From the beginning of μ's establishment, everyone has seen it clearly.

Although Hono Guo said that it was to prevent the Otono Kisaka School Park from being abolished.,But she herself didn't indulge in the happiness brought by the school idol.。

From that time,Everyone knows,Suino fruit really likes school idols.,Like singing and dancing.,Like μ's.。

If you don't like it, if you really like it to the bones, how can Sui Naiguo work hard and persevere to this day!

At this time, hearing Sui Naiguo finally confide in his heart, fans suddenly had an illusion.

The daughter I have worked so hard to take care of for so long has finally grown up, is sensible, and knows what my real goal and pursuit are.

"Sui Naiguo is back, my fruit emperor is back!"


"If miracles have a color, it must be the color of nine intertwined colors!"

"Come on μ's, we're looking forward to your best live!"

"Sui Naiguo, come on, go chase Nan Xiaoniao back!"

Fans couldn't help but cry with joy when they saw that Suino had finally become 'honest'.

It's a good feeling, and sure enough, Suino Fruit won't let them down!

"The bird is waiting for you, go pick her up!"

Tian Yuanhai has not reconciled with Sui Naiguo, and there is no trace of mustard between the two.

After solving the problem between the two, Tian Yuanhai did not remind Sui Naiguo to pick up Nan Xiaoniao.

Hearing this, the fans clenched their fists excitedly, they believed that as long as Sui Naiguo went, Nan Xiaoniao would definitely change his mind.

After all, the fans are not blind, and they can see that Nan Xiaotori does not want to leave.

"Alas~!, but the bird, she..."

Hearing Tian Yuan Haiwei's words, Sui Naiguo was shocked, in her opinion, Nan Xiaoniao was going to study abroad.

"Like me, Little Bird also hopes that you can pull her~!"

As if seeing what Sui Naiguo was worried about, Tian Yuanhai did not directly interrupt Sui Naiguo's words.

It's better to take action than to be tempted, if you want to stop Nan Xiaoniao from studying abroad, Na Sui Naiguo must go in person!

Nan Xiaoniao, who was favored by a famous designer, wanted to keep her, so she could only rely on Sui Naiguo and say some willful words.

In Hai Wei's opinion, the only one who can keep Nan Xiaoniao so willfully is Sui Naiguo.

On the other side, in the airport waiting hall, Nan Xiaoniao sat obediently on a chair and looked at his watch from time to time.

Finally, Nan Bird stood up, and it was time to board the plane.

However, just as Minami stood up and was about to walk inside, a hand suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Little bird!I'm sorry!I still want to be a school idol.,With you.,Even if one day this dream will be replaced by other dreams..."

"Don't go!"

Sui Naiguo hugged Nan Xiaoniao tightly, and as the one who was hugged, Nan Xiaoniao's eyes were already full of tears at the moment when Sui Naiguo called out to her.

"I'm just, I'm sorry, I... I know what I want..."

Seeing Nan Xiaoniao successfully being taken down by Suino Guo, the fans in front of the screen almost jumped up excitedly.

Even, the fans' performance was even more exciting than Nan Xiaotori and Suino Guo who were the parties involved.

"666, worthy of being my fruit emperor!"

"The Emperor Guo is out of the horse, isn't that still hand-to-hand?"

"Can you not play so exciting, a minute late, the bird may leave, the old man really can't stand such ups and downs~!"

"233 ~ Guohuang said that he won't play without residual blood, what he plays is the heartbeat, and what he plays is exciting!"

"Anyway, it's best for Nan Xiaoniao to stay, and I don't expect anything else~"

In the auditorium of Otonogizaka Academy, the other members of μ's were standing backstage on the stage where the three of Honooka held their first concert, looking eagerly in the direction of the auditorium door.

"I'm so nervous~"

"Anyway, we're still wearing school uniforms~"

"Isn't it nice to have a school idol?

"Will the spike and the bird be able to catch up?"

"It's going to come, absolutely!"

"That being said, it's almost our turn to play~"

"I can't disappoint the audience~"

Everyone has worries and expectations, but more of them want the nine of them to be together and hold a concert.

μ's belongs to the nine of them, and without any of them, μ's is incomplete, everyone knows that.

With a bang, the backstage door was pushed open, and Sui Naiguo rushed in directly, and then came a gorgeous flat fall.

Behind him, Nan Xiaoniao walked in and closed the door very obediently, and at this point, μ's all hands were there.

"Since everyone is here, let's ask the minister to say something~!"

Everyone looked at Nicole, waiting for Nicole's answer.

"Today, let's show everyone the best smile~!"

Nicole said this, stretched out her index and middle fingers, and the others saw this and did the same.

Nine people stand in a circle, their fingers joined together to form the shape of a lotus flower.

One, two, three, four, five......

The clear music sounded, soothing every cell of the fans in front of the screen.

The curtain slowly opened, and μ's nine appeared on the stage.

Although there were no flashy uniforms, and μ's members were only wearing student uniforms, fans felt that this was the one they were most looking forward to seeing.






Even if it is a new chirping bird, one day it will spread its wings and use strong wings~

You must not give up, that day will definitely come~

You can also feel it, the encouragement in your heart when you set off~


Fans watched μ's nine dance collectively on stage again, listening to the familiar music, and at this moment, fans felt what happiness is.

"All stand up!"

"Take away Fat Xi!"

"One thing to say, Zhenji's singing skills are really outstanding~!"

"There was no one in the time and space at the beginning, but now the seats are full~"

"Tears in my eyes, the number of spectators at the scene reflects μ's growth and efforts~!"

"The place where the dream began~"

"The old man didn't cry, but there was a sprinkler truck in front of him!"

Once upon a time, Sui Naiguo, Tian Yuan Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao, the first live was on this stage, and everyone knew at that time that this place would be full one day.

At this moment, μ's gathered here again, and everyone's original hunch has come true, they have witnessed the growth of μ's, and witnessed the μ's from the beginning of the unpopular to the current popularity.

Isn't that exactly what μ's hard work is rewarding?!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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