Looking at the familiar faces flashing on the screen, Fang Zheng's eyes were a little confused.

On the stage, Guohuang, Haiye, and Nan Xiaoniao, the angel Huayang under the stage, the old Russian hooligan Eri Ayase, the demon king Nozomi, Mahime, Rin Meow, and of course, Nicole who is secretly observing.

Looking at these familiar faces, to be honest, Fang Zheng was a little nostalgic.

μ's represents the memories of his generation, represents their youth, and may be regarded as a disgusting fat house, but they don't care.

They were immersed in μ's concerts and support clubs, and followed the μ's members's every move.

But as time went by, the fans gradually grew up and entered all walks of life, and they were forced by reality every day, and they no longer had time to go to the scene to support.

Just like what Fang Zheng thought of just now, now there is no absence from the audience, but the stage is empty.

And at the time when Fang Zheng came to this world, the linkage of "LoveLive" had decreased a lot, giving people a feeling of decline.

Therefore, in the previous life, many forums, post bars and other places where LL fans haunted, and a sentence often appeared.

Please take us to rush once!

In a word, it exhausts the fans' complex emotions for "lovelive", including nostalgia, reluctance, and the ardent expectation of μ's reunion.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Siyu sat on the sofa, she had just woken up from the concert in the anime.

I wanted to see how Founder did it, and why good songs were one after another, as if they were inexhaustible.

But as soon as she turned her head, she saw that something was wrong with Fang Zheng's expression.

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with some concern, and even doubted that Fang Zheng was not too tired to feel well.

"Huh, I'm fine~"

Fang Zheng reached out and gently hugged Zhang Siyu into his arms, with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his previous life, he worked part-time and lived half-house, although it was not expensive, but it was more than enough to support himself.

However, he wanted to go to a live μ's concert, but he didn't have that opportunity.

One is that the work is not allowed, and the other is that there are more wolves and less meat, and I don't know how much money a ticket has been fired.

In his previous life, he dreamed of going to the scene, but he couldn't do it.

This time, he is rich and rich, but he is no longer a human being~

That touch, it seems that I can never get it back~

Now that he sees "lovelive" again, Fang Zheng is a little self-deprecating in addition to nostalgia.

If he did it again, he would have to fight everything, and he would also go to the scene to support once, if not for anything else, just for the nine colors that represented a miracle.

It's a pity that the opportunities for μ's to get together seem to be getting fewer and fewer.

"Siyu, the voice actors who dubbed "LoveLive" have signed contracts with the company, right?"

Fang Zheng's chin rested on Zhang Siyu's shoulder, and his tone was a little low, as if he had something on his mind.

Zhang Siyu also sensed that something was wrong with Fang Zheng, but he didn't know why Fang Zheng suddenly became so sentimental.

"It's all signed, five-year contracts. "

"Ask Sister Li at work tomorrow to see if they are willing to sign a contract for a longer time, and the treatment doesn't matter. "

Although he didn't understand what Fang Zheng meant, Zhang Siyu still didn't ask very interestingly, just hummed lightly and agreed.

The next day, Fang Zheng came to the company, and just came to the office, but saw Liu Mingming, who was in charge of the official blog, running in in a hurry.

"Fang... Fang Dong, fans are frying!"

Liu Mingming walked into Fangzheng's office, and the first sentence made Fangzheng dumbfounded.

What do you call fans frying, wasn't it good yesterday?

He watched anime yesterday, and those barrages are also normal, why did he fry the pot overnight~

"What's going on, you speak slowly!"

Fang Zheng motioned for Chen Xianting to make two cups of hot coffee, and then asked Liu Mingming to sit down and talk.

"Fang Dong, fans were arguing before, the second Anime Carnival, whether the protagonists of the concert were the only ones who stayed with them, or μ's a few people, and then because they couldn't convince each other, they started voting..."

Listening to Liu Mingming's narration, Fang Zheng gradually understood what was going on.

Fang Zheng, who figured out the whole thing, couldn't cry or laugh, this group of fans is too cute~

The cause of the incident was naturally μ's group, and the fans started voting for the sake of fairness.

It's just that last night, μ's concert effect exploded!

Although Honoka and others took the stage for the first time, there were not many people on the scene, but the fans liked it, so the number of votes for μ's skyrocketed.

And those light sound parties naturally quit, good guys, what about fair competition that is good~

Say yes, use data to speak~

You don't talk about martial arts to engage in these high-tech methods, bullying us with a big light voice!

As a result, the number of votes on both sides has risen like a rocket, and as of this morning, the major fan groups want to feedback the wishes of fans to the top management of A company through official blogs, or Pipi Shrimp.

But this is what makes Liu Mingming collapse.

Good guys, "Light Girl" has more than 2 billion votes! "Lovelive" has a similar number of votes!

Moreover, this is not the most surprising and speechless for Liu Mingming.

The voting data sent by fans has been changing, and the Qingyin Party saw that μ's party had more votes than itself, so they quickly used high technology, and then reported the data on the official blog.

But μ's side is not vegetarian either, so the two sides started a wheel war, and the number of votes is increasing at an extremely exaggerated rate.

Helpless, Liu Mingming could only come to Fang Zheng to see if Fang Zheng had any way to end this farce.

If this is not stopped, if the matter spreads out of the circle, it is estimated that others will laugh off their big teeth, and there are only a few people in the world!

Calm down, hey!

Fang Zheng knew this situation, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

High-tech means are terrifying~

As a last resort, Founder can only ask Liu Mingming to issue a notice, which probably means that for the anime carnival and concert, Company A has prepared and made a detailed plan.

And the plan can't be changed so simply, so I hope fans can understand.

Liu Mingming was still not at ease, and finally asked Fang Zheng to forward the official blog's dynamics, and then she breathed a sigh of relief and left Fang Zheng's office.

"Billions of votes, you just use high technology, there must be a limit!"

Fang Zheng complained speechlessly, and he didn't know how to complain about the fans' strange behavior.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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