Chen Qian is usually reluctant to ride this product, and the little electric donkey is almost treated as a wife by this product, and he wipes it every day, for fear of getting some dust.

Qi Yu reminded him many times that the little electric donkey often doesn't ride and is not good for the battery, but Chen Qian just doesn't listen.

No matter what others say, oil and salt don't enter.

In this regard, Qi Yu was also helpless, if it wasn't for the conditions, he was sure that Chen Qian would be able to sleep with his little electric donkey in his arms!

"And how do you get there?"

Chen Qian heard Qi Yu's words, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Modu University is far from Zhu Yuan, and it is not far away, but it is not close, and it should be possible to ride a small electric donkey, and it is a big deal to be charging when you get there.

"You agreed?!"

Now it was Qi Yu's turn to be incredulous, he thought that Chen Qian would definitely not agree to ride over, but he didn't expect this thing to agree.

"I heard that this anime carnival has fans who have held an offline car club, and I plan to go and see it. "

Rider Club?

When Qi Yu heard this, his forehead was covered with black lines.

Do you have any misunderstanding about car friends, people are talking about cars, what are you doing with a little electric donkey?

People are four wheels, you are two wheels, figure out the situation~

However, Qi Yu did not discourage Chen Gan's enthusiasm, after all, the personality of the two-dimensional fans is also quite strange, and I wonder what people say about the car club is two wheels~

"I'm going to ride a bike, how do you get there?"

Chen Qian looked at Qi Yu, who was lying on the top bunk and stretched out his head, and asked softly.

"You can take me over, it's not that you can't carry people!"

Qi Yu rolled his eyes, he wondered if Chen Qian was pretending to be stupid.

Isn't it normal to ride a small electric donkey to carry people, and you don't have a back seat~

"No! Absolutely not!"


Qi Yu saw that Chen Qian actually sat up directly from the bed, his head shook like a rattle, and he suddenly felt a heart-piercing feeling in his heart.

The two of you are dead friends, what's wrong with you riding me for a ride?

"No, no, my wife can only be ridden by me, you can't ride!"


When Qi Yu heard this, he didn't directly spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Qi Yu, who was messy, looked at Chen Qian in disbelief, the expression on his face was a little stupid, as if he had seen an alien.

"No, brother, wake up, that's a little electric donkey, not your wife, it's a means of transportation~!!"

Qi Yu felt that he was a little crazy, and he was even a little hysterical when he spoke to Chen Gan.

God, save me~

"Then if you say so, you give me your out-of-print Estes figure to play with for two days, and I'll drive you there~"

When Qi Yu heard this, he immediately shook his head.

He himself is usually reluctant to play with that figure, let alone lend it out.

Moreover, when he thought of his 'wife' being played with by other men, touching here and there, Qi Yu suddenly felt green.

This is absolutely unbearable, don't even think about it!

So, there was silence in the dormitory.

Qi Yu and Chen Qian glanced at each other, and the two of them collapsed back on the bed silently, no one planning to convince anyone.

"Then I'll go by car. "

After a long time, Qi Yu sighed, he knew that it was impossible to rub the car, put himself in his shoes, what Chen Qian said before seemed to make sense.

"Then let's go to Zhu Yuan, gather at the Tianyi statue in front of the office building of Society A, and then let's book camping sites, tents, grills and other tools. "

Chen Qian thought about it and told Qi Yu about his plan.

went to Zhu Yuan, camping is a must, every time I think of the camping picture of Sesame Rin and others, many fans will have a foolish smile on their faces.

Moreover, Zhu Yuan's "Swaying Camping"-themed camping site has become famous, and many camping enthusiasts will come here to experience it.

Of course, girls are indispensable among them~

"You're not going to camp for seven days, are you?"

"How is it possible, let's discuss it when the time comes, book a hotel, I heard that the newly built theme hotel over there is also very good, and then we will go and experience it." "

In the dormitory, Chen Qian discussed with Qi Yu for a long time, and the sky outside gradually darkened.

Not only did Chen Qian and Qi Yu not sleep with excitement, but the various official departments of the Demon Capital also felt like they were facing a great enemy.

When I think of the huge flow of passengers from all over the country, many people are slow and sweaty.

The first thing to bear the brunt of is the transportation department, although there is a steady stream of painful cars provided by Company A to improve the public transportation service from Modu to Zhuyuan, but in the face of the unknown flow of people, the staff of the transportation department still feel trembling.

The second is the uniform uncle who is responsible for public security, and people must be sent to patrol major stations and major traffic intersections.

Especially in the Zhuyuan area, where it is even more important.

It is no exaggeration to say that once it reaches the No. 1, on the day of the opening of the second Animation Carnival, the Zhuyuan area will definitely usher in a passenger flow of no less than one million people.

At that time, Zhu Yuan's population density is afraid to skyrocket, and once there is any accident, it is likely to cause catastrophic problems that everyone does not want to see.

So during the seven-day anime carnival, the uniform uncles are probably going to spend it in fear.

To be honest, now the official department of the magic capital has a shadow on Company A, especially when I hear that Company A is going to hold a program like an anime carnival or carnival, I really want to cry without tears.

But there is no way, they are not afraid, after all, the two festivals created by Founder, the Animation Carnival and the Animation Carnival, have become the iconic festivals of the two-dimensional circle.

Excluding this, in just seven days of the anime carnival, the financial income it brought to the magic capital is definitely astronomical, and at this point, they must escort the anime carnival.

What's more, this is still an order personally issued by the top leader of the Demon City.

In the following days, the residents of the magic capital found that the atmosphere in the magic capital seemed to become tense and enthusiastic, and there were always uniformed uncles patrolling back and forth on the streets, and their sense of security was greatly improved.

Billboards in the streets and alleys are promoting the upcoming Anime Carnival, posters are everywhere, and even the LCD screens in some shopping malls are playing promotional videos related to the Anime Carnival.

Some shrewd merchants also took the opportunity to start activities, wanting to take advantage of the east wind of the anime carnival.

Overnight, the international modern city of Magic City seemed to have been transformed, full of a strong two-dimensional atmosphere.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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