So Fang Zheng rejected Zhang Siyu's proposal.

There is no doubt that Zhang Siyu's suggestion is completely in line with the interests of a company, and for the sake of interests, this is understandable.

But Fang Zheng did not agree, for no other reason, he did not want to extinguish the enthusiasm of fans because of profits.

As for the other one, the introduction of machine production lines ...

Fang Zheng did not agree, firstly, because he had cooperated with relevant departments to open up jobs, and secondly, because he felt that handmade products were more collectible than industrial products.

If the machine is used for production, there is no doubt that the production speed will be increased a lot, but it is the same, copy one by one, so that the collection value of the figure will drop a lot in Founder's view.

So neither of the two plans did Founder agree.

As a result, the figure factory has always been too busy.

However, in this regard, Founder is also helpless, and can only wait for the new apprentice to come out, so as to greatly relieve the pressure on the figure factory.

And this one, without a doubt, will take time.

So for the complaints of fans, Founder is also helpless.

Seeing the fans enthusiastically waiting to buy the same merchandise and figures, Fang Zheng was happy and painful.

Fans admit their works and like their works, which is undoubtedly a thing that makes him very happy, but looking at these messages, Fang Zheng feels as if he has lived up to the expectations and enthusiasm of his fans.

After a long time, Fang Zheng sighed and decided not to think about it.

He edited one of his latest Weibo posts and posted it.

Ding dong~

Many fans who pay attention to Founder Weibo have been pushed, and when they opened it, Pi Phi Shrimp actually released the latest news?!

Many fans who got the news shouted in the fan group, and then went to Weibo non-stop, wanting to see how Fangzheng was going to be a demon again.

"The moment I opened Weibo, my heart was cold, because I saw that many fans were urging me, but when I took a closer look, I breathed a sigh of relief because I was too worried... Thank you, thank you for your understanding!"


Many fans saw Founder's Weibo dynamics, and they were all confused.

Is this mood changing so quickly?

Wow cool for a while, and relieved for a while, are you doing a roller coaster?

"Brothers, does anyone know what kind of nerves are in Pipi Shrimp?"

"I understand you for being a great hammer! If you don't say I'll forget, when are you going to release a new work?!"

"Gan! I forgot it, I said how do I always feel like I forgot something these days, and I forgot to urge the change after doing it for a long time!"

"It's all to blame for "Demon Slayer Blade" is too popular, the old man has been busy grabbing the figure, grabbing the Sun Wheel Knife, and forgetting about the new work!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, we should thank you, you reminded us... Hahaha~!"


"Children only make choices, and the old man urges both!


Founder's Weibo dynamics made fans experience a short period of confusion.

But soon, fans reacted, what to do at this point in time?

Needless to say!

Of course, it's urging to update the work!

Every time Founder's last work ends, at this point in time, they will come to Founder's Weibo very tacitly, and the other party is sending their most 'sincere' blessings, and then...


Fans are so real!

Especially in the face of Founder, since ancient times, the true feelings cannot be retained, only the hearts of the people who have routines, knowing Founder, fans simply regard this sentence as a life creed.

"Damn, I was just thinking about how to grab it before, and I almost forgot about it!"

"Woo woo woo ~ Pi Phi Shrimp we blame you, we all forgot, you yourself actually took the initiative to remind us, it really touched the old man~"

"I'm teary-eyed, sure enough, Pipi Shrimp still loves us~"

"233~ Nine out of ten tears are laughing, and one is laughing wildly, Pipi Shrimp lifts a stone and hits himself in the foot, I bet you must all be laughing!"

"Nonsense, I didn't!"

"Hahaha, forgive the old man, you can't live for your own sin, Pi Phi Shrimp jumped out by yourself, don't blame us!"

"Brothers, hurry up!"

Fans cheered, the army gathered, and the messages under the Founder Weibo news rose at a rocket-like speed.

A dazzling array of messages flashed, you don't need to look carefully, you can roughly glance at it, and you will see that almost every sentence has the word 'urge'.

Fans are having fun, and all kinds of reasons are used to urge changes.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng smiled and smiled very proudly.

Look, this group of fans is still so naïve, and it is so easy to divert their attention from the pressure of the figure factory.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, and seeing that these fans were led astray by himself and were proud and unaware, Fang Zheng smiled like a fox.

This new work was originally about to be created in a hurry, so fans Cui didn't urge him to change it, and the result was the same.

But now it's different, and he's managed to divert the attention of his fans, which can also relieve the pressure on the sales department.

It's not too easy to follow the trend.

Fang Zheng smiled and watched the messages under his Weibo rise rapidly, and his face was full of pleasure.

You stand on the bridge and look at the view, and the people watching the view are looking at you from upstairs, this sentence is simply too true.

Fans feel that Fang Zheng sent it to the door by himself, but as everyone knows, Fang Zheng is scheming and deliberate, and only they know the deep meaning.

It's impossible to say who loses and who should respond, the purpose of the fans urging to update the work has been achieved, and from this point of view, the fans have won.

But Founder's goal of diverting the attention of fans was also achieved, and Founder also won.

This ending can only be said to be a win-win situation, and it is Founder who deliberately made the situation like this.

"Tsk, naïve!

Sure enough, there's nothing more enjoyable than teasing your fans.

Watching this group of fans rush to update the work, they are all having fun playing, and Founder is also satisfied.

At this point, he decided to reveal a little news to his fans, so that fans could be prepared, after all, this is also a promotion of "LoveLive" and the second Anime Carnival.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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