The glamorous beautiful girls on the stage, this sudden scene made the gentlemen in front of the screen rise completely.

"Woo woo, I obviously said that I wanted to be a decent gentleman, but... But why can't I control my eyes~"

"I used to think I was a single-minded man, but at the moment I found out that I was wrong, I was wrong, it turned out that I was more loving than anyone else~"

"Oops! It's a heart-warming feeling!"

"Ghosts, I like this stage performance, Fang Dada, I love you!"

"Go to the special love, go to the special three-dimensional, isn't the paper man's wife in front of you fragrant?!"

Fans widened their eyes, watching the girls sing and dance, and the smiles on their faces had changed and they didn't know it.


What I understand is not only to be happy, but also to accept trials~

I understand, because that pain will make me move forward into the future~

Friendship makes me stronger and more unique~

It will definitely ~ change ~ If you can work hard for what you love~

Then the new cutscene will be the end~

Just believe in what you love~

This throbbing, embrace it, and move forward~

Give up all timidity and use the most beautiful smile~

Leap ~ Jump ~ Leap to the heights ~

We are now in it ~waiting for our own light~


A song OP, I don't know how many fans I have looked at, and I don't know how many fans' hearts have been conquered.

Looking at the past, among all the works of Club A, which work has so many girls singing and dancing in the OP?


Nine girls, nine energetic high school girls, fans don't need to think too much, they know that this work is an existence they will regret for the rest of their lives if they miss it!

"As a macho man, the old man said that I can't do it anymore~"

"After watching this OP performance, I feel like I'm sublimated, and it's great that I really like the second dimension!"

"Medic! Medic! I think I can still save it~"

"Help the old man up, the old man can go back to the side of the battle!"

"What kind of fairy OP is this, and this stage performance, it's too ticklish~"

"Fang Dada, you are the devil, did you come to fix me on purpose, how do you let me sleep at night~"

The Jimei picture of the OP at the beginning completely refreshed the fans' three views, and the beautiful dancing and melodious singing made them have an unstoppable impulse.

After watching the two-dimensional stage performance, I was thinking about the stage performance in reality...

Emm~ There is no harm if there is no contrast, and I am used to the aesthetics of the second dimension, and sure enough, the realistic performance is a little out of taste.

The OP ended, and the fans began to diverge.

Some fans with strong self-control suppressed their inner impulses and forced themselves not to go back to the side, silently chanting 'impulsiveness is the devil' in their hearts, while patiently looking down.

I hope that with the help of the next plot, they will forget the very tempting stage Jimei performance just now.

And the other part belongs to the kind of self-control that is relatively poor, at this time, what plot, what background, all abandoned.

Even if the sky falls, it can't stop me from going back to watch the OP performance again, even if the king of heaven can't do it!

After the OP, the anime officially began.

Takamaka Huinaguo, who fainted because of the news of the previous school abandonment, got up from the bed in the school infirmary.

"Is it a dream?!"

Takan Enaigo sat on the bed, his eyes were a little confused, and after a short period of thought, a smile reappeared on his face.

"What, it turned out to be a dream~"

Listening to Takan Hui Naiguo's self-deceptive words, before the fans began to complain, as soon as the camera turned, he came to the corridor of the school.

I saw Takama Hui Naiguo, who had just woken up, bouncing all the way towards the classroom, with a happy smile on his face, and very happily greeting his classmates.

It was as if the news of the school was really a dream.

"It's over, it's over, Guoguo thinks she's dreaming~"

"The pace of these six relatives who don't recognize ... Another crazy one~"

"She's finally broken!"

"The old man has decided, this is a sand sculpture, let's disperse!"

"Scatter your sister, don't think I don't know what you're paying attention to, do you think we're all gone, you're so good to eat alone?!"

Fans looked at the high-level board Hui Naiguo with a brain watt, and they all began to complain wildly.

Good guy, is this paranoia or is it a drop~

You forgot about what was just announced on the front foot, and said it was a dream!

Could it be that Ning is also the same as the true eye of the evil king, because the news is too strong, so he has turned on the spiritual self-protection mode?

"Is she finally broken?"

"Hui Naiguo, she's very energetic, it's good... But she seems to have misunderstood something..."

In the corridor, the students who were greeted by Hui Naiguo, looking at the high board Hui Naiguo who was laughing all the way, all had a reaction with the fans, that is, they began to complain!

There is no doubt that Takamaka Enaigo is broken, completely broken!

"It's the same, how can the school be closed all of a sudden~"

In the corridor, Gao Ban Hui Naiguo jumped all the way towards the classroom, not noticing that the notice board in the corridor was pasted with two big words 'abandoned school'.

"I beg you to turn your head and look at the billboard, hey!"

"2333~Turn your head and discover the new world~"

"Very energetic!

"It's a sad story, but I can't help but want to laugh~"

"No! No! The old man is going to be out of breath with laughter... Ahaha~"

Fans looked at the self-paralysis of Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, and they were all happy, and on the side of the corridor, on the notice board that could be seen when they turned their heads, the words 'abandoned school' were so big, and this spiritual girl actually selectively ignored them.

This made fans speechless and a little laughing at the same time.

Sure enough, as expected by fans, Takan Hui Naiguo finally recognized the reality.

The abolition of the school is not a dream, but a reality.

Looking at the Sichuan opera's face-changing Gaoban Hui Naiguo, fans are no longer able to complain.

One second he was still a carefree optimist, but the next second, his face fell, and the change before and after was simply not too fast!

When he came to the classroom, the dejected Takaiban Enogo came to his seat, and kept muttering something like 'school is going to be gone'.

This love for the school simply embarrassed the fans in front of the screen.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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