"Don't give up! Don't give up! Don't give up!"

My wife, Seon-yi, was lying on the roof, and her grandfather's voice kept echoing in her head.

Using the special breathing style of a ghost hunter to inhibit the spread of toxins, my wife Shanyi listened to her grandfather's teachings and has never given up until now, and has been struggling.

In the bright night sky, a full moon hangs high in the sky, like a jade plate, giving people a bewildering beauty.

"Don't... Give up..."

My wife Shanyi struggled to open her eyes and looked at the full moon in the sky, I don't know if it was my illusion, he seemed to see a butterfly bathed in the moonlight, dancing.


My wife Seon-yi doesn't know, and neither do the fans in front of the screen.

But suddenly, a figure fell lightly on the roof, and from behind, the fluttering appearance of the clothes carried a strange beauty, like a butterfly with wings spread.

"Hey~ Are you okay?"

The beautiful figure landed on the roof, looking down at my wife Shanyi, who was already unconscious.

To be honest, my wife Shanyi is like this, normal people can see that the situation is not optimistic, but the person who came as if he didn't see it, deliberately asked a 'nonsense'.


It's so naughty!


It's really beautiful~

The fans in front of the screen looked at the people who came, their eyes were confused.

"Ghost, this is so beautiful~"

"Beauty, beauty is foul~"

"I'm rubbing, it's such a big fluttering moth!"

"Are you serious, big fluttering moth? The old man just wanted to find a few words to express his feelings, but your words made the old man ruined!"

"Ma Dan, don't go, big fluttering moth, let's talk in the grove for a while!"

"This voice is so gentle, just like the other party's people~"

"Stunned wisteria flowers wither, until the butterfly dances to sleep~ I'm sorry for the little angel, I don't love empathy~"

"I sat up in shock in my dying illness, and when I looked up, I saw that it was a beautiful woman~"

The appearance of Butterfly Shinobi can be said to have amazed everyone.

As the name suggests, people are like a dancing butterfly, and this butterfly is a little gentle and a little naughty~

My wife Shanyi looked at the figure in front of him, he was confused and couldn't see clearly, so he subconsciously called out the word 'grandpa'.

Hearing my wife Shanyi's words, the fans couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Good guy, in the face of a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a moon, your opening is a 'grandpa', not to mention that this gender is wrong, how do you explain it at this age?

Women never like others to say that they are old, and you have violated the taboo when you open your mouth~

Young man, you ask for more blessings~

It can be seen from the fact that the butterfly beauty has "Hey, are you okay" as soon as she appeared on the stage, although this woman is beautiful and her voice is very gentle, she is definitely not a good person.

It's not good, she's still a big sister who likes to flirt with others, so...

Shanyi little angel, you're going to finish~

"Shanyi: Grandpa, you're here to save me?!"

"It's just a fatal injury, okay, let's go~!"

"Hahaha, it's okay to call grandpa~"

"Beauty, do you look like Shanyi is a person who has nothing to do?!"

"Sister Butterfly said that she was offended again, and the old lady won't save you!"

My wife Shanyi's sentence of 'grandpa' finally let fans know why this product always pesters the young lady, but there has been no reason why there is no wife.

I have to say, this is all fate~

Just your 'grandpa', who dares to be with you~!

"Who's Grandpa?"

"Grandpa showed up just now... Tell me not to give up..."

Butterfly listened to my wife Shanyi's words and said with a sudden realization.

"Ah, that's a marquee, according to a theory, the reason why people see a marquee before dying seems to be in the amazement and memory so far, looking for a way to avoid death~"

"Well~ But I haven't experienced it, so I don't understand~"


Fans listen to the words of Butterfly Shinobi, straight good guy!

Isn't this marquee just a return to the light?

It is said that before people die, they will go through the places they have been to in their lives, the people they have met, etc., in their minds.

"Poof~ This sister is so naughty, the little angel of Shanyi is dying, she is still talking here ~ hahaha"

"This story tells us that we would rather offend villains than women, look at Shanyi, just because she called 'grandpa', she was actually said to be a marquee, this..."

"At first, I thought it was a gentle beauty big sister, but after a long time, you are not only naughty, but also black-bellied!"

"Shanyi: Don't say it, hurry up and save me, I have seen the marquee, you still don't save me!"

"This woman is so dangerous, does anyone want it, hurry up and take it away, the old man still likes your beans, how cute and loving~"

"Get out of the house upstairs, your beans belong to everyone, if you want to eat alone, first ask the old man's fist if he agrees!"

Fans looked at Balabala, who had been talking cool for a long time, and finally took out a syringe to treat my wife Shanyi, and many people were relieved.

Not to mention anything else, they really don't want my wife Shanyi to leave so bleakly.

But it's still early, Butterfly endures this action and technique, as well as the syringe, this looks like a professional nurse lady~

Come to think of it, there shouldn't be any big problems with Shanyi little angel~

Thinking of this, many fans breathed a sigh of relief, not worrying about my wife Shanyi, but instead being curious about this butterfly big sister.

After all, the fans in front of the screen, there are definitely not a few gentlemen or LSPs among them, and there is no reason not to be tempted when they see Butterfly Ninja.

"Sister Butterfly is wearing the uniform of the Ghost Slayer Team, I'm afraid she is also a ghost hunter~"

"It's not just a ghost hunter, she's a 'pillar-level' boss like Tomioka Yoshiyoshi~"

"What level is the pillar level, is it the ceiling of the Ghost Slayer team's combat power?"

"I don't know if it's the ceiling, but I just know that she's so beautiful, dazzling beauty~"

"Wake up brother, this woman is beautiful, but can you control this character?"

"That's it, with a wave of the opponent's knife, you may enter the palace~"

"I'm Gan, is there anything so terrifying to say?"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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