The fans' frenzied rush for tickets lasted for three days, and the millions of concert tickets, except for the tickets reserved for the "unswerving" fans withheld by Founder, were all divided up.

Moreover, fans have also figured out what is going on with the different things about the concert on the tickets.

First of all, concert tickets are universal, which means that you can enjoy all concerts with one concert ticket, but in a different order.

However, a concert ticket can only be heard once per concert and cannot be reused.

After getting the news, fans were excited and couldn't help themselves.

thought that one ticket could only listen to one concert, and everyone was still struggling with the different problems of the concert, but Fang Zheng told them that one concert ticket was enough.

Obviously, there is more than one cross-dimensional concert at the second Anime Carnival, which makes fans even more excited.

"Fang Dada, we love you!"

"Conscience, what a conscience, Pi Phi Shrimp, you finally did a human thing~"

"Woo woo woo ~ the old man finally grabbed the ticket~!!"

"There were people who muttered that the price of this ticket was a bit expensive, but now I just want to say that it smells so good!"

"One ticket to share all concerts, it's worth the money if it's a little more expensive~"

"Who dislikes expensive tickets, the old man buys them at double price!"

"Double, I'm afraid you're not dreaming, the price of a ticket has been speculated to four or five times~"


The major fan groups and fans are discussing the matter of this cross-dimensional concert, and the fans who grabbed the tickets are naturally happy, and the fans who did not grab the tickets are all kinds of envy and jealousy.

There were also people who complained about the ticket price of this concert, presumably the light sound concert has risen a lot, but now that I understand what is going on, this sound has disappeared without a trace.

After all, anyone who is not a fool understands the value of this concert ticket.

Thanks to this, the price of tickets has been speculated, and as the second edition of the Anime Carnival approaches, it is almost a rhythm of doubling every day.

Although Fang Zheng has done his best to curb this kind of reselling tickets, everyone has banned this kind of scalping behavior for so many years and has not completely dealt with it, let alone himself.

Therefore, for this kind of ticket reselling, as long as it is not too excessive, Founder and A will turn a blind eye.

With the clean, there is no fish, no industry is completely clean, and the reason why this kind of scalping behavior is repeatedly banned is also because there is demand.

If there is demand and market, this gray industry will inevitably be born.

This point has been understood very thoroughly as early as Founder's previous life in the society for several years.

However, although Fang Zheng turned a blind eye, it did not mean that he would indulge this behavior, from the very beginning, when grabbing tickets, Fang Zheng strictly limited the number of ticket grabbing.

To avoid malicious grabbing of tickets and then reselling, on the contrary, those fans who really want to watch the concert can't grab tickets.

Moreover, Founder also believes that those fans who grab tickets are unlikely to transfer their tickets to others, after all, the price of a ticket is completely within the affordability of fans.

If you really like the second dimension, it is absolutely impossible for fans to sell the tickets in their hands because of the difference in the price of the reselling tickets.

"Tickets for the first day of the old man's carnival, so the old man plans to go to the magic capital tomorrow!"

"No, there are already seven people in the group upstairs, and everyone is planning to camp and barbecue, can you come?"

"My Gan, are you all tickets for the first day?!"

"Envy you, I'm the ticket for the third day~"

"Envy a hammer, the anime carnival is not only a concert, but also a lot of other activities, no one stipulates that you can only go on the third day with a ticket on the third day~"

"Yes,, I'll book a ticket to the magic capital!"

"Brother, I'm afraid the train ticket for January 1st is gone, if you plan to go, I advise you to look at the bus ticket or plane ticket is more suitable. "

"Nima, this is also going to grab a ticket?!!"

"A bunch of brutes!"

As fans say, the second edition of the Anime Carnival is not only a concert, but also a lot of other programs.

So many fans plan to go to the magic capital to play happily for a few days, and the supporting facilities for food and accommodation there are already very perfect, so you don't have to worry about any problems at all.

If you like to stay in a hotel, you can stay in a hotel, and if you like to experience the breath of nature, go camping.

Isn't it happy to have so many activities and play with different tricks every day?

"Lao Chen, how are we going?"

"How do you go?, we're in the magic capital.,It's too late to go on the opening day of the anime carnival~"

In the men's dormitory of Modu University, Qi Yu and Chen Qian were lying on the bunk beds, Qi Yu was on the top, sticking out his head, and looked at Chen Gan who was lying on the bed and brushing the ship's mobile game.

"No, are you really stupid or fake?"

When Qi Yu heard Chen Qian's words, he rolled his eyes and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

"You see, the comments in the special fan group, everyone is preparing to come over on the first day, what do you think of the traffic situation that day?"

Qi Yu suddenly got goosebumps all over his body when he thought of the crowded scene, it was simply a nightmarish existence.

Although there are a lot of people in the anime carnival, it is not the same thing as traffic jams.

It's like going to an Internet café to surf the Internet, the Internet café is full and you are queuing up inside, and you are stuck in traffic on the way to the Internet café, can that feel the same?

Although there are many people in the anime carnival, at least everyone can have fun and experience the hot atmosphere, but the traffic jam is really urgent.

"Also, aren't you going camping, why don't you go over and grab a better camp sooner?"

Chen Qian put down his mobile phone and listened to Qi Yu's words, feeling that there was some truth~

They are in the magic capital, and they have a natural geographical advantage compared to most fans, so they can go over in advance to take some opportunities~

"So let's go over tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is the best, ride your little electric donkey, just go for a ride~"

Chen Gan's little electric donkey is not an ordinary small electric donkey, it is a painful car version of the little electric donkey that has been carefully designed and modified by Chen Qian, and it will definitely pull the wind when riding out.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Long Fan", "Mu Gao Fang", and "Roots, Weaving", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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