On stage, μ's indulged in singing, and the audience held glow sticks and shouted neatly, at this moment, μ's was the most eye-catching focus of the audience.

At the end of the song, the nine members of μ's looked at the cheering audience in the audience, and their excited expressions were written on their faces.



Keep the rate really to catch up~

Chase with courage~

Every little prayer builds tomorrow~

It will come true~If everyone expects the same~

Work harder than anyone else~

In short, be enthusiastic~

The goal is the beautiful way of the wind~


The soothing music sounded, and with this pleasant singing, the anime came to an end, and the familiar scenes were played again, and the members of the μ's such as Suino Guo, Haiwei, Nan Xiaotori, and Nicole appeared one by one.

Listening to this soothing song that can't help but relax the whole body, fans just feel that every cell in their body is jumping with excitement and dancing to the beat.

"Finish sprinkling flowers, thank you for your company~"

"Finish sprinkling flowers, thank you for your company~"


"Great love μ's, great love spike fruit!"

"μ's, we're looking forward to seeing you across dimensions!"


The first season of "LoveLive" is over, and fans look at the screen that has been blacked out, and the words 'replay' lie alone in the center of the screen.

There is nostalgia and reluctance, but more is expectation.

That's right, it's anticipation!

Fans don't know why, after watching "lovelive", there is a voice in their hearts constantly telling them that this anime carnival, this cross-dimensional concert, there is definitely μ's figure!

Although I don't know the specific reason or the specific result, fans think so in their hearts, and this premonition is still very strong.

With this thought, fans looked at their faces reflected in the black screen, and the slightly raised corners of their mouths made people stunned.

Unconsciously, they have already put on a smile, maybe this is the magic of μ's~

Fans believe that no one can replace this magic, and only μ's can make them laugh silently.

"Lovelive" is over, although the fans are very reluctant in their hearts, but there is not too much sadness, on the contrary, the heart is very calm.

It's like a clear lake, without any waves.

It's not that they don't feel it, it's that they feel it too deeply.

There is no doubt that everyone likes μ's and loves the work "lovelive", but it is because they like it that they are calm.

Because of the ending of the anime, μ's successfully stood on the stage again, and the fans didn't want much, and this ending was okay for them.

Seeing the end of "LoveLive", fans can proudly say that μ's has not disbanded, and μ's is still standing on the stage, dancing in the spotlight, bringing smiles and emotion to the audience.

That's enough~

Fans are happy with this ending, and at the same time feel how ridiculous and childish they used to be.

It's no wonder that when they were fighting over the protagonist of the second Anime Carnival concert, Founder and the officials of A Society never showed up.

Thinking about it now, it's not that Founder doesn't want to show up, but firmly believes that μ's will speak for itself.

He believes that as long as fans watch "lovelive", they will naturally know who the protagonist of the second anime carnival cross-dimensional concert is.

Many fans have this idea, and at the same time, they are ashamed of their previous high-tech voting.

Of course, fans have this kind of thought, which means that they have not been completely assimilated by Fangzheng and have not lost their simplicity~

Fans thought that Founder's not responding positively to their vote was because they thought μ's going to prove themselves.

But is that really the case?

It can only be said that these fans are too naïve, and with the end of "lovelive", everyone is in a very comfortable and peaceful mood, so they have imagined a lot of decency.

However, the reality is that all of this is directed and acted by Founder.

He knew that after the release of "Lovelive", fans would quarrel over the issue of cross-dimensional concerts, so he did not respond, but calmly became a melon-eating crowd, and the one who eats melons is called a fragrant.

Moreover, the matter of the cross-dimensional concert has been arranged by Fang Zheng a long time ago, and the protagonist is certainly the nine-color miracle of μ's, but the light combination that fans are looking forward to will not be absent.

In other words, there is no point in the fan-squabbling before, because whether you want to watch μ's or the band 'Afternoon Tea After School', it can be achieved while the anime carnival lasts.

Therefore, Founder's product is really the type that doesn't make a big deal to see the excitement, and even goes up to the arch fire if it can.

Eat melons~ Who doesn't like to eat melons, especially this kind of big melon that involves almost all the fans in the two-dimensional circle!

Isn't this much more exciting than those Weibo headlines that spend money on hot searches every day?

Moreover, the most hateful thing is that Fang Zheng never told fans from beginning to end that there is a second season of "lovelive"!

That's right, this work has a second season!

Thanks to the near-perfect ending of the first season of "LoveLive", fans also thought that the work was over.

After all, Suino Guo recovered Nan Xiaoniao, μ's not disbanded, and was still active on the stage, and this ending was very perfect in the eyes of fans.

So, this also led to fans not thinking in the direction of the second season of anime at all.

If Fang Zheng takes out the second season of works by then, I'm afraid this will be another depth charge.

Founder's little Jiujiu, fans don't know, and fans at this time gathered in the forum to talk to each other.

In the forum, a post was pinned to the top, and the heat was eye-catching.

'How much do you like μ's'

As soon as you open a post, you can tell the core of the post from the title.

"You like them so much?"


"They are not of the same dimension as you!"


"They can't see you!"


"They don't know you exist!"


"And do you still like them?"


The post is not long, but it is this simple question and answer, which directly pokes at the softest place in the hearts of fans.

They like μ's, and they will always like it, even if they don't know themselves, even if there is a dimensional wall, but this is not a reason for them to give up liking!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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