Fans were very anxious when they saw Nan Xiaoniao packing their luggage.

And the ranking of school idols,There is no doubt that Erraiko is still firmly in first place,And μ's has lost the qualification to participate in lovelive。

For this result, fans were still very concerned about this result before, but now, they don't have the time to pay attention to it.

Watching Nan Xiaoniao come to the airport, the mood of fans can be described as extremely anxious.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Come on, now you are the only one who can persuade Nan Xiaoniao to come back~!"

"Heavy rain, strong winds, delayed planes, no fuel, captain's stomachache, don't care what it is, please don't take off!"

"μ's nine people, each of you represents a color, don't go bird!"

"I'm someone Zhou, I'm going to steal the plane's battery today!"


Watching Nan Xiaoniao turn around and leave, fans were anxious.

There is no doubt that the demolition team that said it was going to blow up the airport has failed, but fans still firmly believe that Minami Xiaotori will not leave, although I don't know the reason, but I think so in my heart.

Many fans were uneasy, afraid that μ's would suddenly disband, and that μ's, who had touched them, would end hastily.

This is already the last episode of "LoveLive", and the departure of Minami Birdie and then the disbandment of μ's is not impossible.

But if they could, the fans didn't want to see that ending, they wanted to see another ending, and they wanted to see the nine people of μ's continue to be active on stage.

However, "Lovelive" is coming to an end, Nan Xiaoniao is about to leave, Hai Ye also gives Sui Naiguo a slap, Sui Naiguo himself also announced that he will quit μ's, and the president also hopes that everyone will suspend the activity.

All signs are pointing to the last thing fans want to see.

"Why?!Why is this happening?"

"What about relying on school idols to save Otonokiza Academy?What about participating in lovelive~ Why did you give up halfway, you are all liars!!"

"The old man has been moved and cried, but the old man has never been so unwilling, so don't disband!"

"Sui Naiguo, your current state is not worthy of the title of Fruit Emperor at all, cheer up!"

"μ's come on! Honno fruit come on! lovelive come on!"

Fans watched the plot development of the anime, and their hearts fell to the bottom little by little.

But despite this, many fans still firmly believe that μ's will not disband, and μ's, who has not yet completed their dreams, and μ's, who have worked hard for so long, will definitely not exit so bleakly!

So, Honoka, cheer up!

In the auditorium of Otonogizaka Academy, Honoka stood on the stage, looking at everything familiar in front of him.

There were no voices, no words, but fans knew why Honoka was here.

Sui Naiguo's newly established school idol group,At the beginning, there were only three people, such as her, Hai Ye and Nan Xiaoniao.,It can be said that this stage is the place where their three dreams begin.。

But now... It's a bit of a sense that things are wrong.

Nan Xiaoniao is going to study abroad, Hai Wei is angry, and the three childhood sweethearts seem to have a crack.

Honogo doesn't know what caused all this, and I don't know why it's like this, their dreams haven't been seen yet, and they haven't held the best live yet.


I'm so unwilling!


The door of the school hall was pushed open,Tian Yuan Haiwei walked in,Looking at Sui Naiguo who was standing on the stage and fell into silence,Softly called out to the other party、


"I'm sorry to call you all of a sudden..."

Hearing Tian Yuan Haiwei's voice, Sui Naiguo raised his head and looked at each other.

"Where's the bird?"

"I heard that I'm leaving for a foreign country today~"

"That's right..."

When Sui Naiguo heard this, he lowered his head again and revealed, the expression on his face was covered, no one could see clearly, and no one knew what Sui Naiguo was thinking.

"We held our first concert here.,When I sang with Haiwei and the birds, I was thinking.,I want to sing more songs.,I want to stick to the school idol!"

Sui Naiguo raised his head, I don't know if it was an illusion on the part of the fans, but they always felt that Sui Naoguo's beautiful big eyes seemed to be a lot brighter.

"Although I said that I would give up, my mood still hasn't changed!"

Sui Naiguo said this, was silent for a moment, stared at Tian Yuan Haiwei on the other side of the auditorium with serious eyes, and said extremely seriously.

"It's not for school, it's for lovelive or anything like that, it's because I love it!

After going through all kinds of things, Sui Naiguo finally saw his heart clearly.

In the past, she always thought that the reason why she became a school idol was all to avoid the abolition of Otono Kizaka Academy.

But now she understands that she's not for the school, nor for the ranking of lovelive, but she really likes it in her heart and likes the feeling of standing on the stage.

As she said, she said to give up, but the love in her heart has never given up.

"So... I'm sorry! From now on, I will definitely cause you a lot of trouble, indulge in it and can't care about other people's feelings, and can't extricate yourself from it, because..."

"Because I'm so clumsy!"

I still want to chase it! I know it's all my willfulness, but I... I'm serious!"

At this moment, fans looked at the screen standing in the center of the stage, and they couldn't help but wet their eyes, because the Suino fruit they were familiar with was back~!

"Woo woo woo ~ this is the old man's familiar Sui Nai fruit, this is our fruit emperor~!"

"I know, I know that Honogo won't let us down!"

As long as you don't give up, we'll always be fans of μ's!"

"Yes, whether it's two-dimensional or reality, as long as μ's not disbanded, we will support you until you are old!"

"You TM touched me! You managed to make the old man cry! So, you have to compensate the old man for the best live!"

"I don't believe that the old man cried alone in front of the screen, one live is not enough, it is better to have it every day!"

"I'm the emperor returning to the throne, and I won't quickly notify μ's gathering!"

Fans were really touched by Suinaiguo, and seeing Suinaguo finally dare to look directly into their hearts, fans were relieved and joyful.

PS Thanks: "Human Nature is Hungry", "The World Singer", "Moon Shadow", "Afternoon Sheep Light", "Destiny", "Sigh of the Sky", "North Wind and South Song", "m176... 027", thank you for the reward from "Destiny", thank you bigwigs!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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