi's physical condition, and their minds at this time were full of the golden sword-like electric light just now.


At this moment, this is the only word that fans can think of to describe my wife Seon-yi, and it is also the most suitable word.

"To be able to help the weak and the in trouble, whenever... What my grandfather taught me and the time spent on me were not in vain, because I became stronger because of my grandfather, and helped many people. "

"But... Already... No more..."

"Chirp... Taro... I'm sorry... Ahh

The toxins in my wife's body have spread, and after defeating the spider ghost, my wife can clearly feel how bad her body is.

His eyes are full of tears, he still has a lot of things to do, he hasn't thanked his grandfather yet, he hasn't pursued You Beans yet, he hasn't realized his ideals yet...

However, the body can no longer move, is it all about to end?

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it, my little angel of Shanyi wants to be cold?!"

"Don't, this is so handsome for not a minute, you tell me Shanyi is cold?!"

"I'm special... Pipi Shrimp, if you dare to let Shanyi cool, I will dare to send you a blade!"

"My little angel is so cute, how could he die here, absolutely impossible!"

The fans who were still immersed in Shanyi's handsome and pinnacle hit looked at my wife Shanyi's blood-covered face and angry appearance at this time, and they were a little unbearable.

Maybe my wife Shanyi has a lot of shortcomings, timid, scared, and cowardly, but in the face of danger, a normal person will feel fear~

Many fans have found their own shadow in my wife Shanyi.

It's absolutely rare that my wife Seon-yi was able to overcome her fears and stand up, so fans love my wife Seon-yi very much.

This person, who is usually funny and always scared, has attracted a considerable number of fans and supporters.

Moreover, after seeing my wife Shanyi's true skills, fans were even more attracted by my wife Shanyi.

Whether you are strong or not is another matter, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter!

There is no doubt that my wife Seon-yi is a handsome representative in the eyes of fans.

That touch of knife light, that flash of lightning, left an indelible impression in the minds of fans.

The style of that moment made many fans dazzled and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time~

"Don't hang up~"

"Killed by a spider ghost, this is too shameful, stand up for me!"

"Isn't thunder and lightning restraining all evils, it's just a toxin, it shouldn't be a big problem~"

"I'm Gan, hurry up and change to the tuba, the tuba may have some way~"

"Why are you waking up at this critical time, hurry up and faint~!"

Fans looked at my wife Shanyi's miserable appearance, and they were all a little anxious and worried about each other.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Iron Rider of the Dead", "Moon Shadow Tree", and "138...56", thank you guys!!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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