After the song, the fans were still immersed in the emotion brought by μ's, and suddenly, Hono passed out on the stage and fell to the ground covered with rain.

This change made fans nervous.

"I knew it was going to be like this!"

"Don't force yourself!"

"Suinaiguo's fall... It's really sad~"

"I already had a cold, and I held a live in the rain, and this result was expected~"


Honoka's coma made the live held by μ's have to stop halfway.

For this result, although the fans in front of the screen feel pity, but compared to live, everyone hopes that Suino Guo can get better soon.

The next day, Haiwei, Xiaoniao, Demon King Xi and others all came to visit Suinaiguo, and they were all slightly relieved to see Suinaiguo's condition improve.

Including the fans in front of the screen, I am afraid that Sui Naiguo will have three long and two short.

"I feel like I'll be able to go to school tomorrow~"

Suinaiguo still has a fever-reducing patch on his forehead, but even so, Suinaguo still remembers the matter of live.

This insistence silenced many fans in front of the screen.

Ask yourself, although the second dimension is different from reality, but put yourself in your shoes, since you were a child, did you really persist to this point for one thing?

Fans shook their heads silently, looking at Sui Naiguo, in addition to emotion and shame in their hearts.

Persistence is the most precious thing, but perseverance is the most touching.

Suinaiguo's insistence on Live has made fans more aware of the valuable qualities of girls.

"So, I'm thinking, it doesn't matter if it's a little shorter, can I hold a concert~"

Hono looked at the people in the room and told everyone about his plan.

"Isn't it still a while before Lovelive's appearance is decided, we still have time, don't we?"

Honoka's words made the atmosphere in the room a little silent.

Looking at Sui Naiguo's somewhat guilty smile, everyone was silent.

Everyone knows why Suinago said this, as a friend, and a member of the μ's, everyone knows very well what Suinago is thinking.

And Sui Naiguo is not the kind of person who is scheming and will hide his feelings~

At the concert in the rain that day, Sui Naiguo fainted, which caused the concert to be terminated, so Sui Naiguo felt that it was all his responsibility, and he wanted to make up for it, and he wanted to do something to make amends.

After all μ's no longer the trio they used to be, now they're nine.

μ's can get to where it is today, not only is she working hard by herself, everyone is working hard, and she doesn't want to let everyone's efforts go to waste because of her own reasons.

Therefore, Sui Naiguo wants to hold a concert as a compensation for himself and as a harvest of everyone's efforts.

But listening to Sui Naoguo's words, everyone in the room didn't know what to say.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, the expressions on your face are a little complicated, and finally Eri Ayase stood up, looked at Honoka and said.

"Honoka, we don't participate in lovelive anymore!"

Hearing Eri Ayase's words, Hono was stunned, and the expression on her face was a little confused.

"The chairman of the board of directors also said to us, saying that we were too reluctant and whether it was because of our idol activities. "

The expression on Eri Ayase's face makes it impossible to tell how she feels, but it must not be easy.

Anyone who has worked so hard to get to this point and has to stop their activities before lovelive will definitely feel uncomfortable.

"So, we discussed it and decided not to apply for lovelive, and the name of μ's on the leaderboard... I can't see it anymore~"

Sui Naiguo lowered his head, and the guilt on his face became more obvious.

"How can this be..."

Tian Yuanhaiwei, as Honoka's childhood sweetheart, saw Honoka's expression, and immediately after Eri Ayase's words, he comforted Honoka.

"It's all our fault, it's too reluctant to fruit you~"

"Mm~ No, it's me who gets carried away. "

Sui Naoka shook her head, she didn't feel that it was the others in μ's who were forcing herself, but felt that it was her own responsibility, and it was her negligence that led to the current result.

Everyone told Suinago about the matter, and then left.

At night, Sui Naiguo turned on the computer alone, looked at the μ's that had disappeared from the leaderboard, and was so painful that he hid his face and cried.

Looking at Sui Naiguo's appearance, fans are so distressed that they don't know what to say.

Sui Naiguo has always given them the impression that he is full of vitality and never drags his feet in doing things, but now, it is the first time that fans have seen Sui Naiguo cry so uncomfortably.

Presumably, Sui Naiguo's heart must be very depressed and painful~

On the other side, Nan Xiaoniao was also packing his luggage, and it seemed that he was already preparing for studying abroad.

Seeing this scene, the fans exploded instantly.

I was already sad because of Suinaguo's matter, and Nan Xiaoniao here is leaving again, which makes sensitive fans blow up!

"Let's go, brothers, copy guys!"

"Made, look at the old man's Italian cannon, and blow it up when you see the airport!"

"Guohuang wake up, don't cry, go and snatch your childhood sweetheart back!!"

"Come on, come on, all the people who bombed the airport have gathered~"


Fans watched this scene and said that they would stop Minami Bird from leaving at all costs.

Again, μ's is the μ's of nine people, and without any of them, it's no longer μ's!

So fans don't want Nan Xiaoniao to leave, and they will react so radically to Nan Xiaoniao's luggage.

μ's is irreplaceable, and for μ's, fans also like it to the bone, so when they saw Nan Xiaoniao packing their luggage, fans really gasped.

They were really afraid that Nan Xiaoniao would just leave.

At this moment, fans who have different views on the 2nd Anime Carnival concert have let go of the obsession in their hearts and are all praying and praying that Minami Kotori will stay.

Because everyone knows that once Nan Bird leaves, it means the end of μ's.

Fans have already gone through a graduation that is a few of them, and they don't want to go through a μ's disbandment anymore.

So, a thousand words converge into one sentence, and that is a barrage that scrolls all over the screen - the birds stay!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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