A post that has fans shouting for truth.

They like the two-dimensional and the characters in the two-dimensional, but everyone knows that no matter how much they like it, it is impossible for the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional to intersect after all.

Even if it is a black technology such as the virtual imaging system of A Society, fans also know that it is just the progress of science and technology, not the figure they have in mind, it really comes across dimensions.

But despite this, the fans still like it in their hearts, hopelessly like!

They frantically collect figures, fandom peripherals, posters, and collect bits and pieces of their favorite characters, spending time, money, manpower, and material resources, just to have as much contact with the second dimension as possible.

It doesn't matter if people outside the circle don't understand, as long as they like it, and people outside the circle say that they are stupid and have a lot of money, as long as they are happy.

This is what the two-dimensional circle looks like, although the two-dimensional development of this world is much better than that of the previous life, Founder also paid great attention to the development of the two-dimensional culture at the beginning.

Although people outside the circle no longer call fans dead houses and fat houses, it is not accompanied by disgusting and other comments when it comes to the two-dimensional circle.

However, many people still don't understand the problems surrounding the purchase of figurines.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, but please don't hurt, this is the best result of the two-dimensional development of this world~

"What the landlord said is so special that it makes people cry, isn't this the old man!"

"I know they don't know I exist, but I like it anyway!"

"Please give me a reason why I don't like them, if not, then what reason do I have to dislike them?"

"If the landlord doesn't set up an automatic reply, he will only say'um', then there is no doubt that the big guy is like it, and the one-sided like, the like without response is very painful~"

"So upstairs, are you going to give up?"

"Give up, even if I'm dead and nailed in a coffin, shout μ'sic, forever!" in a rotten voice!"

"The only consolation for me is that even if I'm old, they're still in their cardamom years, and that's enough~"

In the forum, at the bottom of the post, many fans left messages, simply asking and answering, expressing the most true feelings in the hearts of many fans.

As a two-dimensional fan, they are destined not to be able to interact with their favorite and supported idols like fans in other circles.

Because the person they like lives in another dimension, they are destined to get no response.

Maybe they like it, people who live in the second dimension, their life is equivalent to a few days of reality, maybe you can't see their life and life outside the screen...

But as fans say, even so, it doesn't stop them from liking two-dimensional and everything about two-dimensional.

"The landlord is talented~"

"It's a fart, the old man was in a happy mood after reading "lovelive", and he had no regrets, but a post made the old man want to cry!"

"emmm~ Are you sure you're not pretending to be deep?"

"That's right, everyone likes the second dimension, it's not that they look good, they pretend to be deep and have a hammer!"

"233~ Do you like them? You are a slanderer, you are cheap!"

"I'm so good, you're so poisonous upstairs!"

"Gentleman: Let me expose your lies, I won't go to hell who will go to hell~"

"Is this a gentleman's point of view?

"Although I really want to refute it, I don't know how to speak..."

"Don't struggle, you're a gentleman, admit it, you're gluttonous~"

How else to say that sand sculpture netizens are the source of joy, this is a good post that makes people feel tearful, quite affectionate questions and answers, but the message area is slowly crooked.

Sure enough, there is no building that can't be demolished by sand sculpture netizens, how can you stir up tears, they can also change it into a comedy scene for you!

Do you like people?


You are a glutton, you are cheap!

Inexplicably, many fans were stunned when they saw these messages.

When you think about it, it's like... Probably... Maybe there is a slight truth to it, am I really just a superficial person who cares about appearances, am I really a gentleman through and through?

Otherwise, how can we explain the current situation?

But soon, fans shook their heads, this is not called a gentleman, this is the norm for creatures like humans!

As the saying goes, good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand, but interesting souls need to be discovered slowly.

If you don't feel it at first glance, let alone take your time to discover that interesting soul.

Fans breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, this is human nature, not that they are cheap, and they are not gentlemen.

Many fans silently hypnotize themselves, comfort themselves, and try their best to get rid of their title of gentleman and restore their identity as fans.

"LoveLive" ended, and μ's brought touch, laughter, and beautiful singing and dancing to the fans.

Since the start of "lovelive", many fans have almost formed a habit that after watching the anime, everyone will open the Kucat Music network.

Find your μ's playlist, plug in your headphones, and listen quietly by yourself.

The song is still the same song, but it sounds different at different moments~

When watching the anime, everyone also enjoyed the songs and dances, but more of them cheered and encouraged the μ's and the excitement of the other party's concert.

But when you listen to the songs by yourself, gently close your eyes, the darkness in front of you, calm down, listen carefully to these songs, you will really have a different feeling.

Slowly, fans fell in love with this feeling, every time they watched the anime, they took a dip in the forum, watched the sand sculpture netizens' riotous operations, and then listened to the music quietly alone.

Relax your tired body and slowly fall into your dreams to welcome the next day.

So Kang Jiaming of Kucat Music Network smiled, laughed very happily, and saw that the number of members of his music platform was soaring, and the first thing he thought of was to call Fangzheng to express his gratitude.

At the same time, Kang Jiaming said that he would increase his investment in the second animation carnival created by A Society!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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