[If there are not enough new students, the school will have to be closed.] 】

The school abolition notice was clearly written, and Hui Naiguo and the others were a little silent when they looked at the school abolition notice.

"In other words, as long as you can recruit enough voices, the school will not be closed, in other words, as long as the advantages of this school are shown and new students are recruited!"

Although Gao Ban Hui Naiguo is a little naïve, he can see the problem very clearly.

The essence of school abandonment, in addition to the hard and fast policy regulations, may be that the school is not well managed, or the school is located where there are not enough students.

It is understandable that the school was abolished because of the lack of new students.

Therefore, Hui Naiguo felt that as long as enough new students were recruited, the school could be avoided from being abolished.

In the eyes of fans, there is no problem at all with this logical perspective of looking at the problem.

School enrollment is nothing more than the strength of the school, that is, the advantages of the school itself, as long as these are shown, there must be no problem in recruiting new students!

"What are the advantages?"

Tian Yuanhai did not look at Gao Ban Hui Naiguo and expressed his doubts.

It's easy to say about showcasing the good things about the school, but it's hard to do.

After all, the concept is too general.

"For example... Historic?"

"What else?"


Gao Ban Hui Naiguo, Tian Yuan Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao discussed for a long time, but they didn't discuss the reason.

Otono Kizaka Academy, if you have to say it, it seems that the school was founded relatively early, and it has a long history and is more famous, as for the rest...

Either it's unobtrusive, or the results aren't ideal.

In other words,Otonoki Kisaka Gakuen,It's precisely because there are no good results.,So it's not eye-catching.,This is also the main reason why there are fewer students.,It's more difficult to enroll.。

The way they can think of it, there is no reason why the school's senior management can't think of it.

If there are convincing merits that can be promoted, I am afraid that the school has already implemented it, where do you have to wait for the notice of the abolition of the school~

"I still like this school. "

Gao Ban Hui Naiguo was lying on the desk, and when he said this, there seemed to be a different charm in his eyes.

Hearing this, Tian Yuan Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao also expressed their love for this school.

As soon as the camera turned, Takamaka returned home and saw her sister resting in the room.

"Snow Spike, which one is...?"


My sister heard Hui Naiguo's inquiry and said casually.

"I'm going to go to that school next year. "

Takita Enogo picked up the UTX school brochure, flipped through a few pages, and looked at the handbook with several beautiful girls standing in the same frame, her expression a little shocked.

"It turns out that they are engaged in this kind of activity~"

"Don't you know? UTX is the most popular school right now, and there are more and more students. "

Takama Enogo listened to her sister's words.,It took a long time to react.,Her sister,Donoki Han School Park anymore!

Takamaka Enoka's mother and grandmother also graduated from Otonogihan School Park.,So Enoko has a deep affection for Otonogihan School Park.。

At this time, Otono Kizaka Academy was about to be abolished, which made Takaha Enogo a little unhappy.

The next day, Enoka Takaiban came to UTX School, looking at the towering skyscraper in front of him, and looking at the elevator at the door where the teachers and students were traveling, his face was full of shock.

"This is the school?!"

Floor-to-ceiling windows and students in white uniforms scan the code to enter the school.

It can be said that UTX school is full of urban style.

"I'm Gan, what the hell is this school?"

"You say it's a shopping mall, I believe it!"

"No wonder Otonokizaka can't recruit students, this hardware facility is too bad!"

"It's a cow, I'll go to UTX school if I change it, it's too modern!"

Fans look at UTX School Park,It's just a shock to my mom for a whole year.,Just this school building.,Those office buildings that are rented to enterprises are nothing more than that~.

"Wow~! It's amazing!"

Gao Ban Hui Naiguo lay in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his face was tightly pressed against the window, looking at the scene inside, his eyes were full of incredulity.

Before, everyone thought that Otono Kisaka School Park was very good.,It's well-equipped.,It's also very clean and tidy.。

But everything is afraid of a contrast, and with a contrast there is harm.

Compared with UTX, Otono Kisaka School is simply a typical poor household~

People are big chaebols with deep pockets, and you are a down-and-out poor household, what do you use to compete with others, and what do you use to rob students from others?

If you look at it this way,The decline of Otonogihan School Park doesn't seem so unreasonable.。

Standing at the gate of UTX, just as she was lamenting the modernization of this school, she suddenly heard screams from the crowd.

Hearing the sound, I saw a huge screen appear above the school gate.

"Welcome to UTX Academy!How are you doing?~"

The girls who appeared on the screen were really the ones on the UTX brochure.

A-RISE, a campus idol, is an idol group composed of students at school.

Looking at the A-RISE combination that appeared on the screen, Enoka Takaban's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, as if he had thought of something.

The dynamic drum beat sounded,When fans were still wondering what the school idol was,BGM suddenly changed,Instantly attracted the attention of fans。

With the sound of the drums,The A-RISE group that just appeared in front of the fans,It profoundly explained to the fans what is called a school idol。

On the big screen, the A-RISE group, dressed in costumes, began to dance with the flickering stage lights.

The amazing dancing posture and the weak and boneless body all give fans a feeling of extreme beauty.


Are you going to leave like this~

Although I didn't catch up~

Because this is basic, I hate crowds~


Although it is an uncomfortable person who understands loneliness~


Fans watched intently at the A-RISE group performing on the screen, and I have to say that although it is different from the performance at the beginning of the anime, it has one thing in common.

That is as charming as the dance, as beautiful as the singing, watching the performance on the screen, I am completely unconsciously addicted to it, unable to extricate myself.

PS: Thanks to "Rainy Season Death", "One Sleep Relieves a Thousand Sorrows", "Moon Shadow Tree", "Bookworm Who Loves to Read Novels". ", "Felix Argyle", "@^O^@" monthly pass support, thanks to "Fallen Leaves 01... 2", thank you for your support!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!

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