Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was the number one that fans were looking forward to, which was the day of the opening of the anime carnival.

Since yesterday, the passenger flow of the major stations in the magic capital, whether it is the bus station, the railway station, or the airport, has increased sharply, and the transportation pressure has increased several times.

Walking through the streets of the Demon Capital, you will find that you have entered the kingdom of the second dimension.

Major stores and supermarkets are stocked with two-dimensional dolls, and there are many cosers on the street handing out leaflets.

The painful cars are endless, and the various patterns are dizzying.

Even many painful car modification ideas attract onlookers from passers-by, bringing great pride and satisfaction to the car owner.

"The Zhuyuan area of the magic city is about to depart, please fasten your seat belts~"

"The Zhuyuan area of the magic city is about to depart, please fasten your seat belts~"


Shen Mengyao, as the outdoor anchor who was invited to participate in the Animation Carnival last time, was still invited to participate in the second Animation Carnival this time.

Although the highlight of the carnival, that is, the cross-dimensional concert, could not be broadcast live, Shen Mengyao still accepted it.

Because the anime carnival is not just a cross-dimensional concert~


When the car started, Shen Mengyao sat in the seat, turned on her live broadcast equipment, and took a picture of the car.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yaoyao, guess where I am now?"

"That's right, it's the magic capital, I was invited by Fang Dada to broadcast the anime carnival live to everyone again!"

"Although the interdimensional concert can't be broadcast live, there must be an official live broadcast, you can go to the A platform to watch, and I will show you the activities other than the concert. "

"For example, everyone's favorite coser ~ hehe!"

Shen Mengyao smiled at the camera, not to mention, such a smile is quite a bit of a rotten girl.

After saying hello to the fans in the live broadcast room and giving a general introduction to the situation, Shen Mengyao began to chat with the sailors in her live broadcast room.

After all, she is now in the car, and she wants to broadcast something live to fans, but there is no content~

"Guess the car I'm in right now is a pain car from an anime?"

"It's everyone's favorite μ's~"

Saying that, Shen Mengyao pointed the camera at the car, and as the camera moved, the sailors in the live broadcast room saw the situation in the car clearly.

The small TV above the center of the car corridor was playing μ's concert from "LoveLive", and the roof of the car was directly covered by the posters of all the μ's members.

Attentive sailors also found that after each bus arrived at the station, even the broadcast voice was replaced with the voice of the μ's members.

This discovery made the sailors in the live broadcast room all kinds of envy and all kinds of acid.

After all, the sailors who watched Shen Mengyao's live broadcast are definitely fans of the two-dimensional circle, if they can, who doesn't want to come to the magic capital to experience it in person.

But the reality is so helpless, they can't come to the magic capital in person for various reasons, and they can only get over it through the live broadcast.

"Ghost, this is the pain car~"

"μ's!μ's!μ'sic, forever!"

"Guohuang, I took it away, you are free!"

"The bird is mine!"

"The sound of the bus leaving the station just now, isn't it really Ji's!"

"Upstairs, be confident, it's the voice of Mahime~"

Shen Mengyao looked at the barrage of fans on her live broadcast equipment and breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there are viewers.

Although there are not many viewers in her live broadcast room now, this is just the beginning after all, it is only seven o'clock in the morning, take your time, she believes that there will be more and more people!

As she spoke, Shen Mengyao suddenly found that there was a small box embedded in the back of the seat in front of her, and out of curiosity, Shen Mengyao opened the small box and saw a pair of headphones lying quietly inside.

This discovery made Shen Mengyao's eyes light up, and she gently pulled out the headphones and put them on her ears, and instantly heard the song she was familiar with.

That's right, the headphones are really playing μ's songs, exactly like the ones playing on the small TV in the car.

This design can be described as very comfortable, there are inevitably passengers in the car will talk, a little noisy, if you don't like this environment, you can wear headphones, a quiet listening to music.

"Water friends, I'm sure that this car must be sponsored by Fang Da, this design is simply not too intimate~!"

After listening quietly for a while, Shen Mengyao reluctantly took off the headphones and put them back in the box.

She is an anchor, and she is an anchor who was invited by A to come to the live broadcast, although she likes μ's songs very much, and the sound quality of the headphones is also very good.

But live streaming is her number one priority.

"Fang Da will always be dripping gods!"

"This is definitely a car sponsored by Pippi Shrimp, this design, the general transportation department does not have!"

"I don't know when we will popularize this kind of bus here, I look so envious~!"

"That's right, if this kind of public house is popularized, who would drive to work~!"

"Don't dream, Company A is in the magic capital, that's why it sponsored the magic capital bus, you want this painful car version of the public, unless your transportation department there is willing to bleed!"

"It's heart-piercing, don't you want to be so real~"


Shen Mengyao looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and was a little shocked.

This design can be said to be insignificant, but it invisibly makes people remember Company A and invisibly improves the reputation of Company A.

Even, Shen Mengyao still feels that this kind of bus is not as difficult to popularize as fans say, on the contrary, she feels that Company A may vigorously promote this kind of public popularization plan.

After all, in addition to the intimacy of this design, the biggest use is to promote A company, promote animation works, and promote two-dimensional culture.

Isn't this exactly what Company A has been working towards?

Just imagine, if this kind of bus is really popularized in the country, then how many people still don't know about the second dimension?

Thinking about it this way, Shen Mengyao suddenly admired the creativity of Company A, which is definitely the most subtle marketing method.

Of course, it will not be so easy to popularize this plan, after all, this kind of bus knows that it is worth a lot of money on your toes.

If it really wants to be popularized, I am afraid that it will take a long time, and I am afraid that it will not be possible to spread bankruptcy to the whole country by relying only on a single company.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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