Looking at the scene in front of him, not to mention the three Suino Fruits who are the protagonists, even the fans in front of the screen are worried.

Therefore, the barrage exploded, although everyone knew that their feelings could not be transmitted to Sui Naiguo and them through the screen, and even Sui Naiguo didn't know that he already had so many fans in Sanyuan.

But everyone still did it, and there was no other way, so everyone used the barrage to support the three of Suinago and support this μ's who only had three people.

Sui Nao Guo looked at the empty auditorium in a daze, his eyes a little confused.


Nan Cerebellum on the side and Tian Yuan Haiwei looked at Sui Naiguo, who looked a little wrong, and they were all a little worried.

Sui Naoguo didn't know what to do, she thought of the days when she and Nan Xiaoniao trained hard together, and the few of them ran together to exercise their physical fitness, rehearsed dances together, and cultivated coordination and tacit understanding.

But in the end, no one came to watch the concert they worked so hard to prepare, and this result made Suino feel a burst of despair.

At the scene, there was no one else except for a few staff members who helped Suinoka.

Seeing this scene, Sui Naiguo lowered his head, his hair covering his eyes, and his lips trembled slightly.

Looking at Suino Guo like this, the fans in front of the screen felt a pain in their hearts~

However, soon the fans were stunned.

I saw Sui Naiguo, who bowed his head and was silent, and everyone thought that he must be extremely sad, suddenly raised his head with a smile on his face.

"This is also a matter of course~ The world is not so simple!"

Seeing Sui Naiguo trying his best to comfort himself at this time, trying his best to maintain his smile, and trying his best not to let his tears fall, the fans were silent.

At this moment, the fans had no other ideas, and they were all moved by this strong girl.

Takasaka Honoka, the existence known as the Fruit Emperor in her previous life, made her clearly recognized by fans of this world for the first time.

Just when fans are worried about Suinaguo, fans are worried about this feeling, not to mention the three Suinago who are the protagonists, even the fans in front of the screen are worried.

Therefore, the barrage exploded, although everyone knew that their feelings could not be transmitted to Sui Naiguo and them through the screen, and even Sui Naiguo didn't know that he already had so many fans in Sanyuan.

But everyone still did it, and there was no other way, so everyone used the barrage to support the three of Suinago and support this μ's who only had three people.

Just when everyone was worried about Hono Guo, Hai Wei and Minami Kotori, just when everyone was worried about whether μ's first concert would be able to go smoothly.

In the quiet auditorium, the figure of a young girl ran in in a panic.

Koizumi Huayang came to the audience and looked around, because the running was too intense, and the tone of his voice was still a little breathing.


Koizumi even wondered if he was in the wrong place.

On the stage, Sui Naiguo also saw Xiaoquan Huayang, who came in a panic, looking at the other party's affection, his eyes were fixed.

"Come on, sing it, do it with all your might, because those efforts are for today, so... Let's sing~!"

Honoka reinvigorated, even if there was only one viewer... Even if there is no audience, they have to continue, because all their previous efforts are for today~!

Nan Xiaotori heard Suinoguo's words, his expression changed, and he looked at Tian Yuan Haiwei on the side with an excited smile.

"Suinaiguo.... Haiwei!"


The three of them didn't say much, everyone knew what each other was thinking in their hearts, and this tacit understanding didn't need any words to express it, because at this time, on this stage, among the three of Sui Naiguo, the language seemed pale and weak.

The three of them stand still on the stage, and the lights of the stage change, and the light blue light shines above the three people, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

Looking at the three elves dancing on the stage, it only took a second for the fans to sink in.





Even if it is a new and new bird, one day it will spread its wings and use strong wings~ (Minami Bird)

You must not give up, that day will definitely come~ (Haiye)

You can also feel it, the encouragement in my heart when I set off~ (Suinoka)


The beautiful singing voice came, and with the girl's dance, the fans in front of the screen suddenly had the illusion of being in the concert scene.

At this moment, many fans suddenly felt that it seemed good to change the protagonist of this concert to μ's.

", what's going on with a little bit of emotion inexplicably!"

"I'm dropping a turtle, this is really an internal performance, all nine people in the OP are here~"

"233~~It's okay to watch the concert secretly~"


"Ah~!!!The old man really wants to support them in the audience!!"

"It's so good, I'm very curious about how Fang Dada created these songs, each one is so addictive~"

The fans in front of the screen, after watching the first concert of the junior μ's composed of Suino Fruit, Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao, sent barrages one after another to express their feelings.

This first concert held by Suino Guo, Haiwei and Nan Xiaotori was undoubtedly a success for fans.

If I have to say regret, it is that there are too few audiences.

Fans expressed their feelings, and on the other side, on the side of the magic capital, Fang Zheng was also watching "Lovelive".

To be honest, watching the same part in another world really has a different flavor.

Of course, Founder's feelings are different from those of fans.

Fans are looking forward to μ's full body of the nine people, moving μ's first concert, but Founder is remembering.


This lyric is very familiar to almost all LL fans, and everyone remembers this song that μ's first performance is clear.

The same is true for Fang Zheng, who thought that his playlist included almost all of Muse's songs.

However, what Fang Zheng felt the most was not this, but μ's first concert, and there were not many people in the audience, or the audience was his own people.

Now there is no absence in the audience, but the stage is empty.

Maybe only fans who have experienced that era that belongs to μ's know what kind of relationship this is~

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Moon Shadow Tree", "Maple Leaf Lonely", "Chang'an and Snow", and "FWL", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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