Founder's dynamics made fans completely boil, not because the legend of 'Unswerving to the Death' is true, but because fans know that the second Anime Carnival is not far away.

Now that Founder has posted news, it means that the day they are looking forward to is not far away.

Sure enough, on the last day of December, the official blog of Company A posted on Weibo that the second Anime Carnival will start on January 6 and last for seven days.

At the same time, today, A also opened tickets for the 2nd Anime Carnival Cross-Dimensional Concert.

As soon as the ticket purchase channel was opened, fans went completely crazy, grinding their shoulders one by one and preparing to sharpen their knives and fight towards the ticket grabbing gate.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, I will give you an early birthday in advance, for the sake of the younger brother who is so humble, can you be a little more tolerant when grabbing tickets?"

"233 ~ Bigwigs have mercy, give us some opportunities for new fans, please !!"

"The old man is still cute~ Ma Dan, the last time I grabbed the ticket was a group of brutes!"

"Hehe, this time I deliberately upgraded the broadband at home, and this time I definitely want to grab the ticket!"

"I specially chartered a row of machines in the Internet café and waited to grab tickets!"

"Don't be so cruel, everyone is harmonious, they are all fans of the two-dimensional circle, everyone looks up and doesn't look down, there's no need to be so nervous~"

"Yes, yes, everyone should be harmonious and friendly, don't be in a hurry!"

"Hehe, I believe you ghosts! That's what you said at the beginning, but as a result, the last time I grabbed the tickets, it was less than five seconds, and the tickets were sold out!"

"It's not me who said, you big guys are very bad, you know how to deceive us!"

A society forum, many fans gathered here, waiting for eight o'clock in the morning, the opening of the ticket purchase channel.

In the forum, some fans spoke about friendship and harmony, and everyone scoffed.

Cross-dimensional concert tickets, who doesn't want it, who doesn't want to go to the scene to feel it, who doesn't want to see their favorite idols up close~

So friendship and harmony, that's not impossible, it's just that this time is not appropriate!

Whether you can get a ticket or not, everyone depends on their ability!

"Brothers, Fang Da has a new work, everyone hurry up and go to see it!"


"I'm Gan, why didn't I hear the news~"

"Really your sister, really, he wants to divert your attention so that he can grab the ticket himself!"

"??? routine is too deep!"

"There is still half an hour, the old man will go first!"

"I'm gone, too!"

The fans in the forum walked away in an uproar, and they couldn't see that there were still many fans ridiculing the scene just now.

As soon as eight o'clock arrived, the ticket channel for the second Anime Carnival cross-dimensional concert was officially opened, and with the first experience and lessons, Zhang Siyu personally came here to stare at it.

"How's the server?"

Zhang Siyu's face was a little solemn, she still remembered the last ticket grabbing war, it was just the first time to grab a ticket, and the server they had carefully prepared before was almost collapsed by the huge data flow.

Therefore, this time, Zhang Siyu was prepared in advance.

But preparing for preparation, Zhang Siyu is still a little worried that the server will not be able to bear it, after all, although she has made a lot of preparations, the fans of the two-dimensional circle are not what they used to be.

The number of fans is no longer the same, so this time the battle for tickets is bound to be more intense!

"Mr. Zhang, there is no problem with the server, it is still within the security range!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Siyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded to the assistant beside him.

"Start dropping the first batch of tickets!"

The first batch of tickets for the interdimensional concert totaled 50,000 tickets, including the main venue of the μ's Academy group and the smaller venue of the light music group.

Zhang Siyu's words fell, and the technicians moved quickly and directly started voting.

On the other side, fans anxiously waited for the ticket grabs to start, and their fingers frantically clicked the mouse, for fear that they would miss the concert because of their momentary pause.

But soon, the fans were a little dumbfounded.

Looking at the concert ticket window that was divided into several pieces, fans were a little confused, so much so that many people didn't know what to do.

But soon, the fans reacted, no matter what he meant, he ordered one casually first, and grabbed the ticket and said!

50,000 tickets were divided among fans in less than ten seconds, and many fans who didn't grab tickets saw the big '0' and wanted to cry without tears.

If it weren't for the second batch of tickets to be snapped up later, it is estimated that someone would have already begun to hammer the computer to vent their anger!

Don't bring such a bully, it was still 50,000 tickets just now, how did it become 0 in a blink of an eye.

"Brothers, who knows what these windows mean?"

"You guys have encountered it too, I have encountered it too, I thought it was some kind of BUG~"

"The concert is the only one who stays, long live the light sound!!"

"Ha~ Upstairs, your eyes are spent, this concert is obviously μ's!"

"What do you say again, why did the ticket I grabbed and give the hint from Katyusha?"

"It's different??"

"What the hell does this mean~!!"

In the fan base, Huantiandi, who grabbed the ticket, originally wanted to show off, but it didn't matter if it was showing off, and the fans who grabbed the ticket were dumbfounded.

The special tickets are actually different!

What's going on?

"Brutes, you all! 50,000 tickets are gone in a few seconds, how many years have you been single to practice hand speed!"

"A bunch of devils!"

"The big guys who grabbed the tickets, don't grab the tickets the second time, give us some chances to not grab the tickets, please!"

"I'm afraid this won't work, the tickets we grabbed were given different tips, so... I'm going to grab it!"

"Yes, yes, for the sake of insurance, I still have to grab it!"

"You guys...!"

Looking at these people's speeches, many fans wanted to cry without tears.

Listen, listen to this is human talk?!

Good guys are not satisfied with one ticket, and want to grab a second one, I beg you to be a person!

At half past eight, the second ticket release began, still 50,000 tickets, and this time it took even more short, in just seven seconds, 50,000 tickets were snatched up.

At the same time, fans also know that the tickets for this concert are separate, and the tickets are different depending on the protagonist of the concert.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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