Therefore, for Founder's plan, Zhang Siyu maintained full affirmation, and Founder said yes, then it must do!

"Then go ahead and prepare for a concert!"

Fang Zheng heard that Zhang Siyu had no objection, so he immediately nodded and made up his mind.

Last time, the anime carnival held a light music concert, so there is no reason why it can't hold a concert for the second time.

And in terms of music alone, "LoveLive" is more popular than "Light Girl".

There is no doubt about this, as can be seen from the offline concert of "lovelive" alone.

In Founder's view, "LoveLive" is not so much an anime as it is more like a multi-departmental cooperation and a fan-involved mixed-media campus idol project.

LoveLive includes music, TV and radio programs, books, comics, anime, games, and merchandise.

Because this work is too linked to reality, the popularity has naturally spread, and the popularity is unprecedentedly high.

Even after many years in Founder's previous life, this work still has an extraordinary influence, and every time a concert is held, it is full of seats and full of people.

How many loyal fans want to go to the scene, but it is hard to get a ticket.

Thinking about it, Fang Zheng turned his head to look at Zhang Siyu, his eyes were a little solemn.

In the previous life, it was difficult to find a ticket for the concert, and many people wanted to go to the scene, but in the end they couldn't get their wish, so Founder hopes that this kind of thing will be avoided as much as possible.

This little wish of fans, he wants to do his best to help them realize it, so that his fans will not be left with regrets.

"The venue for the concert must be ready!"

Founder is most worried about the problem of the concert venue, if it can, Founder wants to make the venue as large as possible and accommodate as many people as possible.

The venue is large, and the atmosphere when the concert is held is lively enough, and it can also allow more fans to come to watch the concert.

"Wasn't the previous concert venue good?"

Zhang Siyu was stunned for a moment when he heard Fang Zheng's words.

You must know that the open-air concert venue built before the light sound concert is still very intact, a large concert venue that can accommodate 300,000 people, and this venue is not small anywhere.

So Zhang Siyu felt very confused about Fangzheng's words and didn't know what Fangzheng meant.


Fang Zheng pondered for a moment, thinking about the possibility of rebuilding a large concert venue.

From Founder's heart, he is more inclined to build a new concert venue.

The reason is very simple, it was an open-air venue built in a hurry before, and now Fangzheng wants a fully enclosed concert venue.

But after calculating it, it seems that there is not enough time~

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's expression, as if he had thought of something, and his eyes changed instantly.

"You don't want to rebuild a concert venue, do you~!"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng in shock, and his body stood up directly from the sofa. The face is incredible.

"Don't daydream, first of all, rule out the problem of funds and manpower, and it will be too late!"

Zhang Siyu knows Fangzheng's character too well, and it is not a day or two to think of doing one thing and doing another, she has known it since the day she first entered A Club.

Fangzheng makes plans, but it's always imaginative, thinking of what to do, and... Leave everything to their subordinates, and become the shopkeeper themselves.

For Fangzheng's approach, Zhang Siyu can be said to have suffered deeply, with a sentence at the top, and a broken leg at the bottom, it is she who is talking about!

"You know, it's absolutely impossible to build a new concert venue in a month!

Fang Zheng looked up at Zhang Siyu's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He also knew that his thoughts were a little excessive, and he couldn't blame Zhang Siyu for reacting so violently.

Seemingly, probably, maybe... At the last anime carnival, the venue for the light sound concert was also built in a hurry.

Therefore, Zhang Siyu has a shadow in his heart~

No wonder the reaction was so intense~

Fang Zheng pouted, since the large concert venue can't be counted on, but the small one can always be~

"You can start construction at the same time and build several small concert venues, what do you think of this plan?"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu, since the concert is going to be held, it is going to be spectacular, although the plan for a large-scale concert venue has failed, but it is still very feasible for multiple concert venues to start together.

"Building multiple small concert venues?"

Zhang Siyu's eyes lit up when he heard Fang Zheng's words.

She didn't know anything else, but she knew that if it was to start work at the same time, the time should be in time.

And this has the advantage of diverting the fans who come to the scene during the carnival, sharing the pressure of the main concert venue, and also ensuring the safety of visitors to the greatest extent.

This way, there will be much less security pressure.

"This is okay, it's time to come!"

Zhang Siyu thought about it and estimated the time in his heart, as long as the price is in place, it is estimated that the engineering team is not a problem.

Fang Zheng nodded, he thought more than Zhang Siyu.

Zhang Siyu is thinking about whether this plan can be realized, and he is thinking about how to give fans the greatest enjoyment.

You can't let fans from all over the country come all the way but feel that the carnival is very boring~

So what's the point of him holding an anime carnival?

Founder's mind is in a hurry, since it is possible to build multiple small concert venues at the same time, can it make multiple concert venues have different styles?

Or the protagonist of each concert is different.,A Society currently has a lot of works.,The theme song of each work.、OP、ED and even BGM can be taken out.。

The main venue is completely the finale venue, and it will be handed over to the Muse group, and then let a few people make a cameo, and it is estimated that the effect will be very hot.


The more Fang Zheng thought about it, the more excited he became, and in the end, he simply clapped his hands and told Zhang Siyu about his plan.

Not only should the style and protagonist of the concert be different, but even the venue of the concert should be different, so that fans can have a different experience and enjoyment every time they participate in the concert.

Fang Zheng discussed the details with Zhang Siyu, and did not give up until it was time to get off work.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Moon Shadow" and "136...85", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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