"The first concert of the school idol μ's is about to start.,If you want to watch it, please hurry up~"

Wearing red, green, and blue costumes, Sui Naiguo, Nan Xiaoniao, and Tian Yuan Haiwei stood on the stage of the college auditorium, looking at the big red curtain that blocked the stage in front of them, and their expressions were a little serious.

"It's finally getting started!"

Sui Naiguo glanced at the two people beside him, but found that Nan Xiaoniao was okay and did not have any nervousness.

But Tian Yuan Haiwei was different, and his nervous hands began to tremble.

Sui Naiguo grabbed the hands of Tian Yuan Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao and looked at each other.

"It's okay!

"Suino fruit...."

The three of them held hands, and Tian Yuanhai was not comforted by Sui Naiguo, and his nervous mood was also relieved.

"But... What should I say at this time?"

Nan Xiaoniao turned his head to look at the two of them, with a very gentle smile on his face.


Sui Nao Guo was the first to shout the slogan he could think of, but obviously this slogan was not satisfactory.

"Isn't this just like the athletic department?"

Hai Wei's words are not unreasonable, in the anime, those sports clubs, every time they exercise, they are the slogan of 'XX!Fight!'.

Compared with others,μ's a school idol group.,So shouting,It's really a bit like a sports club.。

"Ah! I thought of it!Let's count it together~" Suinoka.

"Let's report the number together~ Sounds so interesting!" Nan Xiaotori echoed, agreeing with Sui Naiguo's proposal.


The three of them held hands on the stage, and Sui Naiguo took a deep breath.




After the three of them finished shouting, they looked at each other and laughed.

Inexplicably, although I don't know why, the fans who see it here have a feeling of tears.

On the stage of Nuoda,There are only three people in Suinaiguo、Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao,Although everyone doesn't know if there is a limit to the number of school idols.。

But there is an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

"No, no, that's not how it feels!"

"Why do I feel a sense of loneliness?

"Erlaizi is also three people, and Suinaiguo is also three people, but it feels completely different, what is wrong?"

"Everyone remember the combination in the OP, if nothing else, that is the complete body of μ's, but now there are only three people in Suinaiguo..."

"Please, you quickly form a complete body μ's, the three of them always feel a little lonely when they look at it, it's so distressing~!"

"Gan, the happier they laugh, the more uncomfortable the old man feels in his heart~"

"Why, it's the first time to perform, why should I be happy, why does it feel so abusive~"

Fans couldn't figure it out and didn't know why they felt this way.

But the throbbing in my heart just lingered, and I didn't know what was wrong.

There's a process for everything.,Suinaiguo can form a three-person school idol group at the beginning.,It's already very remarkable.,It stands to reason that everyone should be happy for Suinaiguo's three people.。

After all μ's has only been established for a long time, and everyone is about to hold their first concert, so there's no reason to be unhappy~

However, fans don't know what went wrong, and looking at the three of Suinago who are holding hands, relying on each other, and encouraging each other, everyone just feels distressed.

This is the touching thing about "lovelive", μ's is nine people, nine people together is μ's, without any of them, this idol group is incomplete.

Fans of this world are coming into contact with "LoveLive" for the first time, and they don't know what kind of emotion a full μ's can bring to people.

But there is a definite number in the dark, and although fans don't know what the full μ's represents, everyone just thinks that μ's shouldn't be like this.

"μ's first concert... Let's make it the best concert ever!"

Suinaiguo's jewel-like eyes were wrinkled and shining, as if he was saying to the audience signing on the screen, as if he was saying to himself, or to Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao beside him.


An electric sound came, and the big red curtain that blocked the stage slowly rose, and the scene in the audience completely appeared in front of Sui Naiguo and the others.

The red curtain opened, and the three of them wanted to greet their first concert with a smile on their faces, and wanted to stand on the stage to greet fans for the first time.

However, the scene in front of me was dumbfounded.

The auditorium of the large auditorium was empty, and the whole hall was silent, which seemed very quiet and depressing.

In the auditorium of the college, the three of Sui Naiguo standing on the stage looked extremely helpless and lonely at the moment, and when they saw the fans here, they all had a very unpleasant feeling.

They finally knew that something was wrong, and the feeling that had been lingering in their hearts before, lingering, and the emotional reason was here.

"Not a single one?!"

"Isn't this a bit excessive, could it be that the flyers of Suinago and their leaflets before were all gray-haired?"

"Isn't there anyone to support Suinago and them?obviously they worked so hard to prepare and train, why?~"

"Alas~ this result... It's reasonable, it's unexpected, after all, it's the first concert, and no one is either..."

"Gan, what's nothing if there is no one in that world, but the old man supports it!"

"Plus one! I also support it, and I will support every concert of μ's in the future!"

"Come on, Sui Naiguo, we all support you!"

"Yes, and us, don't give up~"

Fans looked at Honoka, Haiwei and Minami Xiaotori who were stiff on the stage, and at this moment, everyone felt the same way.

They can understand the feeling that they have worked hard for a long time, but in the end there is no trace of gain, and many emotional people who have seen this scene have wet their eyes.

After such hard training, everyone persevered together and overcame psychological and other problems, but in the end, no one cared about their carefully prepared μ's first concert.

This result is not to mention the three of Suinago who have worked hard for a long time, even the fans themselves can't accept it!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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