At six o'clock in the evening, fans gathered on the forum of A Society to discuss the plot of "Demon Slayer".

Fans don't know what to say about this work.

But there is no doubt that this is a very good work, whether it is the artwork, the voice acting, the soundtrack, or the thought-provoking story behind it, it makes fans feel addicted.

The good and evil of human nature, right and wrong, the bonds of family and affection, these are all things that fascinate fans of "Demon Slayer".

"To be honest, the production of "Demon Slayer Blade" is really excellent~"

"I've been thinking a lot lately, I don't know what is absolutely right or wrong, but I know that my family is important to me!"

"The old man is ready to go home after the New Year, instead of working hard outside without a fixed place, it is better to go back to his hometown, maybe the income is not high, but at least I can accompany my elderly parents~"

"When you are about to close your eyes, the person who is with you is the one who is most worried about you, cherish the moment~"

"emm~ Do I think "Demon Slayer" is handsome?!"

In the forum, fans are discussing "Demon Slayer", discussing the characters, discussing the plot, and even expressing their own feelings.

In short, in the forum, fans gathered here, quietly waiting for the start of "Demon Slayer".

At seven o'clock, fans neatly evacuated the forum and went to the homepage of the A platform to prepare to watch the latest episode of "Demon Slayer".

Refresh and click Play.

"Oh no, it's already off!"

In the anime, a train roars out of the station, and Tanjiro, Inosuke, and my wife Zenitsu hide in the corner, watching the train start slowly.

"Win or lose, Lord of the Land!"

Inosuke's temper immediately jumped out and chased directly towards the train.

Tanjiro followed, leaving only my wife, Zenyi, who was less courageous, in the corner.


"Let's go too!"


The three of them chased the train that was getting faster, and Inosuke and Tanjiro jumped directly on the train because they rushed out first.

When my wife Shanyi saw it, her expression changed instantly.


On the railroad tracks, my wife Shanyi desperately chased the faster and faster trains, shouting as she ran.

The three of them got on the train, looked at the night sky outside, and sighed, the speed of this train is so fast!

"666, it's up!"

"Report! There are three fare evaders here!"

"Upstairs, are you sure it's three, and in the alley where Tanjiro is back, there's another fare evader, it's four!"

"Ma Dan, watching them chase trains, how can the old man feel like watching railway guerrillas?"

"I feel this way too, you're not alone~"

Under the dark night sky, in the lonely wilderness, a train emitted thick black smoke, and a long roar broke the silence of the night.

"Tanjiro, is it really good to bring your beans?"

In the train parking space, my wife Zenyi turned her head to look at Tanjiro.

In my wife's opinion, it is safest to put your beans in the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer Team.

That's why my wife Shanyi asked such a question.

"No, that's fine... You Douzi and I, no matter where we go, we will be together, and we will not be separated,"

Tanjiro knew what my wife Zenyi meant, and smiled slightly.

As the train moves away, Tanjiro recalls the scene at the beginning of the anime.

"Absolutely will save you!

"Onimai Tsuji is no miserable! I will never let you go! No matter where you go, I will never be!"

"The bond between me and You Douzi is constantly cut by anyone!"


With Tanjiro's recollections, "Demon Slayer Blade" is temporarily over.

Watching the train slowly disappear into the vast night, fans breathed a sigh of relief and had mixed feelings in their hearts.

It's over, and "Demon Slayer", which has been with them for a long time, is over.

"It's over, it's over, Lord's youth is over!"

"Finish scattering flowers, thank you for your company!"

"I don't know if there will be a follow-up to "Demon Slayer", I am very much looking forward to the follow-up, and I hope that Pipi Shrimp will make a second season!"

"Hehe, counting on Pipi shrimp? Then you might as well believe that the sow will go up the tree~"

"Pipi Shrimp, you answer me seriously, how long will the old man have to wait to see your beans?!!"

"Demon Slayer Blade", there is no doubt that it has left a very deep impression on fans, whether it is the painting style, soundtrack or plot, it makes fans have an urge to learn more.

Although the plot is not full of twists and turns, it is steadily advancing, the rhythm is very good, not too procrastinating, not too compact, just right.

"Demon Slayer" looks very smooth and does not give people the slightest sense of pause, which makes fans very comfortable and comfortable, and the viewing experience is excellent!

"Brothers, does anyone think that the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable women's costume is a little beautiful~"

"No miserable women's clothes are good-looking, I especially want to bask in the sun with him and drink wisteria tea together~"

"Upstairs, are you serious?!"

"Made, this is the legendary limit one-for-one?"

"You're too much, how can you say that people are not miserable, they are also a boss, and they all give women's clothing benefits to their employees, what do you still want people to do?"

"233~On how to survive under the hands of no misery as an employee~"

"It's not easy, just be a licking dog!"

The end of "Demon Slayer" made fans feel unhappy, so most fans returned to the forum and began to ridicule.

The main object of everyone's ridicule is Onimai Tsuji no miserable, the big boss.

As a good boss who distributes women's clothing benefits to his subordinates, this person's women's clothing can be said to have amazed a considerable number of fans.

Ghost Dance Tsuji is miserable, debuting, although he is a villain, but his handsome appearance directly left a very deep impression on fans.

There are even many fans who say that they want to bask in the sun with this big guy until they are old.

It can be seen how great the charm of Ghost Dance Tsuji is that even a man can bend it, so I ask if you are afraid!

And now, "Demon Slayer" is over, and fans have watched the latest episode of the anime, and there are even more things they want to ridicule, the most concerned of which is the trick layoffs of Onimai Tsuji.

This move can be said to have refreshed the fans' three views and completely subverted their cognition.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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