Fans were amazed by the debut of Butterfly Shinobi, and even many fans empathized with each other, and the speed of this face change can be called the speed of light.

Sure enough, this is the man...

On the other hand, the whole drama of "Demon Slayer Blade", it can be said that the scene of directly sealing the gods is also being staged.

In the dark forest, Tanjiro is facing the end of the spider-ghost family, tired.

Although tired is the last son of the spider ghost family, he is the actual ruler of the family, and has a twisted attachment to the fetters of the family.

In the face of the elusive silk attack, Tanjiro fell into an absolute disadvantage.

The silk thread that ejected from the opponent's hand was so hard that the Nichiren knife in Tanjiro's hand was even cut off.

This seems to be a duel with a serious asymmetry of strength, and even because of the fetters of the family who are tired, they forcibly kidnapped Youdouzi and wanted to make Youdouzi their sister.

And Tanjiro, in the eyes of tiredness, is a dispensable character, and the biggest role is to hand over your beans and leave here.

However, as Tanjiro's only family member and the support of his heart and faith, how could you give up so easily.

"Concentrate, adjust your breathing, and release the last type with the highest precision!"


Tanjiro adjusts his breathing, you bean he will never give up, his only family, his only sister, how can he give a ghost to be a family!

"Don't you understand that it doesn't make sense at all?"

looked at Tanjiro, who was still resisting, and his tone was very disdainful.

The strength of both sides is no longer on the same level at all, no matter how angry you are, how you are exploding, if you can't win, you can't win, this is not something that you can solve by exploding.

This is an absolute gap that cannot be bridged!

Fans watched You Beans being entangled by tired silk threads and covered in blood, they were a little unbearable, and they couldn't stop scolding for being tired.

Youdouzi is so cute, how can you treat her like this!

"It's not that a family doesn't enter the door, your brother's road is narrow, and his head has been cut off, and it's your turn next!"

"It's not just that the road is narrow, grab Tanjiro's beans, this is the way to go straight away~"

"Let's bury it~"

"Your beans have been robbed, Tanjiro's strength has doubled, little brother, you're finished!"

"I'm looking forward to the moment when Tanjiro looks at the other party's head!"

Fans looked at Tanjiro, who was surrounded by rolling waves, and knew that Tanjiro had begun to erupt.

I saw Tanjiro after adjusting his breathing, as if he was treading the waves, the sword light in his hand was pervasive, and in the face of the tired attack, he slashed through with a knife, without the slightest confusion or hesitation.

The silk thread that was indestructible just now was under Tanjiro's slash at this time, but it was like paper paste, and it broke at the touch of a button.

"The breath of water!

Tanjiro shouted angrily, his body jumped high, and between the flips of the broken Hinakura knife in his hand, a hideous water dragon composed of water roared out.

As the water dragon roared, the silk thread that ejected from his tired hand was cut off by Tanjiro's blow.

There is no doubt that Tanjiro's attack at this time is more than a star and a half powerful.

Each spin increases the power of the attack, and the more spins you spin, the more powerful it becomes.

Tanjiro knows his secret, and the tired person on the other side also knows the horror of this move.

"Yes, just keep shortening the distance like this and win!"

Tanjiro rushed towards the tired as he swung his knife to cut the threads that were ejected along the way.

The fierce battle made the fans in front of the screen hold their breath, for fear of missing a little detail, and this hearty fight gave them a very refreshing feeling.

Knife light with gorgeous special effects, water flowing in the sky, endless silk threads entangled, all of this gives fans the illusion of being there.

"Hey, do you really think that's the limit of my silk thread?"

"Blood Demon Magic!"

The tired hands are tightly connected with their own silk threads, and there is blood on the hands, giving people a very weird and bloody feeling.

Blood began to spread from the tips of the tired fingers, and slowly, the silver-white silk threads also turned blood red.

In an instant, in the already terrifying forest, because of the entanglement of blood-colored silk threads, it looked even more terrifying, as if entering a demon cave, which made people shudder.

"My mother, this ghost also has a back hand~!"

"Tanjiro be careful, this is not easy!"

"This is a foul, how can you still enchant this silk thread, cheating!"

"The special effects are exploding, the funds are burning, I'm curious about how much money was invested in the production of this episode~"

"It's over, why do I think this ghost is talking in a good voice, am I becoming abnormal?"

"You're not alone upstairs, I also think it's very magnetic~"

"233 ~ The special old man has been bent, but it's okay ~ hahaha"

The tired silk thread is stained red with blood, which can be seen by everyone, and the strength of this silk thread is definitely strengthened.

Sure enough, a very strange blood cage stained with blood appeared around Tanjiro's body, trying to wrap Tanjiro.

Once Tanjiro is wrapped and tired of moving his fingers, the sharp silk thread will definitely dismantle Tanjiro in eight pieces.

Thinking of this consequence, fans gasped, their eyes full of worry about Tanjiro.

"No! this thread keeps cutting, the number of rotations is not enough, and the smell is completely different from the silk thread just now!"

"Obviously, I can't lose~"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to lose!"

"To die..."

Fans also felt that Tanjiro was not good, but Tanjiro would never die here like this, absolutely not!

At the last moment, Tanjiro began to recall the plot killing.

I remembered my family, my sister when I was a child, and my father.

"There is a way to breathe, no matter how you move, you won't get tired of breathing, as long as you can breathe correctly, Tanjiro can dance all the time~"

"Tanjiro, this Kagura and this earring, you must inherit it, and don't let it break. "

Tanjiro recalled in his mind what his father had said to him, his eyes froze, his breathing changed, and the corners of his mouth bubbled up with a white mist that rose from the steaming sky.

The moment when "Demon Slayer Blade" became a god has finally arrived!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "I am a big swordsman", "138...94", "I can't bear to look directly", and "Moon Shadow Tree", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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