Modu, Zhu Yuan, Headquarters of A Society.

"Dong Fang, Mr. Zhang is here. "

Chen Xianting knocked on the door of Fangzheng's office, then pushed open the door and walked in with Zhang Siyu.

"Carnival is coming, have you planned how to hold it?"

Zhang Siyu couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw Fang Zheng sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and then sat opposite Fang Zheng and asked straight to the point.

The Anime Carnival, as one of the two important festivals held by A Society, is naturally very important.

Although the first anime carnival can be said to be a failed carnival, there is no doubt that it opened a good start for A company to hold a festival unique to the second dimension.

With the popularity and publicity of the anime carnival, the anime carnival held in June was able to achieve such a great success.

In a sense, the anime carnival is the first two-dimensional festival that A company or fans recognize.

And now it's November, and there is still almost a month before the anime carnival in December, and there is still a lot of preparation work to start during this period, so Zhang Siyu will urgently ask Fang Zheng if he has any plans.


Fang Zheng looked up at Zhang Siyu, and when he heard the other party's words, a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

From the establishment of A Club to the present, the Animation Carnival can be said to be a milestone, and the Animation Carnival is also a milestone.

But compared with the anime carnival that exploded later, the first anime carnival can be said to be a failure.

Rather than calling it an anime carnival, it's better to call it a light sound concert.

After all, at that anime carnival, there was only one light concert in the town.

Unlike the anime carnival in the back, various activities, painful cars, etc., let fans play until they fly.

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes.

He's not a god, there are so many activities suitable for the second dimension, he can't conjure up some novel big activities out of thin air~

Therefore, the holding of the Animation Carnival has already taken shape in Founder's mind, and it can be completely leveraged by some of the previous activities of the Animation Carnival.

Moreover, after the assumption of this period of time, the corresponding facilities in the Zhuyuan area are completely sufficient, and they can accommodate a huge number of tourists.

No matter how bad it is, isn't it still possible to camp~

Although it is winter now, because of the geographical location, the winter is undoubtedly much warmer than in the north, and camping is not impossible.

Moreover, haven't you watched "Swaying Camping", the anime that makes otaku walk out of the door~

Winter camping has a different flavor, do you understand?!

Of course, these activities can be copied from the anime carnival, but some of the big scenes in the finale still need to be redesigned, otherwise it is easy for fans to feel aesthetic fatigue and feel bored.

When fans think that the event can't cover the travel expenses or ticket prices, then the two-dimensional exclusive festival he spent a lot of effort to create is almost cool.

"We held a light concert at the first anime carnival, why don't we have another concert?"

Fang Zheng suddenly thought that since the first carnival can hold a concert, there is no reason why the second carnival can't be held~

And when it comes to concerts, I have to mention that one is a very classic and widely circulated anime work.

"Lovelive", this anime is definitely a classic, it is very popular, and it has also held a lot of concerts in reality, and every time it is full.

From here, you can see how attractive this anime really is.

And unlike "Light Girl", which focuses on daily cuteness, "Lovelive" is an authentic music.

A group of beautiful girls want to promote the school by being idols.,And then want to avoid being abolished.,Isn't it music?

"Still going to have a concert?"

Zhang Siyu was stunned when he heard Fang Zheng's words, and he didn't understand what Fang Zheng meant.

Looking back at the works of A Society, it seems that "Light Sound Girl" is related to music, but "Light Sound Girl" has already held a concert, and it will be a little boring if it is held once~

Although Zhang Siyu knows that fans will never object, or wish they would have another concert with the theme of "Light Girl", but there is always a lack of novelty.

"Then do you have any specific plans?" Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng, and when she saw the smile on the corner of Fang Zheng's mouth, she knew that Fang Zheng already had an idea.

This man's ghost ideas are not ordinary, although it is also a concert, but Founder can definitely play new tricks.

"Of course there is a plan, isn't it that "Demon Slayer" is coming to an end, just in time for the opportunity of the anime carnival concert, I decided to launch my next work!"

As he spoke, Fang Zheng asked Chen Xianting to bring her notebook.

Fang was tinkering on his laptop for a while, and soon, a promotional poster appeared on the screen.

"This is..."

Zhang Siyu looked at the very exquisite propaganda poster drawn by Fangzheng, and his face was a little shocked.

"This can't be your new work, right?"

Zhang Siyu is a little suspicious, there is no problem with the poster, but seeing that several beautiful girls in it are wearing costumes that fit the stage very well, and a microphone has appeared, this work is definitely related to music.

"That's right, this work is called "lovelive", and it's a musical fan. Fang Zheng didn't seem satisfied with Zhang Siyu's shocked expression, and nodded with a smile on his face.

"How about it, this concert can be held~"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu very proudly, he could already predict the carnival and happy expressions on the fans' faces on the day of the carnival.

After experiencing the pomp and circumstance of "LoveLive" in the previous life, does anyone still think that anyone can resist the charm of "LoveLive"?


Not at all!

Fang Zheng's confident expression made Zhang Siyu also find the backbone, and when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he immediately smiled.

"Since you're so confident, of course you can hold it. "

In terms of animation, Zhang Siyu knows that Founder has the absolute right to speak, and Founder definitely surpasses her in aesthetics of animation.

After all, Founder has created so many new works in the future, and each one has been widely acclaimed, ask yourself, Zhang Siyu doesn't think he has such talent.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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