Some fans even ridiculed that this is not "Demon Slayer Blade" at all, but "Workplace Treasure".

As a subordinate of Onimai Tsuji, you must definitely do a few things, otherwise you don't need the Ghost Slayer team to appear, and this big boss will be the first to lay off you.

First of all, never talk back to your boss, because whether it's right or wrong, the boss is the boss, and the boss is always right!

Second, never put on a helpless or indifferent attitude towards the boss, because no boss likes to see his employees like this.

It's best to be respectful, and if you can't do it, you have to pretend to do it, otherwise you will be the next to lay off employees~

Third, never think about slipping away from the boss, you must appear as soon as the boss comes, so as to show your sincerity and respect.

Finally, don't try to pass the buck!

These are the bloody lessons that fans have summed up in response to the Nechimai Tsuji's miserable layoffs.

In the forum, some fans expressed their feelings, which instantly attracted a large number of fans.

"Landlord, you talk a little less, the most important thing is to learn to flatter!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you have to learn how to lick a dog, especially in the face of a boss like Onimai Tsuji, if you don't lick a dog, you can only be eaten dog meat hot pot~"

"Hahaha, it's not enough to lick a dog, you have to lick with temperature, attitude, soul, skill, lick from the heart, lick out the level!

"Thousands of wears, sycophants are not worn, sycophants must be filmed silently, and there must be connotation~"

"The most important thing is that when your boss is a pervert, you have to become a pervert too!"

"I'm Gan, why don't you want to be so real~!"

The forum was very lively, and fans were very happy about Onimai Tsuji's non-tragic layoffs.

In particular, the words that Onimai Tsuji no miserable layoffs are saying are still fresh in the memory of fans.

"I'm not at fault, all decisions belong to me, what I say is absolute, you don't have the right to refuse, what I say 'right' is 'right'. "

Listen, listen, this is what you should say as a boss~

How domineering~

In short, the Onimai Tsuji no miserable layoffs are very neat,

Employee A complained, so he got a boxed lunch, and employee B interrupted the boss, so he also got a boxed lunch; I got a boxed lunch~

The last one, because he asked the boss for a raise, was naturally cold.

Only the employee who was alive knelt and licked from the bottom of his heart from the beginning, so he was promoted and raised, and became a winner in life.

"Is that how you use your workplace culture?"

"I have to say, it's really not easy these days, even ghosts have a workplace culture~"

"Ghosts have a workplace culture, so if you see this comment, why don't you work hard?!"

"Mom, it's too miserable this time~"

"You won't be able to slap the horse, this is the end, who do you blame?"

Although everyone is ridiculing Onimai Tsuji, a considerable number of fans, although they are ridiculing on their lips, are full of wry smiles in their hearts and shout for the truth.

Society is far from being so pure, and only when you really enter the workplace can you understand the twists and turns in the workplace.

Do you think you just need to do your job steadily?


Miss by a mile!

If you enter the workplace with this idea, if you are at the bottom and inconspicuous, it is better, no one will target you, and naturally no one will pay attention to you.

But you want to hold yourself hard, serious, self-motivated, and then want a promotion and a raise, sorry, this is very unlikely.

So many fans are a little crying and laughing when they see Ghost Dance Tsuji.

Art comes from life but is higher than life, Oni Dance Tsuji is not miserable, how can this be the case, but the reality is not like this~

Those who understand it call it true, and those who don't understand it laugh, this is the most intuitive reaction of fans.

However, most people are trying to have fun and don't take it too seriously.

After all, this thing is not something that can be changed by one person, either adapt to society or be eliminated by society, it's as simple as that, that's all.

"I feel that I am particularly fascinated, in class today, the teacher said, 'Look at this trianguinformat', I was stunned at the time, and I didn't think about it for a long time, what kind of triangular prism is!"

"I know there is a water column and a love column, but I've never heard of a triangular prism~"

"Am I so enchanted?!Is there a way for everyone?, I was punished by the teacher for standing all afternoon today~"

Soon, in the forum, the owner of a post was held high, looking at the tragic experience of the landlord, many fans laughed very unscrupulously.

My own happiness is based on the pain of others, do you need to say this?

"It can be seen that Pipi shrimp is not shallow to harm people~"

"Hahaha, scared me to death, triangular prism, what column... The landlord is really talented!"

"Teacher: Gan, why are you actually from the ghost killing team?!"

"Brother, you should explain it to your teacher, maybe your teacher will fall into the pit if you are not careful, so that you are comrades-in-arms in the two-dimensional circle, and your problem is naturally not a problem~"

"This can be had, this is called tempting the enemy, corrupting the enemy, and attracting the enemy to become his comrades, wonderful!"

"I've learned, I'll go to match my teacher tomorrow!"

I'm not afraid of many sand sculptures, I'm afraid of sand sculptures gathering in a nest.

When a group of sand sculpture fans get together, they burst out with amazing power.

In addition to quickly and logically making everyone's discussion building crooked to grandma's house, he can also pull other fans to follow his own strange brain circuit and turn into a sand sculpture together.

That's where the magic of sand sculpture fans comes in.

In the forum at this time, there are people who discuss the plot, those who discuss their feelings, and those who play crazy memes.

But if a new person jumps out at this time and asks, 'Is the Demon Slayer Blade good-looking, is it worth chasing'~

Then no matter what the fans in the forum do, they will answer one word.


For "Demon Slayer Blade", ask so much what to do, in short, it's over after chasing!

In the forum, many fans are reluctant to leave, and they have too many thoughts to express and discuss about "Demon Slayer".

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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