In the face of the fans' high-tech voting moves, Fang Zheng had no choice but to let the official blog post a dynamic, telling fans that the plan could not be changed.

As for telling fans about the concert, they will see everything they are looking forward to...

Fang Zhengcai won't say, he still wants to see how fans are entangled~

Fans don't know about Fangzheng's sinister intentions, and they are still arguing about the protagonist of the concert.

This may be the most serious differentiation of fans in the two-dimensional circle since the establishment of the two-dimensional circle.

At more than six o'clock in the evening, the fans all made a truce, and the two sides hung up their free cards and came to the forum of A Society.

"Nicole Nicole Ni~"

"I'm Nicole Spicy, why are you persecuting her so much!"

"I want to be picturesque, I want to be fairy!"

"Get out of here, my Emperor is true love!"

"Don't fight! It's all the old man's food!"

Every day, and only at this point in time, fans will temporarily take a truce, because no matter who the fans support during the day, at seven o'clock, they all know that this time belongs to μ's.

Fans do not deny this, and as more and more members join μ's, fans are gradually moved by the persistence of μ's members.

Fans watched μ's slowly grow from three to nine, and there is no need to say much about how many stories there are, fans are watching them.

If miracles have colors, they must be nine!

Fans are becoming more and more fond of the work "LoveLive" and the μ's group.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, fans left the forum one after another and went to the homepage of Company A to watch the latest episode of today.

However, because the luck of Minister Yazawa Nicole has simply exploded, μ's has no access to the school's auditorium and no venue to hold its own concert.

Fortunately, the concert was held on the rooftop of the school.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, and it is raining outside.

In this case, it is difficult to hold a concert on the terrace in the open air.

It's a question of whether there will even be spectators coming in the rain.

"The rain hasn't gotten lighter at all~"

"It's better to say it's bigger than just now~"

"So even if the audience comes..."

In the room, everyone was worried about the weather outside, and their expressions were also a little worried, and they all felt unconfident about this concert.

Hono looked at the expressions of Nicole, Mahime and the others, and was the first to stand up.

"Come on, this was the case when I first performed, and it was because I didn't give up at that time that I had the current μ's!"

Sui Naiguo looked at everyone and encouraged everyone.

Thinking about the first concert, Sui Naiguo believes even more that as long as he is willing to persevere, he will definitely have a harvest!

"So... Let's go, everyone!"

The gloomy sky kept raining, and on the roof of the building, many spectators were waiting in the rain with umbrellas.

On the makeshift stage, the nine members of μ's stood neatly on the stage, braving the rain, as if they didn't care.

"My Emperor has a cold~"

"Even so, I want to encourage others, this is Suinoka~"

"To be honest, the old man is a little worried about Sui Naiguo's physical condition!"

"Don't go wrong~"

"And Little Bird, after this concert, is Little Bird going to study abroad, and is μ's going to disband..."


"Don't disband μ's, this touched old man doesn't want to lose~!"

Fans looked at μ's standing under the rain and sent barrages one after another to express their concerns.

Because they can see clearly in front of the screen, this concert will definitely be a demarcation point for μ's, and if one is not handled well, μ's really may...

Fans don't dare to think about it anymore.

There is no doubt that they like μ's, they like the μ's of nine people, and if μ's is missing any of them, it is not μ's!

"Great, just in time?"

"Well, I'm about to start now~"

On the rooftop, many audience members held umbrellas and looked at the figures on the stage, their eyes full of excitement.

Honoka stood in the center of the line, rain constantly pouring down from her hair.

"It's okay, I can do it, I can do it! I've worked so hard so far, and I'll definitely be able to make my wish come true!"

Hoonoka cheered herself on, this concert contained the hard work of all of them, and she didn't want to cause flaws because of her body.

So, she must do her best!

With the end of Sui Naoguo's confession, the sound of an electric guitar came, and the nine people who were still standing quietly on the stage just now had already started dancing with the music.

Like a fairy walking in the rain, it is light, quiet, and can't help but indulge in it.




Hey, don't throw in the towel!

I am so unwilling, so far nameless~

Because it is nameless, it is unknown~

But only in this way can I have the enthusiasm to move forward~!

Enjoy it happily, but the nameless IDoYouKnow~

It's all about meeting here~


The neat dance bloomed in the rain, and the rain splashed on the stage, which not only did not affect the beauty of the concert, but gave people a more enjoyable visual effect.

Inexplicably, fans are a little emotional and a little relieved.

They watched Sui Naiguo and others work hard step by step to this day, from no one at the beginning to the current fame, it seems that they are making rapid progress, but behind this is the hard work and sweat of the nine girls.

"Come on!!"


"It's really inexplicably moved, I've been chasing it, and I really feel that μ's not easy~"

"Persistence is the most precious thing, presumably this is also the reason why the old man was moved~"

"Again, the old man is looking forward to μ's concert across dimensions!"

The music in the ears made many fans wet their eyes, and only when they accompanied μ's all the way did they know how amazing this group of girls on the stage was glamorous, singing beautiful songs and dancing beautifully.


Obstacles are (HI!HI!HI!) that can be broken (HI!HI!HI!) that can be beaten!

As long as you do your best~



Look forward to the future with our courage~

That's it, I'm ready to be enlightened~


Watching μ's singing and dancing in the rain, fans said that it was fake if they were not moved, otherwise there would not be so many fans who said that they were blinded by the wind and sand~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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