"It's so late, whose call is it~"

In the living room, Fang Zheng crossed Erlang's legs and threw the mobile phone in his hand aside.

Zhang Siyu came to Fang Zheng with a fruit bowl and placed the fruit plate on the coffee table in front of Fang Zheng.

"Cool Cat's Lao Kang said that he wanted to increase his investment in our animation carnival. "

Fang Zheng casually picked up a piece of peeled apple and put it in his mouth, and said with a smile when he heard Zhang Siyu's words.

"Kang Jiaming?"

Zhang Siyu sat next to Fang Zheng and thought about it for a while to know what was going on.

"Kucat has made a lot of money during this time, and it is not unusual to increase investment. "

With the popularity of "lovelive", Kang Jiaming's Kucat Music Network, as the only music platform that cooperates with A Society, can be said to have obtained the copyright of all the two-dimensional music on Founder's side.

Just rush to this, Kucat Music Network is already invincible.

In addition, Kang Jiaming's Cool Cat Music Network has specially opened a two-dimensional music area for fans in the two-dimensional circle, which can be said to be a lot of money.

Therefore, listening to Fang Zheng's statement that Kang Jiaming wants to make additional investment, Zhang Siyu is not surprised at all.

As long as Kang Jiaming is not stupid, he will definitely know who he is hugging today, and increasing investment is just to show his sincerity to Fang Zheng.

"By the way, the fans haven't been making a fuss these days, right?"

Fang Zheng ate a piece of dragon fruit, as if he thought of something, and turned his head to look at Zhang Siyu on the side.

"Lovelive" is over, and he has to prepare for the anime carnival without a new work, so it can be said that this period is the most uncomfortable time period for fans.

Fang Zheng is really worried about what these boring fans are doing.

Hearing this, Zhang Siyu glanced at Fang Zheng with a smile in his eyes, and his face was slightly teasing.

It's like saying, you also have times when you're scared~

However, when it comes to these fans of the second dimension, Zhang Siyu also has a headache.

These fans are different from fans in other circles, they don't play by the rules at all, and you never know what they're going to do next.

All this is thanks to the man next to him, who single-handedly trained this group of once simple and simple fans into what they are now.

"The attention of the fans has been drawn to the anime carnival, and they seem to be looking forward to this anime carnival. "

After Zhang Siyu finished speaking, Fang Zheng nodded.

Fans were looking forward to the anime carnival before, and even many fans ran to the official blog, complaining that it was too difficult to grab tickets last time, and this time I hope that A can come to more concerts and put more tickets.

You know, at that time, the second edition of the Anime Carnival was still in the planning stage.

Later, with the release of "LoveLive", fans' attention was quickly drawn to μ's.

It's just that in recent days, with the end of "LoveLive", fans' eyes have once again been set on the upcoming anime carnival.

The issue of grabbing tickets was once again put on the bright side by fans.

"It's normal to look forward to it, but it's a ghost if you don't look forward to it!"

Fang Zheng smiled and shook his head, for the cross-dimensional concert, Fang Zheng has absolute confidence.

Whether it's a light sound group with only a few people, or a μ's school idol group, I believe fans are looking forward to it and can accept it.

From the first light music concert, Founder had to add a few extra concerts, which can be seen how much fans are looking forward to their favorite idols coming to them across dimensions.

"By the way, how's the contact with the record studio?"

"Peace of mind, everything is ready and waiting for the Anime Carnival to begin. "

Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu glanced at each other, both of them smiled slightly, and everything was silent.

Early in the morning, Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu came to the company, and the first thing they did was to announce the official opening date of the second Animation Carnival.

On January 6th, the Anime Carnival will officially begin on this day and last for seven days, and during these seven days, fans can come to the magic capital Zhu Yuan to play to their heart's content, and various amusement places are open 24 hours a day.

However, Founder did not mention the concert issue that fans were most concerned about, but only told fans that the concert tickets would be pre-sold a week in advance.

"Nima, Pipi Shrimp definitely did it on purpose!"

"After talking for a long time, I didn't say a word about the concert, I really have your Pipi shrimp!"

"I'm afraid you haven't forgotten the light music concert, and there are bigwig fans who send you blades in front of 300,000 people!"

"233~I'm afraid it's the shadow of Pipi shrimp~"

"Juhua bursts all over the mountain warning!"

"Poofhaha~ Do you think Pipi Shrimp will show up at the concert this time? I don't think Pi Pi Shrimp will be killed!"

"What are Pipi Shrimp doing, once in women's clothing, listening to the whole audience singing chrysanthemum flowers full of mountains?"

Because these things were sent out in the name of the official blog of Company A, that is, Liu Mingming was in charge, not Fangzheng.

Therefore, when Liu Mingming saw the messages of these fans, she remembered the original scene, and she couldn't laugh anymore.

How to say it, Liu Mingming found for the first time that these fans who always call their official blogs marketing accounts also have such a naughty side.

This is almost the kind that turns out the black history of the square nakedly, without any disguise.

On the official blog's side, some new employees watched their boss laugh like this, and after some inquiry, they found out what was going on.

Soon, the office on the official blog's side was filled with the laughter of Yingying Yanyan, so unhappy.

For these, Fang Zheng didn't know that his black history was revealed, but he didn't know at all.

In front of so many people, he received a pack of blades, and the first time the women's clothing was sung by the fans, the chrysanthemum was full of mountains, and Fang Zheng had already consciously forgotten these things.

If he could, he wouldn't want to think about these things for the rest of his life.

"Xianting, show me the account information that won the title of 'Unswerving to Death'. "

Fang Zheng called Chen Xianting and asked him to help him count the information, which he could use later.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Grow Up", thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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