On Weibo, fans are still fancy urging more square new works, and they are having fun.

But soon, they received the latest news released by Founder.

"Don't rush, don't rush, my new work "lovelive" is in production, believe me, you will fall in love with this work, you will thank me!"

"Finally, I would like to ask weakly, do you want to listen to a concert?"

As soon as Founder's latest Weibo news was released, many fans were shocked.


In an instant, without any reminder or psychological hints, fans directly thought of the light music concert held last year.

The grand concert, which was enough to accommodate 300,000 people, can be said to have opened the first step of the carnival of the two-dimensional circle!

Before the light sound concert, who would have thought that a concert could be held so uniquely?

Who would have thought that they would one day be able to enjoy a cross-dimensional concert?!


No one could have imagined!

The virtual imaging system makes the cross-dimensional concert no longer a dream, and Founder's genius-like vision feasts the eyes of fans and can't look at it for a long time.

It's been a year since the time passed, but when fans see the word 'concert', the first thing that comes to mind is the previous light music concert.

The fans who went to the scene missed the carnival atmosphere very much, and now think about it as if it happened yesterday.

The shouts of 300,000 fans, the 'Afternoon Tea After School' band that came across the dimension, and the performances of Duwei and Mio from close proximity, everything seemed like a dream, but it was so real.

And the fans who couldn't go to the scene last time due to various reasons and could only watch the live broadcast online had already planned it in their hearts at this time.

I left regrets last time, and this time, I have to go to the scene to see everything, not for anything else, just to realize a dream that I have regretted for a year.

There is no doubt that Founder's news has completely ignited the enthusiasm of fans, and the fans' expectations exploded directly, and the excitement in their hearts cannot be expressed in words.

"Pi... Shrimp... No!Fang Dada!What does Fang Da mean?!"

"Pi... Phew! Fang Dada! We're going to see a concert! Make sure we see it once!"

"It's better to do it ten times or eight times in one breath! Let's enjoy it all at once!"

"Is my big light tone finally going to come out again?!

"I miss the broken gong voice so much, I don't know if I can listen to it on the spot this time~"

"I like the bigwigs in the two-dimensional circle the most, all of them are handsome and chic, and they speak well, so... This time to grab tickets, can the big guys take pity on me as a budding newcomer, ah woo woo~"

"Same as above, I'm also a newcomer, and I entered the circle relatively late, so the last light music concert was a replay on the Internet, and the bigwigs were merciful~"

"Everything else is easy to say, but this is the only one that can't be allowed! Our old fans have only seen it once, everyone has their own ability!"

Fans have already made a fuss, and they haven't even noticed the new work "LoveLive" mentioned by Founder before.

There's no way, it's really "Light Girl" This work is too classic, and the impression left by only a few people on fans is too deep and deep.

Even if so much time has passed, the first thing fans think of when they see the concert is that Founder is going to hold a 'light sound concert' again.

When I thought of "Light Girl", only a few people came across the dimension, singing songs they were familiar with, and the fans were very excited.

Even, many fans said that they can't wait, as if they can buy tickets now!

But there is no way, obviously the concert will not be held now, and the fans are not stupid, just look at the meaning of Fangzheng, if nothing else, the concert will definitely start in the second edition of the anime carnival.

There is still almost a month left before the second Anime Carnival.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the unstoppable mood in their hearts, many fans have opened the Kucat Music Network and started listening to the tunes in "Light Girl" again.

Listening to this familiar tone, many fans sighed that no matter how many times they listen to this song, it is still so intoxicating.

Of course, there are also fans who have noticed Founder's new work, but Founder's information is too little, and everyone doesn't know what type of work Founder's new work "lovelive" is.


"Puff ~ upstairs, don't take it out to show off in English on the construction site~"

"Is there a big guy, or an analysis emperor, to analyze the type of a wave of new works~"

"Damn, skin... Ahem, Fang Dada, you are too much, you only tell us one name, and if you say one more word, you will die~!"

"233 ~ Welcome to the guess and guess session, please guess the type of the new work "lovelive", guess the wrong slap in the face, guess the right no reward!"

"Don't guess, to be honest, the old man's expectations for the concert far exceed his expectations for the new work!"

For the new work "LoveLive", the attention of fans is obviously much smaller than before.

If it was in the past, fans would have been very lively speculating about the genre of the new work, but now, everyone's attention is attracted by the concert, and the attention to "lovelive" has naturally decreased.

However, it's not the fans' fault, it's really a bit wonderful about this misunderstanding.

Fang Zheng looked at the fans' messages, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Good guys, I said you fans, do you want to be so real, when I saw that I was going to hold a concert, I instantly changed my words, and upgraded directly from Pipi Shrimp to Fang Da.

Fang Zheng deliberately found several messages, and unsurprisingly, Pipi Shrimp was gone, replaced by Fang Dada, a title that made him miss you very much.

At the beginning, he was also affectionately called Fang Da by fans, but I don't know when it started, everyone seemed to forget this title and began to call him Pipi Shrimp.

Although Fang Zheng doesn't care what fans call him, compared with the two, he prefers the title of 'Pippi Shrimp'.

Watching the fans change their faces like Sichuan opera, this time when they heard that there was a concert, their attitude directly made a 180-degree turn, making Fang Zheng call it true.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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