"The school is gone, the school is gone..."

Gao Ban Enaigo covered his face with his hands, and since he returned to his seat, he had been nagging this sentence, looking extremely pitiful.

The fans in front of the screen deeply realized how much Takamashi Enaigo loves this school, and they believe that as long as there is this love, this academic performance will definitely not be bad!

Even, many fans were moved by Takamachi Enaiguo.

How much I like school, how deep does this love have to be to be like this~

Compared with Takan Enaiguo, fans suddenly found that they were simply useless, for schools, especially high schools, don't say they like it, it's good if they don't have nightmares~

Gao Ban Hui Naiguo's deep love is simply embarrassing.

"I'm ashamed to say that my husband has graduated for so many years and has never returned to his alma mater...."

"It's so touching, Takamaka Enogo really likes school~"

"I don't understand, is the school, or the high school, really that good?"

"Nonsense, you're not, the school in the anime, which one is not good? Think about the only few people, just drink tea and chat all day long~"

"Gan, if it's such a school, the old man likes it too!"

Looking at the heartbroken appearance of Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, fans are not hard-hearted people, and when they see this, they all have a feeling of empathy.

On the side, Takamachi's classmate is also his best friend, and Nan Xiaotori's face is full of worry.

"Hui Naiguo is so depressed, it turns out that she likes school so much~"

Hearing Nan Xiaoniao's words, Tian Yuan Haiwei, who is also a good friend and childhood sweetheart, disagrees.

"No, she must have misunderstood something..."


Nan Xiaoniao was a little confused, and didn't know what Tian Yuan Haiwei meant.

Gao Ban Hui Naiguo looks like the school is going to be abolished, and he looks very depressed, what can he misunderstand with this look?

Bang dang~!

Just when Nan Xiaoniao was confused by Tian Yuan Haiwei's words, Gao Ban Hui Naiguo suddenly got up from his seat, ran to the two of them, and said with tears in his eyes.

"What should I do?! I didn't study at all! If the school closes, we'll have to transfer to another high school, and we have to study for the exam and prepare for the placement test..."


Listening to Takamako Huinaguo's words, the fans were caught off guard because the other party's love for school had not had time to fade.

"Good guy! I call you good guy, this is why you are so depressed!"

"Give me back my touch, stupid!"

"It's a shame that I was so moved just now, you thought you didn't study for a long time, and you were afraid of the transfer exam~"

"I feel cheated, woo woo woo ~ why do you treat me like this ~!"

"Is this a dead friend and childhood sweetheart? I can see the little Jiujiu in Hui Naiguo's heart at a glance, which is really surprising!"

Fans were dumbfounded when they heard Takamako personally explain the reason why he was so scared and depressed.

Say yes like school, love school?

What about the depth of love?

How can this style of painting change in the blink of an eye~

"Hui Naiguo, calm down~"

Nan Xiaotori looked at the tearful eyes of the two eyes very gently, looking very flustered, with an embarrassed but not polite smile on his face.

"Of course Bird and Haiwei are fine, you have good grades, but I..."

Takaban Enogo interrupted Minami Xiaonia's words, said sadly, and covered his face with his hands again, as if he was a little afraid of the reality in front of him.

Looking at the appearance of Takan Enaiguo, the fans in front of the screen shouted 'real'.

That's right, this is what a scrapped school should look like, it was all a lie before, and worrying about test results is the most real!

"So calm down!"

Tian Yuanhai didn't look at Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, who was hiding his face and crying, sighed helplessly, and comforted.

"School isn't going away until we graduate!"


Takan Enaiguo's crying stopped abruptly, his eyes revealing confusion, looking at Tian Tian Haiwei, as if to confirm whether it was true.

As soon as the camera turned, the sad Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, who was crying just now, was holding a piece of bread the next moment and eating it with relish.

This food looks fragrant just by looking at it!

"So... Is this so real?"

"As soon as I heard that I didn't have to worry about it before graduation, I just started eating?"

"This reaction... How do you let the old man complain~"

"I'm a ghost, Guoguo, your face changes too quickly, how did you do it, can you tell me?"

"Crying in trouble, eating nothing, this sentence is a high school girl, love love!"

Because the changes before and after Takamaka are too exaggerated and too real, fans don't know what to say.

They can see it, Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, this is a fool!

While eating bread, Takama listened to what Minami Xiaotori said, the school will be closed and all the students will graduate, so there is no need to worry about it at all after three years at the latest.

Listening to Nan Xiaoniao say this, Hui Naiguo became even more relaxed.

"It's so good~Ah, today's bread is delicious~!"

Looking at Hui Naiguo, who was still extremely sad just now, but at this time he was eating the cake heartlessly, and the fans were speechless.

"Routines, full of routines!"

"At first, I was so sad that I fainted, I thought you liked school so much, but now I know that you are worried about the exam, and now you are not worried, you start to eat, sure enough... You're an idiot!"

"Hey, hey, hey, have you ever thought about a question, starting next year, you won't have a first-grade girl~"

"Hui Naiguo: What?!There is no first grade left!"

"233~I suddenly felt that the bread in my hand was not fragrant~"

Fans looked at Takaban Enaiguo, and I have to say that although fans think Takaban Enaigo is a stupid, it is undeniable that this is really joy~

From the beginning of the anime to the present, Takamaka Enogo has single-handedly condensed 80% of the complaints of fans in front of the screen.

This can be regarded as a special ability~

Takita Enogo listened to Hai Wei and Nan Xiaoniao's words, and his expression of being happy to eat bread also fell silent.

Looking at Takama Enaiguo's reaction, fans already have a faint guess that if nothing else, in order to avoid being abolished, Takama Guya, a fool, should take action.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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